Sunday, May 01, 2005

Awakening the Quantum Eye: The Split Veil Fragments (pt 3)

Continued from page 82…

Because it is the foundation of Existence—(Inertia as the mind that is translating itself), and because we interpret this translation as “Space-Time”, “Space and Time” emerging from this condition are actually manifest illusions of this deeper reality from which we extend. Because we are a part of it, because we ourselves are Inertia, we see its translations as our reality…filtered through our neurological perception as “Space, Time, Energy, and Matter” and especially as “Motion”. I repeat, “all of Space-Time lies “between” every two objects in existence.” A strange statement, but when the entirety of the continuum is considered, a very significant one indeed. If Space-Time is curved throughout, then every object is paired with every other object in existence. What appears to be the shortest distance between two objects is not the total Space-Time between them. As Space-Time is curved, its total curvature lies between any and every two objects within it. It is the intensity of the warp of the “interpenetrative flow”, of the translation by Inertia—“Space-Time” of itself that determines our perception of the shortest “distance” between any two objects.

Space-Time is not a quantity, but is an intensity of Celerity, a reciprocal translative flow of Inertial Thought—Trans-Emanation—the reciprocal Versing of Inertia through itself, that we perceive geometrically. The truth is, there is no “distance” between “objects”, as all of Space-Time lies between every two objects in existence, no matter how far apart or how close together we perceive them to be.


As trans-emanations stems from Inertia’s intrinsic tension upon itself, its self-translation therefore is axiomatic of the origin of Existence. Its directionless flow, its intra-translation of itself is the phenomenon that we perceive as “polarity” in all things beheld. Space, Time, Distance, Quantity, Matter, Energy, and Velocity are all neurological interpretations of the varied intensities of the modified Celerity of this Fluxion. The aggregate of the attractive and repulsive forces of each object within our Universe interacts with both aspects, (the simultaneous “coming” and “going”), of Space-Time as its interpenetration of itself, as simultaneously moving toward an object and away from it. All objects in existence therefore intensify the attractive force within Space-Time that we perceive as the accelerating “pull of Gravity” between objects—as well as intensifying the repulsive force within Space-Time that we perceive as the accelerating “expansion of our Universe”. Through their undivided interaction with surrounding Space-Time, each object appears to be moving faster away the further it is from any other object/observer—because of the simultaneous acceleration/deceleration of Space-Time between and around objects. When two or more objects are in close proximity however, their combined effect upon surrounding Space-Time is inversely proportional to the attractive/repulsive forces of their combined Mass. In other words, in order for the inverse relationship that creates accelerating “gravitational attraction”, (the deceleration of Space-Time between objects), to exist, the combined Mass of the objects must be greater than the modified translation of the Space-Time that lies between them—that the objects are undivided from. The inverse relationship is always the same for all objects existing within a Space-Time “Warp-Field”, because each object, although its Mass may be different from others, creates the inverse equation in the same way. The total Mass of two or more objects, consisting of “woven” Space-Time, has a cumulative effect upon surrounding Space-Time when the intensity of Space-Time between the objects is less than the combined intensity of Space-Time that the objects consist of. The surrounding field then becomes warped proportionally by each object within it. Since the field is undivided from itself and from the objects that exist within, the accumulated forces of the field becomes its potentiality affecting all objects within that domain in the same way. Thus objects of differing Mass always “fall” at the same accelerative rate of “speed” because a common deceleration of Space-Time between objects in the same Warp Field is created by the cumulative Mass of the objects involved.

When an object falls toward the Earth, the Earth reciprocally “falls” towards the object. If objects are simultaneously falling toward the Earth from different directions, then the Earth is “falling” simultaneously toward each object. As this statement seems a nonsensical paradox, it only seems so because it is based upon the physics of non-sense-ability…as is our interpretation of “nothingness”—another translation of the Fluxion. None of the “objects” are actually “falling” or even moving…only the Space-Time between the Earth and each object is decelerating/ “contracting”—such “deceleration” a translation of the Consciousness of the objects mediated by the Consciousness of the Space-Time between them…giving each object involved the appearance to our senses…of accelerating towards the Earth.

That which we perceive as the “distance” between objects is our neurological translation of the differential intensity of modified Space-Time that is created between them. (Intensity is a translation of the differential between the accelerative and decelerative translative flows of inertia. Varying differentials, hence varying intensities of the flow are the result of the curvature of the flow being modified/interfered with by “eddies”—as further translations—within the Wholeness from which they are all undivided).

To reiterate, the phenomenon referred to here as “flow”, is the driven interpretations, the changing perspectives by the Totality of the Multiverse through and of itself, generated by its Transcendent Inertial Tension of Wholeness upon itself, as Thought within the Mind of the Wholeness of this Primary Consciousness.

If the intensity of Space-Time between the objects is less than the intensity of Space-Time that constitutes the combined Mass of the objects, a Warped Field of Space-Time, of relational intensity is created between and around objects. Because Space-Time is warped between the objects Space-Time decelerates between them, making them appear to draw closer—and accelerates away—around them, driving objects of lesser Mass away. As they get, (to our perception), “closer”, the directionless translative flow of Space-Time is further affected, inversely affected by the attractive and repulsive forces of the objects.

The repulsive forces in effect drive Space-Time away while the attractive forces draw Space-Time closer.

Both effects increase in intensity—and to our perception, “increased in speed” the further into the warp the objects go. This happens because the warp is made more intense by the increase of deceleration of Space-Time between the objects the “closer” they get to each other. The combined Mass of the objects also increase proportionally as they increase the “speed” between them because their combined Mass is inversely proportional to the intensity of Space-Time between them relative to their combined intensity/ “velocity”. Surrounding Space-Time therefore is translated into the Mass of the objects through the conversion of the differential intensities/ “velocities”…through the “in-form-ative” flow of Space-Time. Simply put, each object in existence is maintained in existence is maintained in existence by the continuing interpenetration of surrounding ambient Space-Time that the objects are undivided from. Since they are part of surrounding Space-Time, when two or more objects warp Space-Time, they are warping that from which they extend. The deceleration of Space-Time between them together with the acceleration of Space-Time around them is translated into the attractive/repulsive forces that the objects consists of, proportionally altering the Mass of the objects, which further intensifies the surrounding warp.

