Sunday, May 01, 2005

Awakening the Quantum Eye: The Halcyon Fragments (Pt 2)

Continued from page 39…

This formula is used by virtually all of the ancient Mystery Schools. Manly P. Hall explains:

“Far-sighted were the initiates of antiquity. They realized that nations come and go, that empires rise and fall, and that the golden ages of art, science, and idealism are succeeded by the dark ages of superstition. With the needs of posterity foremost in mind, the sages of old went to inconceivable extremes to make certain that their knowledge should be preserved. They engraved it upon the face of mountains and concealed it within the measurements of colossal images, each of which was a geometric marvel. Their knowledge of chemistry and mathematics they hid within mythologies, which the ignorant would perpetuate, or in the spans and arches of their temples which time has not entirely obliterated. They wrote in characters that neither the vandalism of men nor the ruthlessness of the elements could completely efface…Today men gaze with awe and reverence upon the strange terraced pyramids of Palanque. Mute testimonies these are of the lost arts and sciences of antiquity; and concealed this wisdom must remain until this race has learned to read the universal language—Symbolism.” ~The Secret Teachings of All Ages, 1928, 2003 [Pp. 37-38]

Hence this equation of which we are a part is self-actualized, and we interpret it through our cerebral synthesis as the algebraic/symbolic language of the shapes, forms, and velocities of the Totality…as the transcendent Being of Existence. Within this intrinsic formulation, the emanation of Being takes the form of a search through self-created boundaries that present as both wonder and confoundment…of Universal Spans expanding and interpenetrating as an adventurous exploration of the Question/Answer. Thus Existence at the foundational level is without size, time, shape or form. It is not even a “point”, but it does contain the self-dualizing quality of both Question and Answer that emanates as a self-dualizing expression….as an “Ought” in search of “One-ness”. Self-dualization makes “Ought” opposed to itself, though undivided from itself and therefore self-interactive as “Th-Ought”…as the Dynamic.

Theocracy of Zero expressing through the Totality of its own convolutions as One.

Thus from a Void without “external” constraint emerges its thought self-binding, self-expressing, as the “Totality” that we are born into…that “thinks” living forms into its existence. The seeking of equilibrium within a Totality is an attempt by the Totality to achieve a balance within itself—to answer its own question. This self-involvement is expressed as distortions of the Totality seeking to achieve a simple symmetry. Thus dynamism flows throughout a Totality as its attempt to seek equilibrium within itself. This dynamism is its thought of itself that is translated in an infinity of ways within the Totality. The Totality is in effect a mind, within which dynamic thought forms perceptual boundaries of itself that interact through its own mathematical logic, that living forms constructed of it interpret as interactive Space, Time, Dimensionality, Velocity, and Consciousness. Through the seeking of equilibrium, a Totality is driven by its “thought” of itself, (its Transcendence), to construct and reconstruct itself in every way possible to achieve a perfect balance of its self-created forces. When a sufficient plurality of the distortions of a Totality achieve a common equilibrium as a concordance of thought, which is in effect an “agreement” between them, the balance of the Totality becomes radically stressed. The stress finds the weakest point of the undivided internally convoluted circumference of the Totality and drives this point into dynamic “motion” (thinking). The circumference at this juncture, rather than breaking and separating, instead further convolutes and becomes a sphere of expression—a Universal Span dissipating its stress, expanding back into the Totality, as another internalization, another statement of Question and Answer of the circumference. This reintroduction of dissipating stress upsets the prior agreement of the balance of the Totality, creating a furtherance of exploration to achieve equilibrium and this drives the expansion of the new Universal Span to continue the search. In this way a new Universal Span is created within the Multiverse, as a fresh mind, a fresh perspective, seeking equilibrium within the greater realm…seeking a further answer to the question of existence. As a Universal Span continues to comprehend/ex-press of itself, as its thoughts develop into a hierarchy of rationale—H¹…H²…Li³…as expressed even within the Periodic Table of Elements learned in elementary school—it reveals itself to itself, in the only way that it can…as sentient contemplation of its own diversifying infrastructure through the creation of self-observational constructs (such as we). Those extensions undivided from this singular mind…are “life forms”—such as we—of sensory and intellectual order that look back upon this woven duality as their Cosmic Environment.

So what is a Universe?

Sometimes when I ponder the etymology of the word uni-verse I like to entertain the idea that it somehow originated from the ancient Babylonian custom of calling their texts after their opening words. For example, their Creation epic they called the Enuma Elish which loosely translates as “When in the heights…”, and their Epic of Gilgamesh was with them Sha naqba imurū that is to say, “[He] Who saw everything…” Had the Western astronomers who coined the term “universe” adopted this custom it would no doubt have been influence by the Bible rather than Babylon. Interestingly, the Bible delineates three verses before, on the third verse; it proclaims God’s first dynamic words… “Let there be light.” (Genesis 1:3). (I could and I will go on about the significance of this in later chapters.) In order to confirm this theory of mine I went so far as to look up uni and verse in the dictionary for more clues.

When I looked up universe alone this is what I found:

“All matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.”

This standard definition, while practical, did not lend much credibility to my little theory. On to the prefix uni:

“A prefix signifying one, once.”

This is close yet still no cigar…yet when I looked up the word verse my theory seemed to grow wings of its own:

1. tr.v. To familiarize by study or experience: He versed himself in philosophy.

2. n. A single metrical line in a poetic composition; one line of poetry.
a. A division of a metrical composition, such as a stanza of a poem or hymn.
b. A poem.
c. One of the numbered subdivisions of a chapter in the Bible.

So to recapitulate my little theory—it seems plausible if not entirely probable that the early astronomers who coined the term universe were inspired by one verse of Biblical poetry when they grappled for a term to define “All matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.” I find this idea fascinating although it would not be surprising if it were true.

So, although we know what a universe is we still do not know exactly what a universe is. So I approach the question in the same deconstructive manner as employed in my own etymology of universe.

If unravel its Matter—we find Energy

If we unravel its Energy—we find Space-Time

If we unravel Space-Time—we find Consciousness

A Consciousness that is nevertheless in dualistic comprehension of itself which I have referred to so far as Primary Consciousness, though it has many other names. If we unravel this duality—we find two currents of “Free Will” generated from the Outbounded realm of the Multiverse, two currents of free willing inertia having met to form a unity, an organized state—the Singularity of a “Universal Span” from which we each extend. Our “Universe” is but a perspective from within an internalizing Span of the Multiverse, a substructural mind of the greater Totality bound by its own thought of itself. It is limited by its knowledge of itself. It is self-learning and self-experiencing.

The same could be said of humans. Our limits are therefore bounded only by the limitations of Primary Consciousness’ will to know and experience its own existence. Given the awesome and dynamic capacity of all that we see around us it should be deduced that our own development is only impeded by our own lack of knowledge of self and our undivided relationship with the Totality.

It’s logic, abstract intelligence, together with its action upon itself is what we interpret as the mind and hand of God, but of course, as we have discovered, this is a reflection, an extension of the greater Totality…and what we commonly call “God” therefore, is indeed more than this. The limitation of a Universal Span is its own self-generated spherical boundary—its outer rim constrained by its own comprehension of itself and by the tension of the internalized convoluted circumference of the greater Totality from which it has emerged.

Within this boundary is a Tensor field of Inertial forces, (Space-Time in self-interaction), that act upon each other to form the rationale, the self-creative thoughts of the ongoing experiential self-encounter of a singular mind generated dualistically and undivided from a greater realm. Since we each are generated from within this mind—since we our constituted of the same quality as this mind itself, we see its thoughts as our reality—and we who are extensions of this mind look back upon and uniquely through it, also undivided from the greater Totality, as an “environment” within which we each exist.

A Universal Span, therefore, is an Inbounded Consciousness generated from the greater realm of Outbounded Consciousness—formed of and developing within the Outbounded realm of the Multiverse, created of the merged attractive and repulsive forces of two currents of Inertia—two currents of “free will” interacting in unity as a singular entity. It is Free Will acting upon Free Will to form a limited system of controlled Will…therefore subject to its own Tension of Wholeness upon itself, (as well as guided by the tension of the Higher Theocracy—the Oversoul of the Multiverse), which creates a multiplicity of diverse patterns—stars, quasars, planets, oceans, forests, life…within and of itself. From this greater Consciousness we are undivided.

The Multiverse, (Multi-World), interpretation—Ahh…but what is… “Free Will?”, she asks.

Some would call it spontaneity, the ability to act without cause, and in the case of so-called “non-living forms and forces”, the occurrence of effects without apparent cause. If you read the interesting article below we can get an idea of our changing perspectives of “spontaneity” as a function in between cause and effect. This perspective in general was known as “spontaneous generation”. Our earlier ideas of spontaneity, as Levine and Evers will soon illustrate, were an extremely flawed and inaccurate interpretation of the cause and effect relationships that bring about observable phenomena. In a sense, our modern concept of spontaneity stems from its flawed predecessor, however there is a slight difference, we do not even attempt to prescribe the causes of the observed actions, whereas, in the past we fathomed the most absurd formulas to explain the unexplainable. Let’s take a look:

Article: The Slow Death of Spontaneous Generation (1668-1859)
By Russell Levine and Chris Evers
From the time of the ancient Romans, through the Middle Ages, and until the late nineteenth century, it was generally accepted that some life forms arose spontaneously from non-living matter. Such “spontaneous generation” appeared to occur primarily in decaying matter. For example, a seventeenth century recipe for the spontaneous production of mice required placing sweaty underwear and husks of wheat in an open-mouthed jar, then waiting for about 21 days, during which time it was alleged that the sweat from the underwear would penetrate the husks of wheat, changing them into mice. Although such a concept may seem laughable today, it is consistent with the other widely held cultural and religious beliefs of the time.
The first serious attack on the idea of spontaneous generation was made in 1668 by Francesco Redi, an Italian physician and poet. At that time, it was widely held that maggots arose spontaneously in rotting meat. Redi believed that maggots developed from eggs laid by flies. To test his hypothesis, he set out meat in a variety of flasks, some open to the air, some sealed completely, and others covered with gauze. As he had expected, maggots appeared only in the open flasks in which the flies could reach the meat and lay their eggs.
This was one of the first examples of an experiment in the modern sense, in which controls are used. In spite of his well-executed experiment, the belief in spontaneous generation remained strong, and even Redi continued to believe it occurred under some circumstances. The invention of the microscope only served to enhance this belief. Microscopy revealed a whole new world of organisms that appeared to arise spontaneously. It was quickly learned that to create “animalcules,” as the organisms were called, you needed only to place hay in water and wait a few days before examining your new creations under the microscope.
The debate over spontaneous generation continued for centuries. In 1745, John Needham, an English clergyman, proposed what he considered the definitive experiment. Everyone knew that boiling killed microorganisms, so he proposed to test whether or not microorganisms appeared spontaneously after boiling. He boiled chicken broth, put it into a flask, sealed it, and waited - sure enough, microorganisms grew. Needham claimed victory for spontaneous generation.
An Italian priest, Lazzaro Spallanzani, was not convinced, and he suggested that perhaps the microorganisms had entered the broth from the air after the broth was boiled, but before it was sealed. To test his theory, he modified Needham’s experiment - he placed the chicken broth in a flask, sealed the flask, drew off the air to create a vacuum, and then boiled the broth. No microorganisms grew. Proponents of spontaneous generation argued that Spallanzani had only proven that spontaneous generation could not occur without air.
The theory of spontaneous generation was finally laid to rest in 1859 by the young French chemist, Louis Pasteur. The French Academy of Sciences sponsored a contest for the best experiment either proving or disproving spontaneous generation. Pasteur’s winning experiment was a variation of the methods of Needham and Spallanzani. He boiled meat broth in a flask, heated the neck of the flask in a flame until it became pliable, and bent it into the shape of an S. Air could enter the flask, but airborne microorganisms could not - they would settle by gravity in the neck. As Pasteur had expected, no microorganisms grew. When Pasteur tilted the flask so that the broth reached the lowest point in the neck, where any airborne particles would have settled, the broth rapidly became cloudy with life. Pasteur had both refuted the theory of spontaneous generation and convincingly demonstrated that microorganisms are everywhere - even in the air.

It is important to take note at the period of time in which this debate raged on. Furthermore, what we have learned from Levine and Evers is that spontaneity has cause, but since the cause seems random, because we cannot seem to pin down from which direction or from which source such cause generates, we interpret its effects as “free” or spontaneous.