Through our classical interpretation therefore, Space-Time is interchangeable with Energy and Mass.

As objects increase in velocity, they proportionally increase in Mass. Velocity therefore is a translation of the curvature of Space-Time into the Mass of an object…the translation of “Energy” into Matter through the warping/translation of Inertia.

The Universal “Speed Limit” 186,000,000-Miles Per Second???

With regard to the “expansion of the Cosmos”, objects accelerating away from other objects also gain Mass as they increase relative speed, but the intensity of Space-Time between them is always greater than the combined Mass of the objects, always increasing between the objects. As objects accelerate away from each other faster and further however, their relative Mass increases to the point where their gravitational force finally matches their accelerative and their “speed” is thus limited. This limitation is what we interpret as the “speed of light”, and the edge of the “Universe” (dubbed “The Event Horizon” in a Hollywood Sci-Fi flop featuring Lawrence Fishburne), as judged from the center of a Universal Span. Since Space-Time is intertranslative, (trans-emanating), all functions occurring within Space-Time are dualistic, reciprocal, simultaneous (hence the Indian concept of Karma). Because the reciprocity of Space-Time is interpenetrative, occurrences within Space-Time must express differentially, hence accelerative and decelerative translations though mutually co-dependent may widely vary within the same Unified Field. We interpret these variations as individualized objects of mass, waveforms of energy and velocities of contractions and expansions of Space-Time, all of which are translations of the trans-emanation, (the self-interpenetration), of Inertia.

The aggregate effect of this interchangeability is to warp the Space-Time around objects, therefore decelerating the directionless flow of Space-Time between them, (which allows them to draw closer—and close upon one another ever faster the closer they get to each other because the differential between the decelerative and accelerative aspects of surrounding Space-Time is inversely proportional to the increasing combined Mass of the objects), and to accelerate its directionless flow that is around them—away from them. And through our classical perception, the two objects appear to attract each other, while other objects not in close proximity appear to be driven away. As this process is one of inverse interaction, at close proximity “attractive forces”—the deceleration of Space-Time—comes into play to intensify the “between” amid objects. If they are further apart, the attractive forces are overcome by the “repulsive forces”—the acceleration of Space-Time—causing objects to move away faster, the further apart they are as a cumulative effect based upon the inverse ratio.

Clearly through this theory of Space-Time, we can see the relationship between the accelerative/decelerative forces of Space-Time expressing as Gravitation/Universal Expansion…and the Strong and Weak forces of the subatomic particles of Atoms expressing as attraction/repulsion.

Because the directionless translative flow of Space-Time is curved, the objects moving away the fastest from any observer are at the outer curvature of the circumference/sphere of a Universal Span. That outer curvature represents the extreme limits of the Multiverse within which “Universal Spans” interpenetrate. As the Multiverse is therefore the “limiter” of the “size” of Universal Spans, the “speed” at which objects appear to accelerate away from other objects is limited as this “distance”. Because objects accelerate away from each other through differential Space-Time, the “speed of light” to our perception, is the limiting speed of the propagation of the Multiverse through itself. Its accelerative force is countered by its decelerative force thus limiting its maximum “speed” of propagation/interpenetration. Finally, there is a further translation through our perception, of the limiting effect by the Multiverse upon itself, as the effect of deceleration upon acceleration and vice versa. Both forces are always in play. When two or more objects are in close proximity, the deceleration of Space-Time appear as more prevalent than its acceleration—and when objects are far enough apart the acceleration of Space-Time appears as more prevalent than its deceleration. The appearances of “moving away” and “moving closer” are our neurological interpretations however of our perspectives to this directionless translative flow. The cumulative affect of the deceleration of Space-Time counters the cumulative affect of its acceleration, but differentially throughout the Multiverse.

[Why vampires do not cast shadows and not a reflection…]

Since the differential flow of Space-Time is generated by the undivided medium of the Multiverse interpenetrating itself, its acceleration must be proportional to its deceleration. Therefore, a cumulative equal, but differential “gravitational force” must permeate the Cosmos between all objects in existence in spite of our perception of its “accelerated expansion”. It is this cumulative “Gravity” generated by all objects in existence that draws all objects, emulating accelerative Cosmic expansion, to Cosmic equilibrium. The only reason that this works at all, is because Primary Consciousness is translating itself as Universal Spans interpenetrating—and thus expanding into each other at a constant rate, such constancy being “warped” differentially into simultaneous acceleration and deceleration by the modifying presence of objects. Here we conceive one Universal Span interpenetrated with another as the diversified though undivided infrastructure of a Totality. Together, they are not larger or denser as they are merely rearrangements of the forces of the Totality itself, but each is “non-local” to the other though they are interpenetrated. If we conceive an Infinity of Universal Spans, though undivided, but interpenetrated within a Totality, creating an infinity of interpolar perspectives…an infinity of thoughts of itself, we then comprehend a world of spontaneity driven by “non-local” sources within which “Free Will” plays the greatest part. Within this world new ideas are constantly generated to work in concordance with each other and with the greater Totality. Thus Existence ever becomes—“spontaneously”, through the diversified continuity of the thoughts of the Multiverse. In the final analysis, this Totality is local to itself, but its internal convolutions are non-local to each other, though they spontaneously support each other through its Unified Field—therefore a sameness—a simultaneity of thought oversees all diverging/converging functions/ex-pressions of the Multiverse. This is the Cosmological Constant—the Oversoul—that maintains the Multiverse in continuity through all diversifications of itself.

We interpret the varied expressions of this Constant as the “Speed of Light Constant” and the “Gravitational Constant/Complex”…but within and of the Totality of the Multiverse, it is actually the common Transcendent Tension of Wholeness of its internally convoluted Circumference/Sphericity—its continuity of thought, of Inertia transcendently acting upon itself, undivided from itself—that maintains the Multiverse as a whole system ant that also drives it into self-diversification. (That self-diversification is what we interpret as Matter and Energy, Gravity and Velocity and also as Will and Thought…).