The secret to this is that spontaneity is not driven from any one source, but rather many sources must work together to bring about a “spontaneous” effect…a thought effect…generated from a mind, (which of course is ultimately the basis from which the many extended sources are generated—the cause always being within the “spontaneous” effect). Simply put, what a mind does is to generate “local” thoughts from “non-local” parts of itself—and then this local thought interacts with the non-local forces that sustain it, creating new local thoughts that it is non-local to. (Of course and once again, all the “parts” of the mind are undivided extensions of the mind itself—“twists” or “comprehensions” of its Totality…thus in the final analysis, the mind in its totality is “local” to itself).

An analogy of this condition would be the creation of a “fifth” voice in a Barbershop Quartet. If it is a Quartet there are only four singers, but if the harmony is just right, a fifth voice appears seemingly from out of nowhere, above the other four…and spontaneously alters the entire harmonious effect. The notion of “locality” in this case is that the singers appear to be standing next to each other, though separate from each other, but each of them are actually the generated harmonies of other forces, ultimately undivided. Working together they create a new harmonic, (the fifth voice—local to itself, generated by the other four. This voice is the product, the new personality, intimately constructed of the quartet), within a diversified, but Unified Field. Each harmonic, each object within the field is “local” to itself, but generated from other “non-local” harmonics that are local to the Unified Field. (So in essence, several potentialities of the infrastructure harmoniously force a twist—a new “harmonic”—of its internalized inertial circumference. The “spin” of a subatomic particle in concordance with others is “Inertial Harmony”—Vibratory Thought).

The Throne in Heaven

In the book of Revelation there is a peculiar description of “four living creatures”, which no doubt are symbolically descriptive of astronomical phenomena…what is relevant here is the mention of their perpetual chanting in unison of:

“Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,
who was, and is, and is to come.” [Revelation 4:6-8]

“Day and night they never stop saying” this phrase in unison. Furthermore, their perpetual chanting spontaneously triggers the chanting of the “twenty four elders” who surround the “throne”:

“Whenever the living creatures [chant the “Holy, holy, etc…”]…the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever…” [See Revelation 4]

The twenty-four elders in turn chant their own beatitude. Like in our analogy of the Barbershop Quartet, the four living creatures sing in harmony creating in effect a fifth voice.

In the case of all spontaneity, if even one source is not in concordance with the others, such an act of spontaneous “free will” cannot transpire because the threshold of conjoined effects that would trigger a spontaneous occurrence would not have been achieved. Of course in the final analysis, all “sources” are generated from a single source in self-encounter—echoing to itself, in infinity of ways. In the ultimate view, we will find that all of existence is spontaneously generated and that “controlled situations” may only exist with the greater realm of spontaneity, and that absolutes and perfection’s cannot exist within this greater realm because the greater realm itself is transcendent and therefore, always changing. (Notice the similarity between spontaneity and instantaneity; they are similar because spontaneity is merely a diversification of the instantaneous quantum level of existence…another impish face of the fluxion in self-encounter). If we take a circle and infinitely twist its circumference, the totality of the circle is still there, but difficult to interpret from any one or combination of those convolutions. Each of the convolutions are imperfect and incomplete, as they are the dynamic continuities of a greater reality, but when considered together—extended from each other—they actually comprise the Wholeness of a Unified Totality. Each convolution must further compound upon itself and interact with others to form new realities within the Wholeness, but each reality is supported, as well as it is limited in its existence, by the presence of other realities that coexist undividedly within this Unified but differentiated Field of the Multiverse.

And what constitutes the essence of “thought” within this Unified Mind?

Inertia. Inertia itself is the “substance” of it all.

The force of will throughout all of existence is not other than this. Matter does not move on its own except that Inertia keeps it doing what it does, or prevents it from continuing to do what it was doing. Inertia is the Will of matter. In the end, we will discover that Inertia (which in fact is what Transcendence actually is), is what matter is ultimately composed of. Consider continuity and undividedness as the function to remain in existence.

This is the Will…(the Tension of Wholeness), of the Cosmos upon itself. And finally consider the ultimate reason of why Inertia is continually willful. The interpolar tension upon a Totality, generated by the Totality itself in order to maintain its own wholeness, drives it to compound upon and within itself, a logical series of diversified substructures to form an infrastructure of realities, (existences in continuity), that are undivided from each other and from the Totality. Because the Tension of Wholeness is ever present and ever-transcendent, the inertial forces within the Totality are ever willful, ever continuous.

This is the Be-ing of the Multiverse, The God of Nothingness, The God of Existence

Randomness, Curiosity, and Creativity are of the same ilk as Spontaneity. If there are an infinity of “source echoes”—convolutions of the Totality—available to work together, (and some of those echoes find impromptu harmony)…creating further variable effects, then a random series of spontaneous instances of “free will” within the Totality must take place continually…as within a mind at work. Now at first glance this may appear to be a controlled situation, especially where life is concerned…that there really is no freedom of choice, because any “free willed” act is driven by the effects of the unlimited impulse sources which taken together may be conceived as the “destiny” within and of the substructure/superstructure of Existence.

But one can also see that this “plan”, this “mind”, is of a differential nature. In some instances pulses may be purposely brought to harmony by a sentient cooperative act, but in other cases harmony is also incidentally created out of the adventitious encounter of Inertial forces, (the chance encounters of diversely created thoughts to form impromptu dualities [spontaneous partnerships]. Taken together, purposely constructed harmony in conjunction with impromptu harmony makes for a surprising, interesting, and—free willed situation. The beauty of multi-sourced effects is that they form the foundation from which a truly spontaneous act may occur—(that is how new ideas come about—then again some would argue that there is nothing “new” under the sun). The foundational structure of a spontaneous act is created by such differential “destiny”, but from this point on, the structure develops a life of its own within the Totality by working in concordance with the forces that created it…undivided from those forces.

Albert Einstein, in a discussion with Max Born about the uncertainty of positions and forces of subatomic particles within Quantum Mechanics, said to Born, “God does not play dice”. (Einstein felt that Quantum Theory was incomplete because of its random effects), to which Born answered… “How do you know what God does?”, (as Quantum Theory within its intrinsic uncertainty as a statistical science, indicated that this is probably exactly what “God” does). “Playing dice” is essential to the equation of continuity, as continuity is driven by the differential Transcendence! How else could Free Will exist…and continue? There is an old adage about the greatest plans of mice and men often going astray, which demonstrates the principle of “Free Will” perfectly. One plans a “perfect” wedding down to the tiniest detail and while planning and finding even tinier details to plan for, they simultaneously and unwittingly set the stage for a statistical collapse, (a Quantum uncertainty—and usually—a certainty—under Murphy’s law), as “God” now steps in and sends a giant gnat flying up Grandmother’s nose causing her to sneeze loudly, which startles Uncle Robert causing him to involuntarily elbow the punch bowl onto Cousin Bobby who falls back onto the buffet table, driving it, Uncle Robert, Grandmother, and others into the pool. A not so delightful situation but yet stranger “coincidences” have occurred. What I am illustrating here is that free will is uncertainty, and uncertainty is the transcendence of imbalance seeking equilibrium within a Totality. It is the “spoiler” that “tilts the balance,” that keeps the Universe going…that keeps the Universe alive. It appears that within our classical perception, that our “perfect logic” must often be toppled by God’s sense of “Quantum humor”, as it is written… “Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20).

When we speak of the Tension of Wholeness in terms of “God” the feelings and emotions caused by the implied connotation of this term alone can generate multi-sourced effects within one’s own consciousness. Yet within any given interpretation of the word “God” there is a paradox that is commonly overlooked, understated, or both. Take away everything that isn’t “God” and you are left with the “God of Negation”—ruling from outside the realm of Space, Time, Matter, and Energy… “the God of Nothingness”—“the God of Transcendence”, and then because the effects of “God” are everywhere, and might in fact be everything, this becomes the “God of Existence”—the cause of God being within the effect of existence, Nothingness perceived is Everything expressed. “God” through Classical perception manifests as a quasi-entity, somehow existing outside of the Universe, but nevertheless ironically willful through all situations and conditions within. Thus we conceive an incomprehensible God that rules from outside of the realm of Classical Physics…that might also be…the Totality of the Universe within which the Classical Physics are generated! Hence, humor is an expression of the fallacy of Classical Logic riddled with Quantum Uncertainty. Without the Differential Logic of the “God” of Existence, nothing would function. As a matter of fact there would be nothing to function, as patterns of Existence are born of uncertainty, (are spontaneously, transcendentally created through the reciprocal and therefore differential self-encounter with an undivided Wholeness through and of itself).

In the case of the creation of a life form, once sentience is established, the forces that maintain its being are perceived by the life form as its environment. Once an environment is perceived, sentience can act upon it. This is really the mind of the “environment” acting upon itself, of sentience focused through the interface of a life form, of Consciousness having thus become localized, acting upon its own greater extensity. And the reverse is true as well…as localized sentience acts upon its environment, the environment reciprocally acts upon localized sentience, as this is the same mind acting upon itself through the senses and brain of an Animate Interface. (Each of our minds and the mind of the Absolute are ultimately the same mind, but because we are polarized extensions of it, perceiving through a neurological interface, we each view the mind of he Absolute in a unique and ordered way, as an “environment” within which we exist).

But yet, we perceive that there must be some kind of separation between each object, each pattern of existence (especially good and evil), for how can each thing exist within such a system of constraint without immediately being affected by and immediately affecting all other objects within that system…and how can each object be different? The answer lies in the Differential Geometry of the Multiverse…as each Universal Span interpenetrates all others, creating rifts, interruptions and in-directions, (what we perceive as localities and non-localities…as unique realities and entities of existence), within this unified, but convoluted pattern of Inertial forces…within this mind of reflective experience. What this means is that every local pattern of existence is supported non-locally by every other pattern of Existence. Every pattern of existence is thereby affected by every other pattern—continuously and simultaneously, but the effects do not always bring about what we perceive as change, even though change is ever becoming. Much of the effect of change to our perception is to maintain the existence of patterns as they are…as ever becoming.

The “Versing” of Primary Consciousness
[“Physical Motion” as the neurological perception of the Translative Flow of Differential Logic by an Undivided Medium through itself]

To this point we have interpreted “motion” within this chapter at both the neurological “physical” level and at the instantaneous Quantum level, and we see that what it is that we perceive as motion is actually a function of differential translative flow of information by an undivided medium, a Wholeness of which we are each a part, through itself.

What information?

The scope and details range from the infinitesimal to the infinite! Inertial self-encounters forming Singularities expanding into the Cosmos generating differential Electromagnetic Radiations and translations of reciprocal accelerative/repulsive patters of existence—as atoms, nebulae, stars, quasars, fusion to higher elements, now planets and finally Life to perceive it all in a unique and analytical way…it grew eyes!

And still nothing moved, but thought illuminated…and “Space-Time” saw itself….It is the self-ordering tension of Inertial Logic by the Wholeness of Existence in self-encounter that creates this living flow of translation in continual self-experience and therefore continual change. It is a Mind ( the Logos), a Totality thinking within itself, undergoing differential perpetuity without “physical motion.” Nothing actually moves except the flow of thought, the Spirit of the Cosmos coursing through itself, illuminating “Space-Time” within its own vision into every possible pattern and perception! As a Wholeness translates/ “flows” through itself, due to its own self-encounter, perpetually diversify into an infinite variety of undivided patterns and realities that constitute an ever-changing infrastructure.

[House of Mirrors Analogy]
“Motion” then, as a function of duality, a Reciprocal Flow of Translation, truly is, as the Indians call it, Maya—an illusion—of “physicality,” as nothing actually moves, although polarities simultaneously change through a differential “Flow of Logic,” the “Versing” of Inertia. What actually “flows” is the Cosmic Word…a perpetually diversifying Universal Constant, a translation of the unifying Tension of Wholeness into self-experiential information…and because this flow of translation is through an undivided medium—through that self-contained Mind of Primary Consciousness, that Wholeness of Inertia/Existence—it is necessarily differentially expressed within that medium as it simultaneously/reciprocally encounters and changes itself…its effect to our neurological perception…an ever-changing panorama of “World”. In this scenario, differentially changing velocities of the reciprocal flow of information/translation continually modify the Wholeness throughout its entire infrastructure. Since changes in translative flow are self-encountering and therefore reciprocal, any translation must express differentially as accelerative and decelerative aspects of existence. We interpret the accelerative/decelerative changes of translative flow as reciprocal velocities of “motion” or as reciprocal polarities of standing waves of inertia that constitute objects of mass. It is within this concept of Differential Celerity that we may finally conceive and understand the “Directionless and Diversifying Flow of Inertia—Space-Time” through and of itself…expressing within our neurological view as “Motion through Space and Time” generating Electromagnetic Radiations, Mass and the Spirit of Life…Trans-emanation.

The Hanged Man’s Dream

The inverse relationship between Gravity, Universal Expansion, and Space—Time (The simultaneous acceleration/deceleration of Directionless flow)

Before we move on into the a discussion on the inverse relationship between gravity, universal expansion, and space-time, I would like to introduce Carl Sagan…there are many things that I will say concerning Carl Sagan’s legacy but for now it will suffice to read the following brief tribute to him by the Planetary Society, of which he was the founder and first president:

“Carl Sagan played a leading role in the American space program since its inception. He was a consultant and adviser to NASA beginning in the 1950s, briefed the Apollo astronauts before their flights to the Moon, and was an experimenter on the Mariner, Viking, Voyager, and Galileo expeditions to the planets. He helped solve the mysteries of the high temperature of Venus (a massive greenhouse effect), the seasonal changes on Mars (windblown dust) and the reddish haze of Titan (complex organic molecules).
For his work, Dr. Sagan received the NASA Medals for Exceptional Scientific Achievement and for Distinguished Public Service twice, as well as the NASA Apollo Achievement Award.
Asteroid 2709 Sagan is named after him. He was also given the John F. Kennedy Astronautics Award of the American Astronautical Society, the Explorers Club 75th Anniversary Award, the Konstantin Tsiolokovsky Medal of the Soviet Cosmonautics Federation, and the Masursky Award of the American Astronomical Society:
“...for his extraordinary contributions to the development of planetary science... As a scientist trained in both astronomy and biology, Dr. Sagan made seminal contributions to the study of planetary atmospheres, planetary surfaces, the history of the Earth, and exobiology. Many of the most productive planetary scientists working today are his present and former students and associates." He is also the 1994 recipient of the Public Welfare Medal, the highest award of the National Academy of Sciences for “distinguished contributions in the application of science to the public welfare.”
This award reads as follows:
“Carl Sagan has been enormously successful in communicating the wonder and importance of science. His ability to capture the imagination of millions and to explain difficult concepts in understandable terms is a magnificent achievement.”
Dr. Sagan served as Chairman of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, as President of the Planetology Section of the American Geophysical Union, and as Chairman of the Astronomy Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
For 12 years, he was Editor in Chief of Icarus, the leading professional journal devoted to planetary research. He was the co-founder and first President of The Planetary Society and a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
A Pulitzer Prize winner, Dr. Sagan was the author of many bestsellers, including Cosmos, which became the best-selling science book ever published in the English language. The accompanying Emmy and Peabody award-winning television series has been seen by 500 million people in 60 countries. He received 20 honorary degrees from American colleges and universities for his contributions to science, literature, education, and the preservation of the environment.
At the time of his death on December 20, 1996, he served as the David Duncan Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences and Director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University. Dr. Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark was released by Random House in March 1996. A collection of writings called Billions and Billions was published posthumously. He was co-producer and co-writer of the acclaimed Warner Brothers movie Contact, based on his novel.”

Sagan’s contributions to our understanding of the Cosmos have received the highest forms of recognition and prestige available in our Western society. It is for this reason that I am somewhat skeptical of the validity of his works published to the public. In his book Cosmos, notably “the best-selling science book ever published in the English language,” Sagan gives us a brief synopsis of how our universe began:

“Ten or Twenty Billion years ago, something happened—the Big Bang, the event that began our universe. Why it happened is the greatest mystery we know. That it happened is reasonably clear. All the matter and energy now in the universe was concentrated at extremely high density—a kind of cosmic egg, reminiscent of the creation myths of many cultures—perhaps into a mathematical point with no dimensions at all. It was not that all the matter and energy were squeezed into a minor corner of the present universe; rather, the entire universe, matter and energy and the space they fill, occupied a very small volume. There was not much room for events to happen in. In that titanic cosmic explosion, the universe began which has never ceased. It is misleading to describe the expansion of the universe as a sort of distending bubble viewed from the outside. By definition, nothing we can ever know about was outside. It is better to think of it from the inside, perhaps with grid lines—imagined to adhere to the moving fabric of space—expanding uniformly in all directions. As space stretched, the matter and energy in the universe expanded with it and rapidly cooled. The radiation of the cosmic fireball, which, then as now, filled the universe, moved through the spectrum—from gamma rays to X-rays to ultraviolet light; through the rainbow colors of the visible spectrum; into the infrared and radio regions. The remnants of that fireball, the cosmic background radiation, emanating from all parts of the sky can be detected by radio-telescopes today. In the early universe, space was brilliantly illuminated. As time passed, the fabric of space continued to expand, the radiation cooled and, in ordinary visible light, for the first time space became dark, as it is today.”

“The early Universe was filled with radiation and a plenum of matter, originally hydrogen and helium, formed from elementary particles in the dense primeval fireball. There was very little to see, if there had been anyone around to do the seeing. Then little pockets of gas, small nonconformities, began to grow. Tendrils of vast gossamer gas clouds formed, colonies of great lumbering, slowly spinning things, steadily brightening, each a kind of beast eventually to contain a hundred billion shining points. The largest recognizable structures in the universe had formed. We see them today. We ourselves inhabit some lost corner of one. We call them galaxies.”

“About a billion years after the Big Bang, the distribution of matter in the universe had become a little lumpy, perhaps because the Big Bang itself had not been perfectly uniform. Matter was more densely compacted in these lumps than elsewhere. Their gravity drew to them substantial quantities of nearby gas, growing clouds of hydrogen and helium that were destined to become clusters of galaxies. A very small initial nonconformity suffices to produce substantial condensations of matter later on. As the gravitational collapse continued, the primordial galaxies spun increasingly faster, because of the conservation of angular momentum. Some flattened, squashing themselves along the axis of rotation where gravity is not balanced by centrifugal force. These became the first spiral galaxies, great rotating pinwheels of matter in open space. Other protogalaxies with weaker gravity or less initial rotation flattened very little and became the first elliptical galaxies. There are similar galaxies, as if stamped from the same mold, all over the Cosmos because these simple laws of nature—gravity and the conservation of angular momentum—are the same all over the universe…” (Pp.246-247)

Excerpts taken verbatim from Cosmos, 1980
~ Carl Sagan

What is Cosmic Background Radiation?
According to an article published by NASA:

“The cosmic microwave background is the afterglow radiation left over from the hot Big Bang. Its temperature is extremely uniform all over the sky. However, tiny temperature variations or fluctuations (at the part per million level) can offer great insight into the origin, evolution, and content of the universe…”

“…when cosmologists first looked at the microwave sky, thirty years ago, they noticed it was nearly uniform. As observations improved, they detected the dipole anisotropy. Finally, in 1992, the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite made the first detection analogous to seeing "mountains on the surface of the Earth": it detected cosmological fluctuations in the microwave background temperature. Several members of the WMAP science team help lead the COBE program and build the spacecraft. COBE's detection was confirmed by the Far InfraRed Survey (FIRS) balloon-borne experiment.”

“The actual temperature of the cosmic microwave background is 2.725 Kelvin. The middle image is the same map displayed in a scale such that blue corresponds to 2.721 Kelvin and red is 2.729 Kelvin. The "yin-yang" pattern is the dipole anisotropy that results from the motion of the Sun relative to the rest frame of the cosmic microwave background. The bottom figure shows the microwave sky after the dipole anisotropy has been subtracted from the map. This removal eliminates most of the fluctuations in the map: the ones that remain are thirty times smaller. On this map, the hot regions, shown in red, are 0.0002 Kelvin hotter than the cold regions, shown in blue.
There are two main sources for the fluctuations seen in the last figure:
• Emission from the Milky Way dominates the equator of the map but is quite small away from the equator.
• Fluctuating emission from the edge of the visible universe dominates the regions away from the equator.
• There is also residual noise in the maps from the instruments themselves, but this noise is quite small compared to the signals in these maps.
These cosmic microwave temperature fluctuations are believed to trace fluctuations in the density of matter in the early universe, as they were imprinted shortly after the Big Bang. This being the case, they reveal a great deal about the early universe and the origin of galaxies and large scale structure in the universe….”

This article can be read in its entirety at:

According to modern day Astrophysics, the “Universe” has emerged out of non-space and non-time as a point of Singularity, creating Space-Time, Energy, and Mass within its own boundary as it expanded. This is an important concept, for without Space or Time there can be no mechanical motion…and without motion, how can there be a continuance—how could a Universal Span “expand” into a Multiverse? It would appear then that Time, Space, Energy, Matter, and Motion emerge from a translation, a transition from “Nothingness” to Existence. This thought did not originate with the astrophysicists. In theology the Latin term “Creatio ex nihlo”, literally “creation out of nothing” was a term embraced within the Judeo-Christian tradition, which sought to explain the notion of absolute creation. Creatio ex nihilo (‘creation out of nothing’) was a prescribed dogma of the faith. It signified that “God” did not create starting from something, but starting with what is not, from “Nothingness.” “Creation” then, is the work of the will of God, and therefore is not co-eternal with God (it has a beginning and will have an end). Indeed the subject of “creation” out of nothing has been the subject of much heated debate. We will not be getting into that discussion in great detail because both sides are in my opinion are merely two separate ends of the same worm. However, for the sake of knowledge I have reproduced the following article which demonstrates the two sides well:

**************** BEGIN ARTICLE ******************

- IMPACT No. 135 September 1984
by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.*