[The Rolling Stone Analogy]

A rock for instance, exists only because the non-local forces of the Multiverse focus it in Space-Time, (Space-Time being an experiential construct of the translation/ “interpenetration” by the Multiverse of itself…driven by its Tension of Wholeness upon itself—that we interpret as a dynamic—self-constructing—geometry/fractals). Two rocks perceived lying side by side are each generated by non-local forces. (They are protected in Space-Time as harmonies of other forces). If we perceive one rock to roll towards the other and touch it, we are interpreting through our senses, the processing of the non-local forces of the substructure of Existence and translating them through our brain, into our macrological worldview. Now it might appear that the rocks have actually moved and touched…and within our neurological translation of our world this interpretation may seem good enough to judge and live by, but if we choose to look deeper we can find the underlying forces that support this illusion. It is not that the rocks have moved, but rather it is that the non-local forces that support the patterns of the rocks together with we ourselves, that have exchanged information through their own substructural dynamism, (the communication of accelerative and decelerative forces), creating new processes that we perceive as “rocks in motion”.

This is the mind of the Fluxion, (both the Creator and the infrastructure of Existence as one…), “thinking”, trans-emanating within itself, and as we are each a part of this mind, as we are each of the same quality as this mind, we see its thoughts in the unique way that we are able to…through the limitations of our own neurological perceptions—as synthesized /localized images of “patterned reality”. [See Simulacra and Simulation]

Our Perception of “motion” therefore is…

What we interpret through our senses and brain as “motion” is the dual perception between our “selves”, (as “localizations” of Consciousness perceiving through an “Animate Interface”), and the greater extensity of our Common Consciousness, which is the “environment” that we imagine that we are moving through. Our perception of “motion” therefore, is our interpretation of the propagation of Consciousness, of thought, through itself, emulating accelerative forces undividedly interacting with decelerative forces. And when we see something else move, we are interpreting through the Unified Field of this Wholeness of Consciousness, another duality of that consciousness, of which we are a part, interacting.

“…Like waves tossed to and fro…”—Wave Analogy

[See Job 38:8-11]

A wave moving through the ocean propagates through its own extensity, (that extensity being the ocean from which the wave is undivided). The water is the same everywhere, but the wave is a convolution of that which it is moving through. Thus, the wave cannot “move” except through continual communication with the ocean from which it extends. (This is a good example of localized consciousness moving/perceiving through the greater extensity of its “environment”). As the wave propagates in one direction, the ocean reciprocally propagates oppositely in relation and through the wave. This what happens when we perceive matter moving through Space. Space reciprocally “moves” through matter. Actually, neither are moving, but are continually exchanging polarities of unified thought…thus through such “communication”—matter becomes space and space becomes matter—simultaneously in continuity. We will soon discover within this writing that “Space” is a perceptive construct of “Time” and that “Time” is a perception of dynamic continuity…of the transcendence of Inertia. Anyone who has ever used “jumper cables” to restart a car can understand that as electrons propagate through a wire, the spaces between the electrons are said to propagate oppositely…but within the substructure of this process there is only a continual, reciprocal exchange of polarities—a transfer of Inertial Thought (in this case, energy from one battery to the another)—that through our illusion mimics physical motion.

There is no actual physical motion…

The polarities of the ocean wave communicate with the polarities of their greater extensity of the ocean and exchange information and thus the changing polarization of the entire process propagates through the continuity of the ocean and reciprocally through the wave. Now, it may be said that the process of wave propagation is driven by the wind over the ocean or by the motion of the earth or by the gravitational pull of the moon, but each of these forces are only further polarization’s—in decelerative and accelerative flux—driven by the transcendent tension of an undivided Wholeness upon itself to form diversifications within and of itself. There is no actual physical motion except through our limited and unique perception, of the concurrent processing of polar communications through differential geometry of the Multiverse.

Of what does the Multiverse consist?

We can and have labeled it in so many ways, Wholeness of Inertia, a Wholeness of Primary Consciousness, a Wholeness of Existence, and the Wholeness of “Nothingness”. The key word that we see in all of the descriptions however, is Wholeness.

The Intrinsic Dynamism that is Transcendence
[Neo (i.e. “The One”) versus Agent Smith]

There is something unique about a Wholeness that we are generally not aware of. It has a property that appears paradoxical. It cannot ever be fully measured because it is always greater that the sum of its undivided parts. When we imagine Wholeness, we imagine completeness, perfection. There are only two numbers that achieve this theoretical condition, One—the Totality of Existence…and Zero—the absence of Existence, a totality of “Nothingness”. We consider “Nothingness” to be equal to zero, we can now look at zero in a new way: We can now ask: What is the mathematical equation for the origin of Existence, and in a flash it comes to us, as if Pythagoras himself had whispered it in your ear, “simply and purely as zero”. The problem has always been however…to be able to translate such “Nothingness” into “Somethingness”. We have explored the translation of Inertia into Space-Time and Space-Time into Energy and Mass {see Tesla’s Free Energy Technology}, and so we have a fundamental understanding of what “Nothingness” is and how it becomes “Somethingness”, but we have not yet unraveled the spark, that Transcendence, that starts the mechanism of Inertia into being and simultaneously within that function to act upon itself.

We have not yet found the switch that turns Existence on. We are told to have faith, but our gross lack thereof would seem to reveal that our seeking does not stem from an innate sense of curiosity but rather from the deeply malevolent desire to turn Existence off…then again dichotomy is a fool’s illusion…

We have seen that a Wholeness has a tension to it that keeps it bound to itself. It is this tension (or as Tadeus Teller calls it…”Ingeneza and the Canon of Beauty”…which will be explored later on…) that communicates the need for equilibrium throughout a Wholeness and therefore drives the Wholeness to act upon and translate/interpenetrate itself to form of itself a dynamic infrastructure of self-diversification.

If the Tension of Wholeness upon itself does all of this, may it not also initiate the process—the Tension and the Wholeness being one and the same?

Below is a simple zero, a“Nothingness”, and like the “directionless motion” that is ascribed to the Wholeness of Existence, we give one a neutral charge of equally balanced plus and minus. But we must now ask, does “charge” also exist in zero, or is zero a lack of charge, but a potential that charge may be formed of? (Hence in the Matrix films, Agent Smith exercises his “charge”, his “potential energy” and thus himself becomes like the one in duplication). It would not matter how many charges of plus and minus we ascribe to zero for as long as they are equally balanced, they still leave an empty, motionless static condition, a null charge within our conception. We can see a similarity between this model of zero and our concept of a vacuum or the Void. Now the question is raised in my mind, if zero is a balanced null charge or only a potential of charge, why would zero be anything but vacuous? (Like Agent Smith’s Persona…sucking the life out his victims…). How would it begin to self-diversify to become “One” or Existence? The answer lies within the intrinsic Tension of Wholeness that zero is, in that its own potentiality causes it to deform, And charge is thus created.