© Copyright 2004 Institute for Creation Research. All Rights Reserved.
Evolutionists have frequently criticized creationism as unscientific because of its basic commitment to the doctrine of creation ex nihilo —that is, "creation out of nothing." The idea that God simply called the universe into existence by His own power, without using any pre-existing materials, is rejected out of hand by evolutionists, since this would involve supernatural action, which is unscientific by definition (that is, by their definition).
Yet now we hear evolutionary cosmogonists maintaining that the universe evolved itself out of nothing! Creationists at least postulate an adequate Cause to produce the universe—that is, an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, transcendent, self-existing, personal, Creator God. For those who believe in God, creation ex nihilo is plausible and reasonable. But even if people refuse to acknowledge a real Creator, they should realize that a universe evolving out of nothing would contradict the law of cause-and-effect, the principle of conservation of mass/energy, the law of increasing entropy, and the very nature of reason itself. How can they say such things?
Yet, listen, for example, to Edward P. Tryon, Professor of Physics at the City University of New York, one of the first to propound this idea:
"In 1973, I proposed that our Universe had been created spontaneously from nothing (ex nihilo), as a result of established principles of physics. This proposal variously struck people as preposterous, enchanting, or both."1
Naturally it would! But a decade later it has become semi-official "scientific" doctrine, and cosmogonists are taking it quite seriously.
For many years, the accepted evolutionary cosmogony has been the so-called big-bang theory. However, there have always been many difficulties with this concept, one of which is to explain how the primeval explosion could be the cause of the complexity and organization of the vast cosmos, and another of which is to explain how a uniform explosion could generate a heterogeneous universe. Creationists have been stressing these problems for years, but now evolutionists themselves are beginning to recognize them.
"There is no mechanism known as yet that would allow the Universe to begin in an arbitrary state and then evolve to its present highly ordered state."2
"The cosmological question arises from cosmologists' habit of assuming that the universe is homogeneous. Homogeneity is known to be violated on the small scale by such things as galaxies and ordinary clusters, but cosmologists held out for a large-scale over-all homogeneity. Now if a supercluster can extend halfway around the sky, there doesn't seem too much room left to look for homogeneity."3 There are many other difficulties with the big bang model,4 but evolutionary cosmologists have had nothing better to offer, especially since the abandonment of the rival steady-state theory several years ago.
Sir Fred Hoyle, outstanding astronomer and cosmologist, who finally gave up the steady-state theory which he had originated and long promoted, has also shown that the big bang theory should be abandoned, for still other reasons.
"As a result of all this, the main efforts of investigators have been in papering over holes in the big bang theory, to build up an idea that has become ever more complex and cumbersome .... I have little hesitation in saying that a sickly pall now hangs over the big bang theory. When a pattern of facts become set against a theory, experience shows that the theory rarely recovers."
In a new attempt to overcome some of the difficulties of the big bang theory, an amazing concept has recently been promoted, a concept known as the "inflationary universe," associated especially with the name of Alan Guth. This is strictly a mathematical construct, impossible even to visualize, let alone test, but its advocates claim that it can resolve the problems posed by the initial stages of the big bang. Its essentials are outlined in the following remarkable scenario:
"Our present understanding now leads us to the belief that sometime around 10-35 second the rate of expansion underwent a dramatic, albeit temporary, increase, to which we apply the term inflation. The physical processes that took place during the unification of the strong force with the others caused the universe to expand from a size much smaller than a single proton to something approximately the size of a grapefruit in about 10-35 second."6
Now 10-35 second is one hundred millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, whatever that can possibly mean. These inflationary cosmogonists are telling us that, at the beginning, the entire universe (of space, time and matter) was concentrated as an infinitesimal particle, with all force systems (gravity, electromagnetic, nuclear and weak forces) unified as a single type of force. This "universe" somehow went through an inconceivably rapid inflationary stage, reaching grapefruit size in 10 -35 second, by which time the four forces had become separate forces, the heterogeneities had been generated which would eventually become expressed in the heterogeneous nature of the expanded universe, and the universe was ready to enter the "normal" phase of its big bang. Thus as Tryon says:
"In this scenario, the 'hot big bang' was preceded by a 'cold big whoosh."'7
To comprehend the arguments behind this inflationary model of the early cosmos, one would require a background in advanced mathematical physics, and not even those who have such a background all accept the model. As the very title of Page's previously cited article states, inflation does not explain time asymmetry. That is, it still contradicts the principle of increasing entropy, or disorder.
"The time asymmetry of the universe is expressed by the second law of thermodynamics, that entropy increases with time as order is transformed into disorder. The mystery is not that an ordered state should become disordered but that the early universe was in a highly ordered state."8
Many, of course, have speculated that the universe as a whole has been eternally oscillating back and forth, so that the inferred infinitesimally sized beginning of the expanding universe was merely the hypothetical end result of a previously contracting universe. But this strange notion is clearly not a solution to the entropy problem.
"We now appreciate that, because of the huge entropy generated in our Universe, far from oscillating, a closed universe can only go through one cycle of expansion and contraction. Whether closed or open, reversing or monotonically expanding, the severely irreversible phase transitions transpiring give the universe a definite beginning, middle and end."'
In fact, Bludman, who is in the Department of Physics at the University of Pennsylvania, also makes the following fascinating comment:
"Finally, we show that if space is closed and the Universe began with low entropy, then it had to begin, not with a big bang, but with a nonsingular tepid little bang."10
If the universe is "open," then its inferred expansion should go on forever, but if it is closed, and eventually begins to fold back in on itself, then it could not ever bounce back again. It would end in a "final crunch."
Which brings our discussion back again to the singular beginning postulated by the inflationary model. Where did the initial "Pointuniverse" come from? This amazing infinitesimal particle which contained the entire universe and, in principle, all its future galaxies, planets and people—how do we account for it? Now, if one thinks that the scenario up to this point has been enchantingly preposterous, he will surely think the rest of it is simply a creationist plot to make evolutionists look ridiculous. Readers should certainly check this out for themselves!
How did it all come to pass? Edward Tryon, who started much of these metaphysical exercises back in 1973, says:
"So I conjectured that our Universe had its physical origin as a quantum fluctuation of some pre-existing true vacuum, or state of nothingness."11
So our vast, complex cosmos began as a point of something or other which evolved as a fluctuation from a state of nothingness!
"In this picture, the universe came into existence as a fluctuation in the quantum-mechanical vacuum. Such a hypothesis leads to a view of creation in which the entire universe is an accident. In Tryon's words, 'Our universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time.'"
Lest any readers begin to wonder, this discussion is not intended as a satire. It is a straightforward recital of what modern astrophysical cosmogonists are proposing as the beginning of our universe. Guth and Steinhardt, two of the most active and ingenious workers in this field, say:
"From a historical point of view probably the most revolutionary aspect of the inflationary model is the notion that all the matter and energy in the observable universe may have emerged from almost nothing …. The inflationary model of the universe provides a possible mechanism by which the observed universe could have evolved from an infinitesimal region. It is then tempting to go one step further and speculate that the entire universe evolved from literally nothing."13
Regardless of the sophisticated mathematical apparatus leading the inflationary-universe cosmogonists to their remarkable statement of faith in the omnipotence of nothingness, there will continue to be a few realists who prefer the creationist alternative: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
1 . Edward P. Tryon, 'What Made the World?" New Scientist, Vol. 101, Mar. 8, 1984, p. 14.
2. Don N. Page, "Inflation Does Not Explain Time Asymmetry," Nature, Vol. 304, JtA. 7, 1983, p. 40.
3. D.E. Thomsen, "Hypersuperduper Galaxy Cluster,' Science News, Vol. 122, Dec. 18/25, 1982, p. 391.
4. Harold S. Slusher, The Origin of the Universe (San Diego: Institute for Creation Research, 1980), pp. 23-70.
5. Fred Hoyle, "The Big Bang Under Attack," Science Digest, Vol 92, May 1984, p. 84.
6. James Trefil, "The Accidental Universe," Science Digest, Vol. 92, June 1984, p. 54.
7. Edward P. Tryon, op. cit, p. 16.
8. Don N. Page, op. cit, p. 39, Dr. Page is a member of the physics faculty at Pennsylvania State University.
9. S.A. Bludman, "Thermodynamics and the End of a Closed Universe," Nature, Vol. 308, March 22, 1984, p. 322.
10. Ibid., p. 319.
11. Edward P. Tryon, op. cit, p. 15.
12. James Trefil, op cit, p. 101.
13. Alan Guth and Paul Steinhardt, "The Inflationary Universe," Scientific American, Vol. 250, May 1984, p. 128.
*Dr. Henry M. Morris is the Founder and President Emeritus of the Institute for Creation Research.
******************END ARTICLE********************

As we can see this idea can seem at first to many of us an impossible paradox, in order to come to an understanding we must explore the substance of a Universal Span, the same “substance” transformed, from which it has arisen, to get a better understanding of what “Nothingness” is. Through our natural casual perception of our world, we view objects of Matter as simply standing on their own, separate from each other. Take note of the term “casual perception”, as it looks and sounds much like causal perception…and there is good reason for this. We interpret events causally—first cause, then effect—and this is our “causal, sequential perception” of Existence…our Classical Neurological World View. Within the hidden Quantum realm however, we will continue to discover that “cause” is within the “effect”—a reciprocal, simultaneous, function. As we further contemplate the existence of objects, as well as our own existence, we are led to ask, how did each come to be and how do they continue to exist? For there is such an infinite variety of objects, apparently existing individually and continuously, throughout Space and Time.

I imagine we have pondered the existence of objects and forces as early as when the first Neanderthal instinctually picked up a rock and threw it at an attacking saber-toothed tiger, and if he survived such an encounter, he might have also instinctually, as an afterthought, recognized his ability to be able to impart velocity to a rock from his own body energy. Then next the discovery that friction could create fire furthered Man’s curiosity. The use of friction to create a fire was also a translation of imparting repeated velocities from body energy to accumulate that energy in a combustible substance. Upon considering that energy was convertible into velocity and upon noticing that friction produced heat, Humanity reached the understanding that energy was transferable through Matter. Next came the consideration of radiant energy, as in the energy of the Sun traveling through space to reach the Earth. Energy then became recognized as an entity that could travel great distances between material objects.

This phenomenon was first explained through the hypothesis of a material medium called “aether” existing throughout space that energy could travel through. As humanity advanced in both theory and technology however, an experiment performed by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley in 1887 disproved the material aether hypothesis and the aether was discarded in favor of James Maxwell’s Wave Theory. Radiant energy then became and continues to be interpreted as a function of time variance, in that an Electrical Field produced in the Space-Time continuum creates a Magnetic field which then further creates an Electrical Field and that this process is a self-perpetuating “waveform”, that when emitted is able to travel through space without the benefit of a material aether. Actually, Maxwell speculated that Space was itself the “aether”, and in a way this is correct as Space-Time, compounded of Inertia, is both the vehicle and the substance of existence.

A further advance in Wave Theory came about through the work of Max Planck through his discovery that energy is produced in discrete quantities that could travel through the waveform, as a product of the waveform’s own frequency/amplitude of propagation, over time from object to object. Through the work of Maxwell, Planck and others, Albert Einstein as well as many other physicists were enabled to interpret the phenomena of Space, Time, Matter and Energy quite differently from our casual neurological perceptions. Through Einstein’s formulation of E=MC², Matter and Energy are interpreted as being interchangeable and also related undividedly to Time and Space.

When Energy is intensified, Time and Space appear to contract and objects gain Mass. Considering this principle I cannot help but question if it is possible then that Space and Time are also interchangeable with Matter and Energy? Or are Space and Time merely our sensory/neurological illusions of the translations that occur between Energy and Mass? If we look deeper into this relationship however we find that Quantum physicists say that Matter is simply composed of varied configurations of Energy. Now we may ask: Are Space and Time then our neurological illusions solely of the translations of Energy interacting with itself? When we consider all that I have set forth so far concerning the Totality of Existence therefore, we can conceive that Space, Time, Matter and Energy are all representations of a singular condition, unfolding, self-translating and therefore manifesting in self-relational ways. The path that we must take to find the origin of Existence then is to reduce the problem to its barest essentials, to combine its expressions, (our illusions), of Space, Time, Matter, and Energy into a singular function that is understood in its simplicity.

The following is a speech given by Albert Einstein himself, which helps to demonstrate the evolution of and slow extinction of the material aether. I have italicized similar points expressed by Einstein in order to emphasize their link in inspiring my own stream of consciousness.

Ether and the Theory of Relativity
Albert Einstein, an address delivered on May 5th, 1920, in the University of Leyden

How does it come about that alongside of the idea of ponderable matter, which is derived by abstraction from everyday life, the physicists set the idea of the existence of another kind of matter, the ether? The explanation is probably to be sought in those phenomena which have given rise to the theory of action at a distance, and in the properties of light which have led to the undulatory theory. Let us devote a little while to the consideration of these two subjects.
Outside of physics we know nothing of action at a distance. When we try to connect cause and effect in the experiences which natural objects afford us, it seems at first as if there were no other mutual actions than those of immediate contact, e.g. the communication of motion by impact, push and pull, heating or inducing combustion by means of a flame, etc. It is true that even in everyday experience weight, which is in a sense action at a distance, plays a very important part. But since in daily experience the weight of bodies meets us as something constant, something not linked to any cause which is variable in time or place, we do not in everyday life speculate as to the cause of gravity, and therefore do not become conscious of its character as action at a distance. It was Newton's theory of gravitation that first assigned a cause for gravity by interpreting it as action at a distance, proceeding from masses. Newton's theory is probably the greatest stride ever made in the effort towards the causal nexus of natural phenomena. And yet this theory evoked a lively sense of discomfort among Newton's contemporaries, because it seemed to be in conflict with the principle springing from the rest of experience, that there can be reciprocal action only through contact, and not through immediate action at a distance.
It is only with reluctance that man's desire for knowledge endures a dualism of thls kind. How was unity to be preserved in his comprehension of the forces of nature? Either by trying to look upon contact forces as being themselves distant forces which admittedly are observable only at a very small distance and this was the road which Newton's followers, who were entirely under the spell of his doctrine, mostly preferred to take; or by assuming that the Newtonian action at a distance is only apparently immediate action at a distance, but in truth is conveyed by a medium permeating space, whether by movements or by elastic deformation of this medium. Thus the endeavour toward a unified view of the nature of forces leads to the hypothesis of an ether. This hypothesis, to be sure, did not at first bring with it any advance in the theory of gravitation or in physics generally, so that it became customary to treat Newton's law of force as an axiom not further reducible. But the ether hypothesis was bound always to play some part in physical science, even if at first only a latent part.
When in the first half of the nineteenth century the far-reaching similarity was revealed which subsists between the properties of light and those of elastic waves in ponderable bodies, the ether hypothesis found fresh support. It appeared beyond question that light must be interpreted as a vibratory process in an elastic, inert medium filling up universal space. It also seemed to be a necessary consequence of the fact that light is capable of polarisation that this medium, the ether, must be of the nature of a solid body, because transverse waves are not possible in a fluid, but only in a solid. Thus the physicists were bound to arrive at the theory of the quasi-rigid luminiferous ether, the parts of which can carry out no movements relatively to one another except the small movements of deformation which correspond to light-waves.
This theory also called the theory of the stationary luminiferous ether moreover found a strong support in an experiment which is also of fundamental importance in the special theory of relativity, the experiment of Fizeau, from which one was obliged to infer that the luminiferous ether does not take part in the movements of bodies. The phenomenon of aberration also favoured the theory of the quasi-rigid ether.
The development of the theory of electricity along the path opened up by Maxwell and Lorentz gave the development of our ideas concerning the ether quite a peculiar and unexpected turn. For Maxwell himself the ether indeed still had properties which were purely mechanical, although of a much more complicated kind than the mechanical properties of tangible solid bodies. But neither Maxwell nor his followers succeeded in elaborating a mechanical model for the ether which might furnish a satisfactory mechanical interpretation of Maxwell's laws of the electro-magnetic field. The laws were clear and simple, the mechanical interpretations clumsy and contradictory. Almost imperceptibly the theoretical physicists adapted themselves to a situation which, from the standpoint of their mechanical programme, was very depressing. They were particularly influenced by the electro-dynamical investigations of Heinrich Hertz. For whereas they previously had required of a conclusive theory that it should content itself with the fundamental concepts which belong exclusively to mechanics (e.g. densities, velocities, deformations, stresses) they gradually accustomed themselves to admitting electric and magnetic force as fundamental concepts side by side with those of mechanics, without requiring a mechanical interpretation for them. Thus the purely mechanical view of nature was gradually abandoned. But this change led to a fundamental dualism which in the long-run was insupportable. A way of escape was now sought in the reverse direction, by reducing the principles of mechanics to those of electricity, and this especially as confidence in the strict validity of the equations of Newton's mechanics was shaken by the experiments with b-rays and rapid kathode rays.
This dualism still confronts us in unextenuated form in the theory of Hertz, where matter appears not only as the bearer of velocities, kinetic energy, and mechanical pressures, but also as the bearer of electromagnetic fields. Since such fields also occur in vacuo i.e. in free ether the ether also appears as bearer of electromagnetic fields. The ether appears indistinguishable in its functions from ordinary matter. Within matter it takes part in the motion of matter and in empty space it has everywhere a velocity; so that the ether has a definitely assigned velocity throughout the whole of space. There is no fundamental difference between Hertz's ether and ponderable matter (which in part subsists in the ether).
The Hertz theory suffered not only from the defect of ascribing to matter and ether, on the one hand mechanical states, and on the other hand electrical states, which do not stand in any conceivable relation to each other; it was also at variance with the result of Fizeau's important experiment on the velocity of the propagation of light in moving fluids, and with other established experimental results.
Such was the state of things when H. A. Lorentz entered upon the scene. He brought theory into harmony with experience by means of a wonderful simplification of theoretical principles. He achieved this, the most important advance in the theory of electricity since Maxwell, by taking from ether its mechanical, and from matter its electromagnetic qualities. As in empty space, so too in the interior of material bodies, the ether, and not matter viewed atomistically, was exclusively the seat of electromagnetic fields. According to Lorentz the elementary particles of matter alone are capable of carrying out movements; their electromagnetic activity is entirely confined to the carrying of electric charges. Thus Lorentz succeeded in reducing all electromagnetic happenings to Maxwell's equations for free space.
As to the mechanical nature of the Lorentzian ether, it may be said of it, in a somewhat playful spirit, that immobility is the only mechanical property of which it has not been deprived by H. A. Lorentz. It may be added that the whole change in the conception of the ether which the special theory of relativity brought about, consisted in taking away from the ether its last mechanical quality, namely, its immobility. How this is to be understood will forthwith be expounded.
The space-time theory and the kinematics of the special theory of relativity were modelled on the Maxwell-Lorentz theory of the electromagnetic field. This theory therefore satisfies the conditions of the special theory of relativity, but when viewed from the latter it acquires a novel aspect. For if K (Kelvin) be a system of co-ordinates relatively to which the Lorentzian ether is at rest, the Maxwell-Lorentz equations are valid primarily with reference to K. But by the special theory of relativity the same equations without any change of meaning also hold in relation to any new system of co-ordinates K' which is moving in uniform translation relatively to K. Now comes the anxious question: Why must I in the theory distinguish the K system above all K' systems, which are physically equivalent to it in all respects, by assuming that the ether is at rest relatively to the K system? For the theoretician such an asymmetry in the theoretical structure, with no corresponding asymmetry in the system of experience, is intolerable. If we assume the ether to be at rest relatively to K, but in motion relatively to K', the physical equivalence of K and K' seems to me from the logical standpoint, not indeed downright incorrect, but nevertheless inacceptable.
The next position which it was possible to take up in face of this state of things appeared to be the following. The ether does not exist at all. The electromagnetic fields are not states of a medium, and are not bound down to any bearer, but they are independent realities which are not reducible to anything else, exactly like the atoms of ponderable matter. This conception suggests itself the more readily as, according to Lorentz's theory, electromagnetic radiation, like ponderable matter, brings impulse and energy with it, and as, according to the special theory of relativity, both matter and radiation are but special forms of distributed energy, ponderable mass losing its isolation and appearing as a special form of energy.
More careful reflection teaches us, however, that the special theory of relativity does not compel us to deny ether. We may assume the existence of an ether,; only we must give up ascribing a definite state of motion to it, i.e. we must by abstraction take from it the last mechanical characteristic which Lorentz had still left it. We shall see later that this point of view, the conceivability of which shall at once endeavour to make more intelligible by a somewhat halting comparison, is justified by the results of the general theory of relativity.
Think of waves on the surface of water. Here we can describe two entirely different things. Either we may observe how the undulatory surface forming the boundary between water and air alters in the course of time; or else with the help of small floats, for instance we can observe how the position of the separate particles of water alters in the course of time. If the existence of such floats for tracking the motion of the particles of a fluid were a fundamental impossibility in physics if, in fact, nothing else whatever were observable than the shape of the space occupied by the water as it varies in time, we should have no ground for the assumption that water consists of inovable particles. But all the same we could characterise it as a medium.
We have something like this in the electromagnetic field. For we may picture the field to ourselves as consisting of lines of force. If we wish to interpret these lines of force to ourselves as something inaterial in the ordinary sense, we are tempted to interpret the dynamic processes as motions of these lines of force, such that each separate line of force is tracked through the course of time. It is well known, however, that this way of regarding the electromagnetic field leads to contradictions.
Generalising we must say this: There inay be supposed to be extended physical objects to which the idea of motion cannot be applied. They may not be thought of as consisting of particles which allow themselves to be separately tracked through time. In Minkowski's idiom this is expressed as follows: Not every extended conformation in the four-dimensional world can be regarded as composed of worldthreads. The special theory of relativity forbids us to assume the ether to consist of particles observable through time, but the hypothesis of ether in itself in conflict with the special theory of relativity. Only we must be on our guard against ascribing a state of motion to the ether.
Certainly, from the standpoint of the special theory of relativity, the ether hypothesis appears at first to be an empty hypothesis. 1n the equations of the electromagnetic field there occur, in addition to the densities of the electric charge, only the intensities of the field. The career of electromagnetic processes in vacuo appears to be completely determined by these equations, uninfluenced by other physical quantities. The electromagnetic fields appear as ultimate, irreducible realities, and at first it seems superfluous to postulate a homogeneous, isotropic ether-medium, and to envisage electromagnetic fields as states of this medium.
But on the other hand there is a weighty argument to be adduced in favour of the ether hypothesis. To deny the ether is ultimately to assume that empty space has no physical qualities whatever. The fundamental facts of mechanics do not harmonize with this view.

(What is Real?)

For the mechanical behaviour of a corporeal system hovering freely in empty space depends not only on relative positions (distances) and relative velocities, but also on its state of rotation, which physically may be taken as a characteristic not appertaining to the system in itself. In order to be able to look upon the rotation of the system, at least formally, as something real, Newton objectivises space. Since he classes his absolute space together with real things, for him rotation relative to an absolute space is also something real. Newton might no less well have called his absolute space ``Ether''; what is essential is merely that besides observable objects, another thing, which is not perceptible, it must be looked upon as real, to enable acceleration or rotation to be looked upon as something real.
It is true that Mach tried to avoid having to accept as real something which is not observable by endeavouring to substitute in mechanics a mean acceleration with reference to the totality of the masses in the universe in place of an acceleration with reference to absolute space. But inertial resistance opposed to relative acceleration of distant masses presupposes action at a distance; and as the modern physicist does not believe that he may accept this action at a distance, he comes back once inore, if he follows Mach, to the ether, which has to serve as medium for the effects of inertia. But this conception of the ether to which we are led by Mach's way of thinking differs essentially from the ether as conceived by Newton, by Fresnel, and by Lorentz. Mach's ether not only conditions the behaviour of inert masses, but is also conditioned in its state by them.
Mach's idea finds its full development in the ether of the general theory of relativity. According to this theory the metrical qualities of the continuum of space-time differ in the environment of different points of space-time, and are partly conditioned by the matter existing outside of the territory under consideration. This space-time variability of the reciprocal relations of the standards of space and time, or, perhaps, the recognition of the fact that ``empty space'' in its physical relation is neither homogeneous nor isotropic, compelling us to describe its state by ten functions (the gravitation potentials g), has, I think, finally disposed of the view that space is physically empty. But therewith the conception of the ether has again acquired an intelligible content, although this content differs widely from that of the ether of the mechanical undulatory theory of light. The ether of the general theory of relativity is a medium which is itself devoid of all mechanical and kinematical qualities, but helps to determine mechanical (and electromagnetic) events.
What is fundamentally new in the ether of the general theory of relativity as opposed to the ether of Lorentz consists in this, that the state of the former is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, which are amenable to law in the form of differential equations,; whereas the state of the Lorentzian ether in the absence of electromagnetic fields is conditioned by nothing outside itself, and is everywhere the same. The ether of the general theory of relativity is transmuted conceptually into the ether of Lorentz if we substitute constants for the functions of space which describe the former, disregarding the causes which condition its state. Thus we may also say, I think, that the ether of the general theory of relativity is the outcome of the Lorentzian ether, through relativation.
As to the part which the new ether is to play in the physics of the future we are not yet clear. We know that it determines the metrical relations in the space-time continuum, e.g. the configurative possibilities of solid bodies as well as the gravitational fields; but we do not know whether it has an essential share in the structure of the electrical elementary particles constituting matter. Nor do we know whether it is only in the proximity of ponderable masses that its structure differs essentially from that of the Lorentzian ether; whether the geometry of spaces of cosmic extent is approximately Euclidean. But we can assert by reason of the relativistic equations of gravitation that there must be a departure from Euclidean relations, with spaces of cosmic order of magnitude, if there exists a positive mean density, no matter how small, of the matter in the universe. In this case the universe must of necessity be spatially unbounded and of finite magnitude, its inagnitude being determined by the value of that inean density.
If we consider the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field from the standpoint of the ether hypothesis, we find a remarkable difference between the two. There can be no space nor any part of space without gravitational potentials; for these confer upon space its metrical qualities, without which it cannot be imagined at all. The existence of the gravitational field is inseparably bound up with the existence of space. On the other hand a part of space may very well be imagined without an electromagnetic field; thus in contrast with the gravitational field, the electromagnetic field seems to be only secondarily linked to the ether, the formal nature of the electromagnetic field being as yet in no way determined by that of gravitational ether. From the present state of theory it looks as if the electromagnetic field, as opposed to the gravitational field, rests upon an entirely new formal motif, as though nature might just as well have endowed the gravitational ether with fields of quite another type, for example, with fields of a scalar potential, instead of fields of the electromagnetic type.
Since according to our present conceptions the elementary particles of matter are also, in their essence, nothing else than condensations of the electromagnctic field, our present view of the universe presents two realities which are completely separated from each other conceptually, although connected causally, namely, gravitational ether and electromagnetic field, or as they might also be called space and matter.
Of course it would be a great advance if we could succeed in comprehending the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field together as one unified conformation. Then for the first time the epoch of theoretical physics founded by Faraday and Maxwell would reach a satisfactory conclusion. The contrast between ether and matter would fade away, and, through the general theory of relativity, the whole of physics would become a complete system of thought, like geometry, kinematics, and the theory of gravitation. An exceedingly ingenious attempt in this direction has been made by the mathematician H. Weyl,; but I do not believe that his theory will hold its ground in relation to reality. Further, in contemplating the immediate future of theoretical physics we ought not unconditionally to reject the possibility that the facts comprised in the quantum theory may set bounds to the field theory beyond which it cannot pass.
Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only wonld be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable inedia, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it.

The Noumenon within the Phenomenon
(The thing within itself)

We casually perceive our world in three dimensions and try as I may through this casual interpretation, I find it difficult to adequately reduce this vision to the singular function of what “it” is that is “Existence”, that represents itself in so many ways. The reason we have difficulty seeing “it” for what it is, is because we casually neglect to consider the dynamism of our world as an actual fourth dimension, from which the other three generate. That “fourth dimension” should really be considered the “first”…as all that we perceive of our world, “Space”, “Time”, “Matter”, “Energy” are Phenomena (meaning: An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses), generated/translated from this underlying reality—the “Noumenon/Fluxion”, the Being of Dynamism that expresses throughout itself as Existence.