What is the Nature of Zero… “irrational numbers”…are actually translations of the deeper reality, expressions of the undivided transcendent Wholeness of which Existence truly consists.

And charge is only in relation to other and opposite charge. When zero is deformed, charge is created and boundaries of charge form within the Void that zero is. The directionless flow of Existence is actually interactive charge within zero…within “Nothingness”. We consider zero as vacuous, as empty, as consisting of nothing. But zero must also be considered to be whole, for how can it not be, as it is a perfect Void? What is the nature of zero? It is a vacuous condition that draws upon itself from every part of itself and represents itself to our perception as a Spherical Void of Nothingness…and when we write zero—0—we symbolically represent the vacuous sphericity of the Void. We are now led to ask, “What are the properties of a vacuous sphere, or from an alternate conception, an Equilibrious Concavity?”…and now in our minds eye the function of л (pi) leaps out, dragging with it every other irrational, transcendental number of which the Void consists. The numbers are called “irrational” because they seem irrational, but they are actually translations of the deeper reality, expressions of the undivided transcendent Wholeness of which Existence truly consists. The nature of л, the nature of a transcendental number, is the fact of being “transcendental”, a largely ignored property of a Wholeness. There it is right under our noses, what it is that gets Existence going, what it is the spark that causes “Nothingness” to morph into “Somethingness”.

The History of Zero….

Who “discovered” zero?

When was it first used?

The Book/Movie featuring Dustin Hoffman “Sphere”

Who wrote the book and directed the movie?

Is Dustin Hoffman or any of the cast of the film involved with mysticism or the occult, or Masonry, Scientology, etc?

The intrinsic nature of a Wholeness is that its tension upon itself is greater than can be measured by the sum of its parts…because the natural deformation of a Wholeness intrinsically drives it into undivided differentiation.

When the entirety of a Wholeness is considered, a new aspect of the Wholeness arises with its Totality! It comes packaged in its own unique way.

A Wholeness is always greater than the sum of its parts!
(…hence the generation of transcendental numbers…)

Its tension upon itself is greater than the tensions of each of its parts. Here is how this works:

The parts of a Wholeness are undivided from the Whole

Since we are dealing with a sphere, every part of it is curved. As soon as we try to measure a curvature, л comes into play and we can only get a transcendental expression of each of its parts, because each of its parts are curved. When we add them together however, this sum always comes out as less than the whole. If we try to get around this by measuring squares—and other geometric shapes as the early Greek mathematicians attempted—within the sphere, we are left with curved remainders of the sphere. If we measure smaller and smaller squares within the remainders, we go on measuring forever. There is always more to the sphere than we can measure. (A simple way to illustrate this concept is to attempt to fold a piece of paper more than 6 or 7 times…ultimately the Tension is too great to continue folding although there is obviously more to be folded). Such “foreverness” is a representation of the fact that the tension of the Whole upon itself is greater than could be generated by its parts. The tension of each part when added together is less than the tension of the whole upon itself. This greater Tension of the Wholeness only arises with the Whole and not with each or the sum of its divided parts. Yes, it seems a strange paradox, but actually is not. Ask yourself when it was the last time that you considered the nature, the properties of a Wholeness as opposed to its undivided parts. If the answer comes back “never”, then we are not dealing with a paradox, but with a new idea. Even if we try to measure the Wholeness itself, we still get a number that is less than the whole. In order to calculate the volume of a sphere, we must use л and the transcendence of л leads us forever into the transcendent nature of Wholeness. The fact that a Wholeness is undivided from itself is the fact of its perpetuity within and of itself…thus perpetuity and therefore dynamism arises with the Wholeness.

Hence: If a zero is considered to be the negation of existence (i.e. Agent Smith), it can only be so if Inertia as a singular force is being equally balanced within its own wholeness (i.e. yin and yang with its light and dark circles within the “teardrops” representing one and zero).

Thus a symmetry of perfect equilibrium would be imagined…
As a singular force is undivided from itself, however, a tension of wholeness is intrinsic to its properties. It is this transcendence, this extra bit of tension that finds no rest within the Wholeness that starts the Fluxion of Inertia to propagate through and of itself, to continually translate itself, as well as creating an imbalance of the flow within the structure of its Wholeness, disturbing its symmetry and creating its need for equilibrium, which is the “curiosity” and “creativity” of both Primary Consciousness and life!

On Jesus…

Note: There is an old Motown pop song whose chorus laments: “♪…Papa was a rolling stone, wherever he lay his hat was his home…and when he died all that he left us was alone…♫” Taken outside of its proper context the following biblical verse can arguably be interpreted to convey a similar message about Jesus, although many would claim that only the opposite of loneliness was accomplished by his death…and indeed they would be correct…the persona of Jesus has shaped the landscape of Western Civilization for over 2000 years! Let us compare the two verses:

“When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake. Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, “Rabbi, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” ~ Matthew 8:18-20


“♪…Papa was a rolling stone, wherever he lay his hat was his home…and when he died all that he left us was alone…♫”

If we understand Jesus to be a composite figure, a personification of the noumenon, that the ancients believed was the generative and creative force behind all visible phenomenon, then we will better understand the peculiar quote attributed to Jesus. Thus I reiterate… Jesus is made to represent a singular force as undivided from itself, however, the tension of wholeness is intrinsic to his properties. It is this transcendence, this extra bit of tension that finds no rest within the Wholeness that starts the Fluxion of Inertia to propagate through and of itself, to continually translate itself (i.e. redundantly communicating the same message through variations of the same parable—revealing itself via observable phenomena), as well as creating an imbalance of the flow within the structure of its Wholeness, disturbing its symmetry and creating its need for equilibrium, which is the “curiosity” and “creativity” of both Primary Consciousness and life!”

“In the beginning was the Word/Logos, and the Word/Logos was with God, and the Word/Logos was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him { Word/Logos} all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him {Word/Logos} was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” ~ John 1:1-5

“Cats have nine lives…” ~ Unknown

“Curiosity killed the cat…” ~ Unknown

What does Pandora have to do with cats, curiosity and Jesus?