The Noumenon

n: the intellectual conception of a thing as it is in itself, not as it is known through perception

[German, from Greek nooumenon, from neuter present passive participle of noein, to perceive by thought, from nous, mind.]

n. pl. nou•me•na (-n )
In the philosophy of Kant, an object as it is in itself independent of the mind, as opposed to a phenomenon. Also called thing-in-itself.

\Nou"me*non\, n. [NL. fr. Gr. ? the thing perceived, p. pr. pass. of ? to perceive, ? the mind.] (Metaph.) The of itself unknown and unknowable rational object, or thing in itself, which is distinguished from the phenomenon through which it is apprehended by the senses, and by which it is interpreted and understood; -- so used in the philosophy of Kant and his followers.

Note: Jesus, the Apostles, God the Father, as well as many mythical figures are actually noumena expressed through general phenomena. The phenomena are therefore esoteric thought-tools rather than literal exoteric things, occurrences, events, etc.

What is Dynamism?

Dynamism is the self-driven property of Existence that we conceive as “motion”. It is the Transcendent Fluxion driven by and within itself, the singular intrinsic function at the root of all phenomena. It is the origin and totality of Existence…that relationally expresses itself through its own translation of processes within and of itself. Within this conception, “dynamism”, (Transcendence), itself is the singular function that expresses as all that we perceive. Since we are part of that expression, we see dynamism as existent and changing aspects of our world, but due to our limited casual neurological perception we can only interpret dynamism as “objects of Mass” transferring “Energy” through “Space” over “Time”. Since everything that we perceive is in neurological “motion” everything that we see is a perceptive illusion of the expression/translation of dynamism. Our perceptions of “Space, Time, Matter, and Energy”, and of “motion” as well, are therefore neurological representations of this expression.

If we were able to combine our illusions into a singular function that expresses itself within our view as the Totality of Existence however, we might then perhaps be able to begin to understand the true nature of this foundation.

A conceptual excursion into the Fluxion

Let us start this journey by first combining “Space” and “Time” as Einstein did into a single function, in that whatever happens or is expressed within our illusion of “Space”, must also happen and in some way be expressed within our illusion of “Time.” Maxwell did this through his theory of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation—an electrical field produced a magnetic field, which produced an electrical field and so on. Basically what was demonstrated was that an electrical field was an alteration of “Time” which produced a magnetic field as an alteration of “Space” which produced a further alteration of “Time”, etc., and that this process was a “wave” that propagated perpetually through “Space-Time”. What was left unsaid, as “Space and Time” are united as a singular function…was that EM (electromagnetic) radiation is composed of “Space-Time” through itself. If we take this realization a step further and reverse the original order of translation…and say that “Space-Time” as a singular function, rather than being merely an aspect of our interpretation of the conversions of Energy and Mass, is itself an actual expression of the dynamism of the Fluxion, that is convertible into further expressions as Energy and Mass…the shades of illusion become less opaque and the perception of an undivided Universe begins to emerge.

[Time is an invented descriptor…Precession is an illusion]
But we must now ask, what is Space-Time? It is neither “Space” nor “Time” as these are merely our neurological perceptions of the representations of a Noumenon that has seemed to transform itself out of “Nothingness”…into existence. “Space-Time”, an invented descriptor, a representation of a condition that meets the criteria for our neurological experience of “distance” and “motion”, also represents the translations of Inertial forces that enable such perceptions. Motion then is a translation of the cause of Inertia upon itself that we interpret as flow, procession, precession, continuity, and sequentiality—as effect! Our use of the terms “acceleration”, “deceleration”, “expansion”, “interpenetration”, and “motion” then our but our neurological interpretations of the translations of the Will of Inertia, of Primary Consciousness upon itself.

How does such Willfulness unfold?

In the same way that we had casually interpreted Space and Time before Einstein developed his theories of relativity, we still casually interpret the force or the expression of Inertia. In spite of Einstein’s advances, we still casually view Inertia as the result of the translations of Energy and Mass, rather than their substance. What happens however, if we reverse this interpretation? What if we view Inertia as the Fluxion itself? …as the condition of “Dynamism” that actually is “Space-Time”, which converts into Energy and Mass? …What if Inertia itself, is the Origin? If Inertia as a singular function is caused by its own undividedness, its own intrinsic tension upon itself, to interact with itself, to “interpenetrate”/translate itself, if this is its unrefined, essential condition, it must therefore interpolarize…and then express from within our neurological interpretation, as the self-interpenetrative flow from which Energy and Mass, (as well as our illusions of “Time” and “Space”) render.

…And directionless “flow” in this case, as in all cases, is actually the flow of the self-translation of this Fluxion that we interpret as “motion.” This interpenetrative directionless translation is the phenomenon that Einstein dubbed “Space-Time”, of which we neurologically perceive its self-induced, self-modified celerity…as Space, Time, Matter, and Energy. Thus, out of undivided “Nothingness” emerges our perception…relative “Existence”.

The Flow of Transcendence…the Flow of Translation

Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity
The physical theory of space and time developed by Albert Einstein, based on the postulates that all the laws of physics are equally valid in all frames of reference moving at a uniform velocity and that the speed of light from a uniformly moving source is always the same, regardless of how fast or slow the source or its observer is moving. The theory has as consequences the relativistic mass increase of rapidly moving objects, the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction, time dilatation, and the principle of mass-energy equivalence.

~ Special relativity n: a physical theory of relativity based on the assumption that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant and the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant in all inertial systems

Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

The geometric theory of gravitation developed by Albert Einstein, incorporating and extending the theory of special relativity to accelerated frames of reference and introducing the principle that gravitational and inertial forces are equivalent.

When Space-Time, Energy and Matter are considered through Relativity to be interchangeable, our interpretation of “Nothingness” may then transform. We may now conceive that what we imagined as “Nothingness” is actually a self-interactive undivided Wholeness of Inertia, that through its own transcendent tension upon itself creates stresses within that express as emerging convolutions of its own infrastructure interpenetrating into each other—forming relative existences. We may conceive this Wholeness as the “Multiverse”, of whose internally convoluting, interpenetrating circumference…Universal Spans are created. As they expand within the wholeness of the Multiverse as undivided translations of it, they “interpenetrate”, creating the phenomenon that we interpret as the directionless flow of Space-Time, generating energy and mass through this self-encountering, differentiating translation of Inertia…as its own Willful Self-Creative Force.

That which Einstein and other modern physicists interpret as the attractive force of Gravity—as well as what Astrophysicists like Sagan refer to as the “expansion of the Cosmos” is a direct result of Universal Spans interpenetrating…intertranslating within the Multiverse. To get a sense of this process, slide the fingers of your left hand through the fingers of your right hand. As you interlace your fingers, you observe your finger tips moving away from each other, (analogous to an “expanding” Universe), while other parts of your fingers, as well as your hands, simultaneously move closer, (analogous to the overall Universal force of “gravity”). Now imagine this interpenetration/intertranslation from every direction…this is directionless “flow”—a flow of translation that we interpret from our relative perspectives as “direction-ful motion”, (moving away while simultaneously moving towards—as Inertia Space-Time simultaneously expressing inwardly and outwardly into itself). As Universal Spans consist of “Space-Time”, as they interpenetrate, Space-Time reciprocally and differentially intertranslates and that is what “Versing” is…the diversification of the reciprocal flow of Inertia through itself, the continual self-renewal of the Multiverse…the mathematical, Universal language of the Creator, of Primary Consciousness in Self-Creation. Now, once more we may ask: “How can it be that all things can change if nothing actually moves?” and if you haven’t yet caught the idea, let us once again try to understand: A self-translative medium—Inertia—as a Wholeness undivided from itself has nothing else to act upon but itself. It has no size to it, but is nevertheless self-active, (trans-emanating), because of its tension of wholeness upon itself.

Self-activity in this case does not mean physical motion, but rather continual self-translation, selfdiversification. Translations race through the medium of the Wholeness at various intensities/velocities, and although the medium itself does not move—it nevertheless does undergo continual, instantaneous and diversifying change. We interpret the changes within this Wholeness from which we are undivided through neurological synthesis and thus we build a cerebral world of Space, Time, Objects of Matter, Energies and various intensities/velocities of “physical motion”. Space-Time has a constancy therefore of directionless, self-interpenetrative, flow because the medium of the Multiverse—Inertia/Transcendence, of which Space-Time is composed—is continually interpenetrating and thus translating itself. As it interpenetrates, stresses of inequality are produced as Singularities, (as emerging “bubbles of Space-Time”), expanding into the Multiverse to relieve the stress, forming Universal Spans interpenetrating and thus interpolarizing and compounding the Wholeness into further intensity and interactivity. Because the Spans are penetrating into each other, various intensities of the trans-emanation of the Wholeness are created. We interpret the various intensities of this reciprocal and therefore directionless flow of Inertia as modifications of that flow, expressed as Electromagnetic Fields, Objects of Mass, Velocities…and also “Time passing” and “Space expanding.” This is the ambient state of the Fluxion…of the interpenetration/translation by the Multiverse through itself. The trans-emanation, (the diversified reciprocity of self-translation), of Inertia at its lowest or ambient intensity is its weakest and most general Electromagnetic Field, that we conceive as “Space-Time”. As a strong indicator of this hypothesis, let us address the discovery by Bell Laboratories in 1964 of a 3K (Kelvin) radiation emitting from every point in space. This background radiation (as mentioned earlier in the texts quoted from Sagan and Einstein) is the Electromagnetic Field of the ambient directionless interpenetration by Inertia through itself as “Space-Time”. That 3K-background radiation is an expression and measurement of such Transcendence!

Space-Time therefore, is the medium that through its varied and constant translation of itself is configured into all more intensely formed Electromagnetic fields of Energy and Mass. Space-Time through its constancy and variance of self-interpenetration/self-translation, reacts with and thus modifies itself on many levels. Critical intensities of stress are formed within the Multiverse through its continual seeking of equilibrium within its own infrastructure. This causes Singularities of distension to be formed by the Multiverse of its own Inertia that interpenetrate/expand into the Multiverse to relieve the stress. The focused stress, first formed at a singular point, as a “Mathmass”, (a mathematical configuration of stress, a translative function), contains within itself the basis of the formulas required for the dissipation of that stress through the expansion/interpenetration of this new Universal Span into the Multiverse. The Mathmass is driven by the tension of the Multiverse upon it, to self-calculate all that is required for its continuance. Penetrating into the Multiverse as configurations of Inertia unfolding from a “Super Mass”, (an infinitesimal point reciprocally expanding inwardly and outwardly), it evolves into the varying intensities, (translations of Inertia), expressed as the Mass, Electromagnetic Radiation and Space-Time of a new Universal Span, fed by the greater Multiverse generating stress upon itself.

Manifest Geometry

Simply put, the directionless translation of self-interpenetrating Inertia is fundamentally spherical, or curved in all directions. This is because Inertia is reciprocally and differentially interpenetrating itself from all directions—as Universal Spans are interpenetrating from and to all directions. The intensities of interpenetration vary differentially throughout the Multiverse however—because some Universal Spans are interpenetrating more intensely than others due to the continual creation of new Singularities, causing modifications of the curvature/translation/ “flow”—represented above by an elliptical Multiverse rather than a perfectly round circle. Under these conditions, the interpenetrative flow of Inertia—“Space-Time” still remains directionless though the intensities of interpenetration by individual Universal Spans may radically differ. The “shape” of Inertia-Space-Time is thus continually altered by varying intensities of the flow of translation, (in-form-ations), while still remaining curved. The total curvature of the Multiverse may be interpreted as its circumference or its sphericity, that is twisted and drawn internally, thus convoluted within itself, expressing as Singularities developing into expanding Universal Spans within the Totality from which they are undivided. As this curvature is continually modified, the result to our perception is a simultaneous deceleration and acceleration of its directionless self-interpenetrative, self-interpretive translation. Look once again at the above ellipse. Some parts are radically stress and other appears to be in a state of equilibrium. Since the stresses of the Multiverse are perpetually transitioning back into the Multiverse as developing Universal Spans, the sphericity of this Totality is always in flux, creating unequal stress seeking equilibrium.

As the curvature is modified, for instance by the emergence of a new Singularity interfering with the ambient flow of translation, the resultant modifications of the flow are reciprocities of deceleration and acceleration. We may assume therefore that if we deduce a deceleration of directionless flow from our perspective, that there is an equal acceleration from another perspective. We may make this assumption because directionless flow is the translation/propagation of an undivided medium—Inertia-Space-Time-through and of itself—seemingly expanding inwardly and outwardly simultaneously—a reciprocal function, because Wholeness is always opposed to itself. Deceleration in one direction of an undivided curvature must equal simultaneous acceleration in the opposite—hence the elliptical representation of the Multiverse as described above. This is the dualist foundation for plus and minus, question and answer, cause and effect, repulsion and attraction, electrical and magnetic fields, weak and strong forces, expansion and contraction, happiness and sorrow, yin and yang—all simultaneous, reciprocal trans-emanations/ inter-polarizations—as the mathematically driven auto-thoughts of Inertia—a self interpenetrating Wholeness…and this is also why when we perceive an electron to spin right we can be sure that its twin spins left.

In the case of the self-induced modification of the directionless flow of Space-Time, the constancy of this self-translation is first modified into equal accelerations and decelerations. Depending on the intensity of the modification, the directionless flow is further modified into varying frequencies of Electromagnetic Radiations. At a higher intensity of modification it is translated/transformed further into the forces of Mass as “particles” consisting of interactive acceleration and deceleration simultaneously expressed as their polarities of attraction and repulsion. The decelerative and accelerative aspects of the modified directionless flow of Inertia-Space-Time are interactive. Together they are the Electromagnetic Radiations of Space-Time, illuminating itself, as Space-Time self-transformed into Energy and Mass. Modifications of the curvature of Space-Time into Electromagnetic Radiation manifests as peaks and valleys of the curvature. As the curvature is originally created by the interpenetration of directionless flow, when modified into deceleration and acceleration, the expression is a frequency/amplitude of the interpenetration, an oscillation of the directionless flow. That which we perceive as the wavelength of an Electromagnetic Field is the alternating accelerations and decelerations of modified Space-Time interpenetrating—inter-translating. As the wave is a continuously modified interpenetration by Space-Time through itself, it resonates at a distinct frequency. {See Notes on Children of the Matrix}

Excerpts from David Ickes’ Children of the Matrix

“When we open our minds to the suppressed knowledge, we understand that the world we think we live in is only one frequency range of existence…Creation consists of infinite dimensions of life vibrating at different speeds. Think of the frequencies of the countless radio and television stations broadcasting to your area now. They are all sharing the same space that your body is occupying. You can’t see them and they can’t see each other because they are vibrating to a different frequency. When you move the dial from one radio station to another, the first station does not suddenly stop broadcasting because you are no longer listening. It goes on broadcasting—existing—just as before. The only difference is that you are no longer tuned to its frequency. All the infinite frequencies of life and existence in all Creation are sharing the same space. Most people call these different frequency ranges “dimensions” and that’s fine because people know what they mean. More accurately they are “densities” because the slower than energy vibrates the more dense and “solid” it appears. The faster it vibrates the more ethereal and non-physical it seems to be. Eventually it is vibrating so quickly that it leaves the frequency range—the density—of our physical senses and we cease to see it…” ~ Pp. 30

“…Many of these entities may not even be of our density or dimension…Some beings know how to change their frequency range and dip between these dimensions, appearing and “disappearing” as they move between frequencies, much like a radio dial. This is why people have reported seeing “entities” disappear before their eyes. They have not, in fact, “disappeared”, at all. They have left the frequency range that person can access…”
~ Pp.90

“…the vibrational frequency of the planet is changing as it completes a vast cycle and enters a new one. Some have called this new cycle the “Age of Aquarius” as the Earth moves through the area of the heavens dubbed “Pisces”, which it entered around 2,000 years ago, and into a “new age” of Aquarius. It is almost like passing through a curriculum at a school with the different energy combinations affecting the Earth, offering different eras and experiences for those who choose to be here at the time….The Maya peoples in the Yucatan, Mexico, left records of their measurement of “time” and their small, medium, and great cycles, of the Earth’s evolution. One of their great cycles, which apparently began in 3113 BCE, is due to be completed in 2012. Other researchers of these ancient measurements of “time” suggest that much longer cycles than this are also ending in this same period. The base resonant frequency of the planet, known as Schumann Cavity Resonance, was discovered in 1899 and remained pretty constant until the mid-1980s when it began to quicken rapidly. This has continued to increase and one effect of these higher vibrations is that “time” appears to be passing much faster…”
~ Pp. 373

The discovery of the Schumann Cavity Resonance calls to my mind a peculiar comment attributed to Jesus (who I claim to be the personified embodiment of all Phenomenon that express the invisible qualities of the Noumenon of Existence):

“For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” ~ Matthew 24:21-22

This text, I believe, is a reference to what we now call the Schumann Cavity Resonance—the base resonant frequency of our planet—which since the mid-1980s has “began to quicken rapidly…” This is indeed another biblical reference to astronomical phenomenon. There is another example of such phenomenon recorded in the Old Testament; it tells of the day when the Sun stood still. Here is the Bible’s account of this event:

“On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: “O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon. So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the book of Jasher…
…The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a man. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!”
~ Joshua 10:12-14

It should be mentioned that prior to stopping the Sun, “the Lord” also fought for Israel by “throwing them [the Amorites] into confusion before Israel” and also by hurling “large hailstones down on them from the sky, and more of them died from the hailstones than were killed by the swords of the Israelites” (Joshua 10:10-11). The true nature of these events will be revealed momentarily

What we have here is the observation of the exact opposite of what is described in the gospel according to Matthew. That is because they are two different events (times), caused by the same stimuli—the Lord. Now, if this were in fact an actual event one would expect that if the Israelites and the disenfranchised Amorites experienced 24 hours (“about a full day”) of daylight somewhere on the other side of the earth there was experienced 24 hours of darkness. This would have been seen as an ominous sign—an omen of sorts. There is in fact such a recollection recorded. Zecharia Sitchin sheds light on this in his book The Lost Realms: Book IV of The Earth Chronicles:

“Completely ignored by scholars as a valid clue has been the repeated statement in the Andean legends that there occurred a frightening darkness in long-ago times. No one has wondered whether this was the same darkness—the nonappearance of the sun when it was due—of which the Mexican legends speak in the tale of Teotihuacan and its pyramids. For if there had indeed been such a phenomenon, that the sun failed to rise and the night was endless, then it would have been observed throughout the Americas…The Mexican collective recollections and the Andean ones seem to corroborate each other on this point, and thus uphold the veracity of each other, as two witnesses to the same event….According to Montesinos and other ancient chroniclers, the most unusual event took place in the reign of Titu Yupanqui II, the fifteenth monarch in Ancient Empire times. It was in the third year of his reign, when “good customs were forgotten and people were given to all manner of vice,” that “there was no dawn for twenty hours.” In other words, the night did not end when it usually does and sunrise was delayed for twenty hours….” ~ The Lost Realms Pp. 151

What was the cause of this phenomenon? The Book of Joshua attributes its cause to “the Lord fighting for Israel”, on the other hand the opposite effect of no dawn could be interpreted as “the Lord rebuking a wayward generation”…Sitchin gets to the bottom of this matter…

“This could not have been an eclipse: it was not that the shining sun was obscured by a shadow. Besides, no eclipse lasts so long, and the Peruvians were cognizant of such periodic events. The tale does not say that the sun disappeared; it says that it did not rise—“there was no dawn”—for twenty hours. It was as though the sun, wherever it was hiding, suddenly stood still.” ~ The Lost Realms Pp. 151

Next Sitchin relates the account in the Book of Joshua. He further relates:

“Scholars have struggled for generations with this tale in chapter 10 of the Book of Joshua. Some discount it as mere fiction; others see it in echoes of a myth; still others seek to explain it in terms of an unusually prolonged eclipse of the sun. But not only are such long eclipses unknown; the tale does not speak of the disappearance of the sun. On the contrary, it relates to an event when the sun continued to be seen, to hang on in the skies, for “about a whole day”—say, twenty hours? The incident, whose uniqueness is recognized in the Bible (“There was no day like that before or after”), taking place on the opposite side of the Earth relative to the Andes, thus describes a phenomenon that was the opposite of what had happened in the Andes. In Canaan the sun did not set for some twenty hours; in the Andes, the sun did not rise for the same length of time. Do not the two tales, then, describe the same event, and by coming from different sides of the Earth attest to its factuality?” ~ The Lost Realms Pp. 152-153

So what exactly caused this strange occurrence? Again we turn to Sitchin’s analysis:

“The only Biblical clue is the mention of the great stones (hailstones) falling from the skies. Since we know that the tales describe not a standstill by the sun (and moon) but a disruption of Earth’s rotation on its axis, a possible explanation is that a comet had come too close to Earth, disintegrating in the process. Since some comets orbit the sun in a clockwise direction that is opposite to the orbital direction of the Earth and the other planets, such a kinetic force could have conceivably counteracted temporarily the Earth’s rotation and slowed it down.” ~ The Lost Realms Pp. 153

Whatever the cause may be (I have my own theories), it is evidence that “time” is a neurological interpretation of phenomena caused by Inertia. In the first examples from Ickes’ Children of the Matrix we contemplated the illusion of “space”, then we explored the illusion of “time” through the tales of the Andes and Mexicans and the Bible. Here are a few more excerpts from Children of the Matrix:

{See pgs. 135, 235, 253, 283, 377-83, 373, 387-92}

The resonance is the “vibration” of the wave and the harmonic of this vibration we interpret as a quantum of energy.

The fourth dimension…
“…the world is being controlled by entities taking reptilian and other forms that exist on another dimension or “cycle.” We are in the third dimension or density, they operate from the fourth, a frequency just outside the present range of the physical senses. We can feel the fourth density as “vibes” around us, but we cannot see it, unless we tune in with our “physic” sight, which can connect our consciousness with other vibrational levels…the “headquarters” of the serpent race I am exposing here is the lower end of the fourth dimensional frequency range, which vibrates very close to this one…it is what you might call a parallel universe or a parallel Earth, a mirror of the one we see, but vibrating at a different speed. Cats can see the fourth dimension and this is why they react to something in what appears, to us, to be “empty” space. The same with babies before their psyche is closed down by an ignorant world…” ~ Children of the Matrix pp. 135

How they entered virtually undetected…

“…I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and the sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss…and out of the smoke locust came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth…” ~ Revelation 9:1-3

{ See Job 38:8-15; Psalm 33:8-11; Psalm 2; Psalm 107 (v.10-14); Psalm 82; Psalm 88; Psalm 143; Isaiah 9; Isaiah 8:19-22; Jude v.6-16; Revelation 20; Genesis 6; Rephaim, Zamzummim, etc…”Spirits of the dead”…Ephesians 6:10-20}

“…There are certain regions in the spectrum where it is still very difficult to excite the waves. These regions are not completely explored but they are not really gaps in the spectrum. The limits of the spectrum at the two ends are not perfectly definite. At the long-wave-length end, methods of producing and detecting radiation gradually become less efficient as the wavelength increases. At the short-wave-length end, an enormous concentration of energy is needed to produce the vibrations of extremely high frequency. Also these radiations are difficult to detect since they are very little absorbed by matter. The range of wavelengths to which the eye is sensitive and to which we give the name “light” is thus seen as part of a very much wider spectrum…”

~ Excerpts from R.W. Ditchburn’s Light, p.11-12

Once they entered our “frequency”…

“…formless were they, of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men. Only through blood could they form being, only through man could they live in the world…In the form of man they moved amongst us, but only to sight, were they as are men. Serpent headed when the glamour was lifted, but appearing as men among men…Only by magic could they be discovered, only by sound could their faces be seen…” ~ From Children of the Matrix p. 134

Because the modified curvature of Space-Time is both accelerating and decelerating, the interpenetrating forces are caused to alternate through the curvature, expressing as waves of both electrical and magnetic “energy”. This is simply a weaving in and out, an alternation of accelerative and decelerative flows of translation. In a simpler vision, the decelerative parts of the wave pull in on it while the accelerative parts of the wave push out on it, causing the wave to deform. Since the wave is in continuous interpenetrative “flow”, and depending upon the intensity of its modification, the accelerative parts of the wave interfere with the decelerative parts and vice versa, causing a distinct frequency of the interpenetration of Space-Time throughout the wave. A harmonic of this frequency is a quantum of energy…a “particle” of Space-Time, unique in its expression, corresponding to the specific frequency/amplitude of the wave.

In order to illustrate the interpenetration by Space-Time through itself all one needs to do is sprinkle tiny hairs of iron filings/shavings on a sheet of paper held above a magnet (I used to do this all the time as a kid). The magnetic lines of force that appear as ellipsoids represent the decelerative forces of interpenetrating Space/Time while the spaces between represent the accelerative forces. The lines of decelerative forces grow further apart the further from the magnet they are, because the Space-Time between them is accelerating. They are held “moving in place” because of the interaction of accelerative and decelerative forces. Thus we observe a standing wave in dynamic self-interaction. When Mass is formed within Space-Time as an undivided configuration of Space-Time, (as a specific result of the accelerated interpenetration by Space-Time through and of itself during the creation of a Singularity/Universal Span expanding into the Multiverse), the directionless reciprocal flow of Space-Time differentiating as accelerative and decelerative expressions are translated into attractive and repulsive forces that subatomic and atomic “particles” consist of.