When we look up “Pandora’s box” in the dictionary it is almost synonymous with the misfortunes curiosity can bestow upon mankind…

“n: (Greek mythology) a box that Zeus gave to Pandora with instructions that she not open it; she gave in to her curiosity and opened it; all the miseries and evils flew out to afflict mankind”

…As if the uncertain laws of the Cosmos itself were off limits to our prying eyes. It may seem highly unlikely that the origins of the phrase “cats have nine lives” somehow relate to Pandora’s infamous box…but within the context of our modern capacity to create new and working analogies to express to the general public complex data, observations and discoveries in the realms of Quantum Physics…it becomes clear that these sayings and myths have been used for a higher purpose…that there is definitely a link between the analogy of Schrodinger’s Cat and Pandora’s box.
What I am suggesting, with the benefit of hindsight, is that the presence of these aphorisms may also suggest that the original intention of these sayings and fables were to couch esoteric and complex scientific concepts, just as we use them today.

As the flow is continually modified through its own translation/interpenetration, it becomes “accelerative” and “decelerative” forces within the Wholeness.

Such disturbances causes decelerative flow to interpenetrate accelerative flow, which creates an oscillation of the flow and zero/nothingness then becomes unbalanced, developing charge. Its positive forces undulate with its negative forces as zero now rearranges within its own Wholeness to become within its own interpretation of itself, (through us and every other life form self-created of it)…Existence!

A waveform of decelerative and accelerative forces appears as an Electromagnetic Radiation undulating through and composed of the wholeness of the flow.

If we consider the Multiverse as a dynamic totality, then we must consider zero as self-interactive, as having self-created charge which we may conceive as directionless flow (which the Wachowski Brothers depict as Agent Smith acting on his own accord, wholly unplugged from the Matrix), or as an Electromagnetic waveform that we interpret as Space-Time, (hence the 3K radiation background emanating from all points in space).

What Inertia is…

What Inertia is…is zero, a vacuous “Nothingness”, a transcendent potentiality transformed into dynamic charge.

What physical motion is…

Physical motion is purely and simply alterations of vacuous sphericity that we conceive as “Nothingness”, the perfectly balanced charges of zero made ellipsoid, as alterations of Space-Time, alterations of Inertia in relation to the Wholeness of Inertia from which they are undivided. It is the Fluxion unfolding within itself expressing as the Phenomena that we interpret as Existence. What we call an acceleration of Mass is the deceleration of Space-Time that we perceive of greater charge in relation to lesser charge and the deceleration of Mass is the acceleration of Space-Time that we perceive of lesser charge in relation to greater charge. Since we perceive through neurological Mass, (our own brain), we see varying charge as changing velocity and we are able to mathematically translate “velocity” as we are able to mathematically translate charge. So at the root of existence, at the level of the Fluxion, the tension of wholeness, (the cause within the effect), though balanced and curved as equal charge, is elliptically formed thus differentiating its charge into interactive polarities.

We interpret the effect of the ellipse as space-time and neurologically perceive its interpolarizations through Maya…as “physical reality”. We cannot see Space-Time as it is, as we cannot see a “vacuum”, but we can perceive changing aspects of it as EM radiation, Mass and the “Gravitational Forces” of continually altering Space-Time—the same as our perception of “Velocity”. That is the generated effect by the stress of a “perfect” vacuum upon itself. That is the effect caused by the transcendence of tension upon a Wholeness, upon the Multiverse. When we see an object “move”, we are seeing the effects of surrounding Space-Time upon it. We see a combination of greater and lesser charge of greater and lesser charge of the Wholeness of Inertia that both the object and we exist within, that both the object and we are composed of, that both the object and we are undivided from. What I have been describing as “directionless flow” is the ambient stress upon the potentialities of the Wholeness of the Multiverse, driven by the transcendental tension of the Wholeness upon itself.

The Duality of the Soul

The perception of moving through an “environment” is that the Wholeness of the environment is doing the perceiving through an interfacial construct, perceiving as an Extended Consciousness, providing the life form’s illusion of its own “Localized Consciousness”. Thus when Localized Consciousness “moves” through its own extensity, it does so by dual perception—the perception of the “environment” as Consciousness processing with itself through the perceptive lens of an “Animate Interface”, creating the illusion of a Localized Consciousness. The surrounding warp of Space-Time creates and maintains a neurological mass, a “living” form of Inertia undivided from Space-Time, that permits the perceptions of accelerative and decelerative flow to be synthesized as an environment of “Space,” “Time”, “Matter” and “Energy.”

The dual perceptions by the environment of itself are complimentary polarities of the same Wholeness, and the polarized perceptions having come to be through the translation by the Wholeness of itself through a neurological life form, a translative construct of the Wholeness, through which the illusions of “localization”, “non-localization” and “self”-perception are created. As “localized” consciousness extends its perception in a direction and a decision is made to move in that direction, the “environment” propagates reciprocally to the Localized perception—as this is a singular process acting upon itself…as Localized Consciousness is also that which it propagates through. (That which we see, sees itself through us. That which we move, moves itself through us). There is no actual physical movement however, except as an illusion of the flux of the polarities by such dualized perception between localized consciousness and the greater extensity of the Wholeness of Primary Consciousness.

In the deeper, simpler conception, Primary Consciousness by extending its perception thereby engages in self-experiential, reciprocal translative flow—as interpolar communication, and this is perceived through the Localized Consciousness of an interfacial life form as “speed”, “distance”, and “direction”, and also as the life form’s own decision to “move”. All perceived motion is the translation/interpenetration by Inertia-Space-Time through itself—the exchange of thought of Primary Consciousness through which an interposed life form—an Animate Interface—perceives its “accelerations” and “decelerations”, its thought of itself through the life form—as physical motion. As stated earlier—nothing happens to us that we ourselves do not cause… as we are each a part if the effects that we experience. I understand the gravity of such a comment, however it is not a new idea, it is merely a translation of the cumulative effects of reciprocity in our daily lives and environment.