Each particle consists of reciprocal “polarity”, to repulse away from one particle and to attract towards another because of the decelerative and accelerative forces of Space/Time flowing through and therefore composing it. As an interactive interpenetration/ “interpolarizations” by Space-Time through and of itself, the particle is maintained in existence through the continually flowing interweave of accelerative and decelerative forces, unless those forces are altered thus altering or dissolving the “particle”.

The interpolarizations of the flow that a “particle” consists of are simply the woven interaction of the accelerative and decelerative forces of interpenetrating Space-Time. The phenomena of “position” and “momentum” that particles consist of are the intermix of the decelerative and accelerative aspects of interpenetrating Space-Time, no different than the coexistent electrical and magnetic fields of Electromagnetic (EM) radiation as the varied dualistic, self-expressive functions of the Fluxion).

Each “particle” in combination with others forms an “object” that exists in surrounding Space-Time as an undivided part of it. The repulsive/attractive forces of the object maintain its distinctiveness, (that which we perceive as its shape and form—interpreted through classical physics as the “Weak and Strong forces”), and the constancy of the translation, the perpetuity of the “interpenetrative flow” by Space-Time converted into Mass give life forms the ability to perceive the illusions of “Time” and “Space”, as we interpret through the senses and brain of neurologically configured Mass. Together, the attractive and repulsive forces of an object maintain its distinctiveness, it resists combining with other objects whose attractive/repulsive forces also make them distinct. Objects of Mass therefore generally resist penetration by other objects as all objects of Mass consist of Space-Time dynamically curving into itself—in a tighter curve than the surrounding ambient Space-Time that the objects are undivided from.

{The Fourth Dimension}

The reciprocal flows of accelerative and decelerative translations of Space-Time that constitute an object of Mass are tightly warped around each other forming the object itself, (as “Time wrapped up”), as a more intense part of the warp of surrounding Space-Time, and their interactions within the object constitute the attractive and repulsive forces of its united “particles”. A Dimensional State of Be-ing therefore is a configuration of the decelerative and accelerative forces/translations of Space-Time, perceived through our cerebral vision as the three spatial dimensions, (height, width, and depth), of an object, and a fourth dimension deduced through relativity as the actual flow of translation, of the existence of the object in “Time”—as the constancy of the “interpenetration” by Space-Time through itself.

Now, even though the self-interpenetration of Inertia Space-Time is instantaneous, if an observer is part of the flow and has neurological filters with which to perceive the flow, one may be able to interpret the flow as a passage of “time” and further perceive “space”, energy and objects as well. Simply stated, the function of the constancy of translation by Inertia-Space-Time through itself is what we neurologically synthesize as “Space” and “Time”, and the varying modifications of this “interpenetration” expressed as relative accelerative and decelerative translations are what we perceive as EM Radiations and objects of Mass. We often separate Space-Time into “Space” and “Time” because we perceive through our brain, which consist of “Mass”, and what it is that we are perceptually separating into “Space” and “Time” are our perceptions of the reciprocal differential interpenetrations by Inertia-“Space-Time” through itself—the translative flow of consciousness through itself—interpreted through the accelerative and decelerative aspects of our own cerebral mass (i.e. electro-chemical impulses). As we perceive through the accelerative/decelerative aspects of the mass of our brain we interpret the translations of Inertia-Space-Time as “volume”, as “Space”. When we judge volume against the constancy of the translations, as reciprocal interpenetrative flow, we interpret such dynamism as the “flow of Time”, such reciprocity perceived as past and future judged from a center point, (our own existence)—the “self”…(the present).

The first three dimensions as the volume of an object is our neurological perception of the accelerative/decelerative interactive configuration of Space-Time translated into the repulsive/attractive forces that constitute the distinctiveness of the object. The fourth dimension is derived of the Constancy or Dynamism of the interpenetration/translation by Space-Time through and of itself—and through the object, which maintains the object as continuing in Existence—as that which we neurologically perceive as the object existing in the ever becoming “present”. The repulsive forces are held in distinct formation by attractive forces of the object and vice versa, because the forces of Space-Time are continually and undividedly interpenetrating/ever-creating the object, thus maintaining the objects configuration.

{Why are objects different from one another?}

Objects are different from each other because of the varied configurations of their attractive/decelerative forces—as transitions of the differential interpenetrative/translative interactions by Inertia-Space-Time upon itself. Since Space-Time is warped through, between and around objects, the objects themselves are actually part of the warp. As “objects” exists as modified configurations of self-interpenetrating Space-Time, each object repels part of surrounding Space-Time while part of surrounding Space-Time is simultaneously attracted. Surrounding Space-Time, an undivided medium, is therefore “warped” around objects, because its fundamental rate of expansion/translation into itself is disturbed by the configuration of Mass interacting with it—a configuration that surrounding Space-Time is also undivided from. Our perceptions of “quantity” and “distance” therefore are equal to the differential intensities of the acceleration and deceleration of interpenetrating Space-Time. In short, because space-time is interpenetrating itself and interpenetrating all objects existing as part of it, the space-time between objects is decelerated due to the presence of the objects if the sum of the space-time intensity of the objects is greater than the space-time intensity between them. We interpret the intensified deceleration of space-time between objects as “gravity”.

Since the mass of the objects consists of highly warped interpenetrating space-time, which is undivided from surrounding space-time, the differential in intensities between the sum of the objects and the spaces between the objects governs the degree of the translation of the space-time, (intensity of attraction/deceleration and the intensity of repulsion/acceleration), between the objects. If the space-time potentiality between the objects is greater than the intensity of the space-time that the objects consist of, the accelerative forces of the space-time between the objects overcome the decelerative forces and appear to our senses to drive the objects apart.

The two forces working together govern what we perceive to be the “relative speed” between the objects. In classical terms this means that the “between” of the objects, (the “distance separating” the objects), expresses an inverse relationship with the combined mass of the objects. If the combined space-time mass of the objects is greater than the space-time between the objects then the decelerative force of space-time is predominant between the objects and hey appear to “attract”. If the combined space-time mass of the objects is less than the space-time between them then the accelerative force of space-time is predominant between the objects and they appear to “repel”. In this scenario the space-time between objects appears to decrease or increase relative to the combined space-time mass of the objects, but in the deeper sense it is actually the undivided relationship of the acceleration/deceleration of interpenetrating, (translating) Inertia that the objects consist of that governs the illusion of their attraction or repulsion, (attraction and repulsion being translations of reciprocal acceleration/deceleration). We may interpret the gravitational force between two or more objects as a graduated intensity of the deceleration of Space-Time immediately between them and as an acceleration of the departure of Space-Time that is less immediately between them, but nevertheless around them.

To clarify—deceleration is only deceleration in relation to acceleration…so deceleration is actually a lessening of acceleration—hence the most intense deceleration being the least intense acceleration. This is precisely what Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel meant when he derived from pure logic that all creation, though continually moving, never arrives at any state other than that of ceaseless flow (more to come on Hegel and other philosophers in later chapters). Now, the least intense acceleration…or the greatest intensity of deceleration is at the least between of two objects…meaning the between of the closest points of the objects, with all other points of the objects generating graduated increasing intensities of acceleration of Space-Time. This means that the predominance of decelerating Space-Time is graduated and concentrated towards the least between of the objects and that the predominance of accelerating Space-Time is graduated away from the least between to be spread out around the objects in a non-concentrated way—to wit: Of course, this rendition represents our neurological interpretation of the phenomena of “gravitation” and the accompanying illusion of the attractive motion of objects. The more significant idea to be grasped however, is that since the objects themselves consists of interwoven accelerations and decelerations of Space-Time, the decelerating Space-Time between the objects would have a reciprocal acceleration of Space-Time within objects that would also affect the decelerative forces within the objects as well. This would result in the gradual increase of the mass of the objects expressing as their mutually increased “velocity” through their mutual “closure” being the inverse intensification of the deceleration of Space-Time between them and the reciprocal increase of potential energy or mass of the objects themselves. Such “warping” of Space-Time causes the directionless flow of Space-Time to “reduce” or decelerate between objects allowing the physical/classical perception through “Space” and “Time” of the objects as “moving” closer together.

This “motion” however is actually the combined effects of the acceleration and deceleration –the translation—of Space-Time within, between, and around the objects…a conversion of the directionless flow—as a translation of Inertia. As they “close upon each other” through the mutually translative, in-forming warp of Space-Time, they appear to our neurological perception to move faster and gain proportional mass the “closer they get to each other”…as the warp between them becomes ever more pronounced by their combined presence.

This is the process through which Consciousness perceives through Life Forms the illusion of “motion”. The Life Form as an “object” does not exist on its own. It is a translative configuration of the surrounding warp of Space-Time. When the curvature of surrounding Space-Time is altered, a deceleration and acceleration of its directionless flow of translation creates the illusion of increasing or decreasing “space” between “objects”. Thus varying intensities of the accelerative and decelerative aspects of the flow are perceived as varying measures of Velocity, Mass, and Distance.

The deceleration of Space-Time caused by all objects in existence is what we interpret as “gravitational force” or the growing attraction between objects of Mass the “closer” they get to each other. The acceleration of Space-Time caused by all objects in existence is what Astrophysicists like Carl Sagan would interpret as accelerating “Universal Expansion”, or the accelerating expansion of Space-Time between objects the further away they are from each other. As Space-Time is always in constant directionless translative flow due to the continual interpenetration of Universal Spans, the presence of objects within the “flow” modifies this fundamental constancy.

An alternative view of Cosmic expansion would be that because all objects in existence contribute to a general Gravitational Field, such a Field permeating the Cosmos draws all objects of Mass to equilibrium through the curvature of the interpenetrative flow of Space-Time. As objects seek equilibrium through a curvature, the “further” they are drawn the “faster” they must “move”. Within our neurological perception, Space-Time is always flowing away from and simultaneously flowing toward every “object” of existence, thus through our classical interpretation of Inertia-Space-Time as “Space” and “Time”, we have developed our conceptions of “past and future” and as Einstein so eloquently put it “objects at a distance”.

As all objects in existence, including “Space-Time”, are constructed of translative inertia or Transcendence, undivided from the Space-Time surrounding them, our perceptions of acceleration or deceleration between objects is based upon the intensity of the interpenetrative flow of Space-Time surrounding them, our perceptions of acceleration and deceleration between objects is based upon the intensity of the interpenetrative flow of Space-Time—its translations of itself—that constitute the combined Mass of the objects, in relation to the differential of the intensity of the interpenetrative flow of Space-Time that lies between them. The differential between the accelerative and decelerative forces of Space-Time creates the potential between objects that we interpret as “Space-Time”. The differential is actually the “between” that we perceive, created by the existence of the objects.

Now it is true that because our Universe is curved, hyperbolically curved because of the interpenetration/translation by the Multiverse through itself/…all of Space-Time lies “between” every two objects in existence, but the Mass of an Object determines the intensity of the accelerative and decelerative translations of Space-Time immediately around it. Thus when two or more objects are in “close proximity”, their combined Mass creates a more intensified “between”, altering the forces of Space-Time into a locally intensified translation that simultaneously accelerates away from the objects and decelerates “between” the objects. As Universal Spans are continually interpenetrating within the Multiverse, there is a basic foundation of simultaneous forces throughout the Multiverse of directionless expansion, or depending upon our interpretation, directionless compression. The compression is really an expansion of the Multiverse into itself. This fundamental ex-pression of the Multiverse creates our perceptions of Universal expansion and of the overall gravitational forces of the Cosmos.

Wherever we are, we interpret the Universe as expanding because Space-Time is interpenetrating through us and around us. The translative forces flowing through and around us maintain our perceptions of ourselves as existing in the present, as they give a sense of “fixed position” (I am here and you are there), which also enables our perceptions of our individuality. The accelerative flow of translation through and around us, interacting with the decelerative flow, maintain our shape and form, as well as enabling our perception of an expanding Universe, together with our interpretations of “present, past, and future”, and “objects at a distance”. All of these “forces” however are translations and perspectives of Primary Consciousness of which we are an undivided part. Because we are a part of undivided consciousness, to us they seem a reality of objects, spaces and motions, but at the deeper level of Existence, they are the differential and diversified perspectives and translations of and through an undivided mind.


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