So, it is not localized consciousness on its own that has decided to “move”, but it is the entirety of the “environment” that has made this choice as a unified process, and it is the illusioned perception of Localized Consciousness that it is—on its own, making the decision and actually moving. If the entire process, (the Totality), is in a state of relative simultaneity, then only a polarization of Consciousness within the Totality would be capable of the illusion that it is in “motion”, as the Localized Polarized Consciousness, through its unique judgment, would interpret the combined reciprocity of the entire process…as its own motion…This still does not mean that we have no choice however, but rather that we have enhanced choice, as we are continuous beings, undivided from that which has created us.

More than Conquerors

Thus we are more than we think we are…

The New Testament writer of Romans…most likely drawing inspiration from older esoteric texts and teachings…summed this up nicely when he/she wrote…

“…For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified…He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?…No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, we be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord…” ~ Romans 8:28-39

These bodies that we have allow us the illusion of individuality, but we are really connected together, and connected as well to the environment that we perceive (an idea that so-called “primitive” tribal cultures seem to have always been well aware of), through the Fluxion, through the interactive Wholeness of Primary Consciousness. This word “In-divi-duality”, when looked at closely, really means…

“The In-dividing of Consciousness to achieve Duality”

We are each a Soul of the Absolute Wholeness of Primary Consciousness “in-divided” by a Neurological Interface that induces the polarities of Localized and Extended Consciousness to form through such reciprocity, the illusion of Self-Perception.

“My Name is Legion…”

“They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torture me!” For Jesus said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man—and told about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region. As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.” ~ Mark 5:1-20

Jesus on Demonic Possession and the Duality of the Soul

“Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed. But some of them said, “By Beelzebub, the prince of demons, he is driving out demons.”…Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up the spoils. He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters. When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.” ~ Luke 11:14-26

The underlying theme in both of these excerpts is expressed in Romans, “those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son”…The key word here being essentially conformity. The Philistines had a difficult time forcing their own demon-possessed man to conform to their “chains and fetters…”his name was Samson. Below is a striking description of the Samson figure which had parallels with the man possessed by Legion:

The seven feast days of Samson

“Now his father went down to see the woman. And Samson made a feast there, as was customary for bridegrooms. When he appeared, he was given thirty companions. “Let me tell you a riddle,” Samson said to them. “If you can give me the answer within seven days of the feast, I will give you thirty linen garments and thirty sets of clothes. If you can’t tell me the answer, you must give me thirty linen garments and thirty sets of clothes.”

“Tell us your riddle,” they said. “Lets hear it.” He replied, “Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet.” For three days they could not give the answer. On the fourth day, they said to Samson’s wife, “Coax your husband into explaining the riddle for us, or we will burn you and your father’s household to death. Did you invite us here to rob us?” Then Samson’s wife threw herself on him, sobbing, “You hate ,me! You don’t really love me. You’ve given my people a riddle, but you haven’t told me the answer.”

“I haven’t even explained it to my father or mother,” he replied, “so why should I explain it to you?” She cried the whole seven days of the feast. So on the seventh day he finally told her, because she continued to press him. She in turn explained the riddle to her people. Before sunset on the seventh day the men of the town said to him, “What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?”

Samson said to them,

“If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle.”

Fire of infamy

Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power. He went down to Ashkelon (literally, weight, balance; fire of infamy), struck down thirty of their men, stripped them of their belongings and gave their clothes to those who had explained the riddle. Burning with anger, he went up to his father’s house. And Samson’s wife was given to the friend who had attended him at his wedding.

The Stolen Bride

“…Later on, at the time of the wheat harvest, Samson took a young goat and went to visit his wife. He said, “I’m going to my wife’s room.” But her father would not let him go in. “I was so sure you thoroughly hated her,” he said, “that I gave her to your friend. Isn’t her younger sister more attractive? Take her instead.”

The 150 pairs of burning foxes destroy the shocks, standing grain, vineyards, and olive groves

Samson said to them, “This time I have a right to get even with the Philistines; I will really harm them.” So he went out and caught three hundred foxes and tied them tail-to-tail in pairs. He then fastened a torch to every pair of tails, lit the torches and let the foxes loose in the standing grain of the Philistines. He burned up the shocks and standing grain, together with the vineyards and olive groves.

The Bride and her household are burned to death

When the Philistines asked, “Who did this?” They were told, “Samson, the Timnite’s son-in-law, because his wife was given to his friend.”

So the Philistines went up and burned her and her father to death.

The Cave in the Rock of Etam—“bird—covering” (The holy spirit as a dove)

Samson said to them, “Since you’ve acted like this, I won’t stop until I get my revenge on you.” He attacked them viciously and slaughtered many of them. Then he went down and stayed in a cave in the rock of Etam (their bird, their covering).”

Lehi—and the donkey’s jawbone—The Jews hand over Samson to be put to death (just as is done to Jesus)

“The Philistines went up and camped in Judah, spreading out near Lehi (means “jawbone”). The men of Judah asked, “Why have you come to fight us?” “We have come to take Samson prisoner,” they answered, “to do with him as he did to us.”

The 3,000 men go to retrieve Samson (Judas leads )

“Then three thousand men from Judah went down to the cave in the rock of Etam and said to Samson, “Don’t you realize that the Philistines are rulers over us? What have you done to us?” He answered, “I merely did to them what they did to me.”

“They said to him, “We’ve come to tie you up and hand you over to the Philistines.”

“Samson said, “Swear to me that you won’t kill me yourselves.”

“Agreed”, they answered. “We will only tie you up and hand you over to them. We will not kill you.” So they bound him with two ropes and led him up from the rock. As he approached Lehi, they Philistines came towards him shouting. The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power. The ropes on his arms became like charred flax, and the bindings dropped from his hands. Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men.

Then Samson said,

“With a donkey’s jawbone I have made donkey’s of them. With a donkey’s jawbone I have killed a thousand men.”

“When he finished speaking, he threw away the jawbone; and the place was called Ramath Lehi

“Stay away from the light…” ~ Poltergeist

We are each a duality of Primary Consciousness, each a mind within and undivided from the Wholeness and therefore undivided from each other. Both parts of each duality are of the prevalent mind of “God”, but because the parts are created and polarized through the imposition of a neurological interface, they interactively create the illusion of self-perception for each of us. We will discover further into this chapter that once this illusion is created, it becomes self-sustaining, even after the body and brain have ceased to function and that as long as a Soul thinks that it is a “self”, it will remain so until it learns its way back to depolarization—back to the unified perception of Existence as it is.

To get a sense of this, I once placed a glass of water on a table in front of me and then stirred it rapidly. Then I removed the straw (stirrer). The whirlpool that was created still remained, although as it sought equilibrium with the greater body of water—it slowly depolarized and became less and less of a whirlpool as it attained a higher “realization” of its undividedness from the greater whole. The straw (stirrer) was its “Animate Interface” that once removed, left this Soul of Consciousness to find its own way back to unity and higher comprehension.

The Joy of Being…

What we interpret as “motion” is the experiential process by which Consciousness perceives itself…through itself. The process is of dualistic relational, reciprocal interpretation, of the Totality of Consciousness comprehending itself through its own intensifying and diminishing polarizations of Inertial forces through our bipolar interpretation, through the interpretation of a Soul. We will discover within this chapter that it is only through the perception of a Soul, that the illusion of physical motion is possible…and we will discover further, that through limited depolarization may a Soul recognize the illusion of physical motion to be the concurrent processing of the Wholeness of Existence…and then experience the Joy of Being through undivided simultaneity…and we will further discover that this can be accomplished while the body and brain are still alive.

The River Tao (The Four Rivers of Eden)

The “motion” of the self-experiential process of the Multiverse has been described through Sacred Buddhist Scripture as the River Tao that flows in all directions, at the same speed…at once…as a sphere that emanates out from the center of itself, through itself, around its girth in all directions, (directionlessly), and back into itself (Plato’s description of the geography of Atlantis has a similar design)…and this “Cosmological Constant” we interpret from our perspective, as the “Constant of the Speed of Light”…as a continuous directionless flow, except that when we observe it we give it position, direction, and therefore speed of motion, (we then imagine that unobserved, it is direction-ful or omni-directional). From the perspective of the higher consciousness of the Multiverse however, there is no speed, no physical motion—only the existence of now, of interpolar thought…ever becoming.

Reflecting again on the Buddhist Scriptures, it seems that if the River Tao is the same rate of flow everywhere—without direction, then all parts are in equilibrium though its internal polarizations are in flux. In order for there to be a perception of motion, there must be a differential relative background to judge against. If all “motion” is the same, if the relative “speed” is the same everywhere, then all “motion” must be judged to be equal—at relative rest when unobserved. Of course, once an observation is made of any part of the river—from any part of the river, such an ordered view of the Tao must translate to direction and therefore “speed of motion”.

Our Classical Perception of the River Tao

As Universal Spans express and interpenetrate, they propagate through one another. As they are all contained within and part of the convoluted circumference of the wholeness of the Multiverse, each Span interpenetrates every other…and within our synthesized interpretation of the process of “Space-Time”, the interpenetration is from every angle. Thus any view from within the Multiverse becomes a point of departure, in that the Cosmos will always appear to be moving away in all directions from any observer. The “Space-Time frame”—our Universal Span—from which the Sagans and Hawkings of our generation deduce the age and size of the “Cosmos” (approximately 15 billion light years according to Hubble’s Constant), is our limited interpretive synthesis of the totality of the Multiverse. (We will explore further into this chapter however, a translation of the multi-dimensional manifold of the Cosmos that puts its convoluted “size” at about 22.5 billion light years—and still within our neurological judgment). We can see ourselves as undivided from the forces of the Multiverse, as we are constituted of and extend from this Totality…that the greater part of each of ourselves—is—the “environment” that we perceive…or we can see ourselves through illusion/Maya as acting independently on our own, though supported by the “environment” that we use to sustain ourselves. The interpretation of the latter is viable within a limited degree of “self”-perception and “environmental” integration. This limitation however, must eventually lead to further “self”-perception, evoking a deeper understanding of our own true extensity…that we shall eventually reach the one ultimate conclusion, that we are the “environment” observing and acting upon itself through each of us as sentient, willful extensions of it. So, “free will” is not so free, but free enough to choose any path that “destiny” may provide…and destiny is the combination of forces of which “free will” consists—the Fluxion…therefore “destiny” chooses its own path.

Is this not in the final analysis…“Free will”? Consider the following conundrum derived from the problems inherent amongst Quantum physicists:

As the “All” has no personal reference point except in imagination, if one says the “All” is free, it will quickly defy him by appearing bound. If one goes on to say that it is bound, it will appear free. If one suggests that it is neither free nor bound, it will appear neither free nor bound, it will appear as both free and bound…no winning conceptually.

Now, allow me to present the conundrum again in the words of a Quantum physicist:

(Internet Article from

Wave-Particle Duality

The Bohr model of the atom involved two puzzling features - the electron was treated as a wave, and light was treated as a particle (a photon). The connection to these new pictures of electrons and light from our more familiar view of an electron as a particle and light as a wave is provided by the relation

which links the mass and speed of an electron to the wavelength of the associated wave, and by the relation

which links the frequency of a light wave to the energy of the associated photon.
These relations are not derivable from other relations; they are hypothesized, and are ``true'' only so long as they satisfy experimental verification. Even so, they are unlike most mathematical statements, however, in the following sense. A statement like Newton's 2nd law of motion,

refers on both sides of the equal sign to the same object: one says the force on some object is equal to the mass of the object times the acceleration of the object. Implicit in this is the fact that both sides of the equation are referring to the same object, and so we have in mind one common picture of the object. However, the preceding quantum relations are referring to different pictures of an object: on one side of the equation we view the object as a particle, and use words to describe the particle's mass, speed, and energy, and on the other side of the equation we view the object as a wave, and use words like wavelength and frequency to describe that wave.
Questions then arise. What is an electron? Is it a particle or a wave? And what is light? A wave or a photon? The answer to these is found in the statement of wave-particle duality:

Thus, objects (light, electrons, bowling balls, ...) can at times appear to us as waves, and at other times as particles. In this sense they are neither particles nor waves, in an absolute sense, but only exhibit wave or particle properties, depending on the experiment being performed.
This philosophically challenging statement, which is at the heart of quantum theory, is still actively being debated and researched today. We give now some examples of this dual nature of reality for electrons and for light.
Electrons as particles
When we were discussing electric currents, and resistances, we viewed the electrons as tiny point particles with a certain mass and electric charge. Resistance was then said to arise from the collisions of electrons with other particles in a wire. This view of the electron as a particle is certainly correct in this situation; the electron here cannot be thought of as a wave.
Electrons as waves
The Bohr model of the atom provides an example where we must think of the electron as a wave - we argued at the beginning of this chapter that thinking of the electron as a particle fails completely. Additional evidence for the wave nature of electrons comes in two places: electron diffraction and in electron microscopes.
Light as waves
We saw in the last chapter that the broad phenomena of refraction, diffraction, and interference demonstrates light can behave as a wave; a particle (photon) model of light in these instances would fail completely.
Light as photons
Electron transitions in the Bohr model of the atom and the subsequent emission of light provides an example of when light should be viewed as a photon. There are two further pieces of evidence of this particle-like nature of light - photon scattering and the photoelectric effect.
The uncertainty relations

A consequence of wave-particle duality was discovered by Heisenberg soon after quantum mechanics was developed. Suppose that we wish to measure simultaneously the position and the speed of an object. To do this we shine light at the object, but we do not measure what happens to the light after striking the object. Now, as discussed in connection with electron microscopes, light of a certain wavelength can only see objects down to the size of that wavelength; at smaller scales diffraction effects take place which wash out the image. This provides a theoretical lower limit to how accurately we can measure the object's position. On the other hand, if the light was viewed as a photon, it could give up some or all of its momentum after striking the object, as was discussed in the context of photon or Compton scattering, and this gives an uncertainty in measuring the particle's speed, since we don't know how much momentum the photon gave up. If one puts these two effects together, one finds the Heisenberg uncertainty relations:

where x is the uncertainty in measuring the particle's position, v is the uncertainty in the speed, and m is the mass.
What this means is that one cannot reduce to zero in principle the uncertainty in simultaneously measuring an object's position and speed, no matter how expensive or advanced the measuring equipment being used is. For example, to reduce the uncertainty in position one could use light of a shorter wavelength, but then the associated photon would have more energy, causing a larger uncertainty in the object's speed. Conversely, to reduce the uncertainty in speed onw could use photons with very low energy, so that they would give up very little energy when they collide with the object, but this would then mean that light of a larger wavelength is used to measure the object's position, resulting in a larger uncertainty in position.
As with the case of demonstrating the wave nature of bowling balls, the uncertainty relations have little consequence at larger scales; the theoretical limits they provide in measuring the position and speed of macroscopic objects are far smaller than today's technological limitations. However, at microscopic scales they do apply; for example, saying an electron is somewhere in an atom (about 10-10 m) means that in principle that you cannot measure its speed better than to an accuracy of about 106 m/s.
These and other aspects of wave-particle duality have troubled many people in the past, notably Einstein, who disliked intensely this apparent lack of complete knowledge we have about nature. In one exchange with Bohr, Einstein is reportedly to have said that ``God does not play dice with the world'', at which point Bohr apparently admonished Einstein to ``stop telling God what to do''. Many people have tried, and are still trying, to come up with other interpretations and/or alternatives to quantum theory, but without success. As with any scientific theory, the ultimate test of quantum theory is via experiment and, despite its strangeness, it has passed every test so far with flying colors.

Amit Goswami points out how it is consciousness that collapses the wave function:

(Extensive quotes taken from The Self-Aware Universe)

“…How do we reconcile the spreading of the electron’s wave packet all over town with the picture of a localized particle? The answer is that we must include the act of observation in our reckoning. If we want to measure the electron’s charge, we must intercept it with something like a cloud of vapor, as in a cloud chamber. As a result of this measurement, we must assume that the electron’s wave collapses, so now we are able to see the electrons track through the cloud of vapor. According to Heisenberg: “The path of the electron comes into existence only when we observe it.” When we measure it, we always find the electron localized as a particle. We may say that our measurement reduces the electron wave to the particle state….” ~Pp. 39

“…When we make an initial observation of any submicroscopic projectile, we find it localized in a tiny wave packet, as a particle. After the observation, however, the packet spreads, and the spread of the packet is the cloud of our uncertainty about the packet. If we observe again, the packet localizes once more but always spreads between our observations. Watching electrons, said the physicist-philosopher Henry Margenau, is like watching fireflies on a summer evening. You can see a flash here and another twinkle of light there, but you have no idea where the firefly is between your observations. You cannot define a trajectory for it with any confidence. Even for a macroscopic object, such as the moon, quantum mechanics predicts essentially the same picture—the only difference being that the spreading of the wave packet is imperceptibly small (but nonzero) between observations…” ~ Pp. 41-42

The Moon—and Platonic Archetypes

“…Perhaps the most important, and the most insidious, assumption that we absorb in our childhoods is that of the material world of objects existing out there—independent of subjects, who are the observers. There is circumstantial evidence in favor of such an assumption. Whenever we look at the moon, for example, we find the moon where we expect it along its classically calculated trajectory. Naturally we project that the moon is always there in space-time, even when we are not looking. Quantum physics says no. When we are not looking, the moon’s possibility wave spreads, albeit by a miniscule amount, when we look the wave collapses instantly; thus the wave could not be in space-time. It makes more sense to adapt an idealist metaphysic assumption: There is no object in space-time without a conscious subject looking at it. So quantum waves are like Platonic archetypes in the transcendent domain of consciousness, and the particles that manifest upon our observation are the immanent shadows on the cave wall (See Chapter One: The Human Condition for Plato’s Allegory of the Cave)…” ~ Pp. 59-60

“…Consciousness is the agency that collapses the wave of a quantum object, which exists in potentia*, making it an immanent particle in the world of manifestation…Nothing is outside consciousness…” ~ Pp. 60

*Heisenberg’s Potentia (

Jammer [1966, p. 286] relates how:
Laws of nature, as Born and Heisenberg contended determined not the occurrence of an event, but the probability of the occurrence. For Heisenberg, as he later explained it, such probability wave are ``a quantitative formulation of the concept of ‘dynamism’, possibility, or in the later Latin version, `potentia', in Aristotle's philosophy. The concept of events not determined in a peremptory manner, but that the possibility or `tendency' for an event to take place has a kind of reality - a certain intermediate layer of reality, halfway between the massive reality of matter and the intellectual reality of the idea or the image - this concept plays a decisive role in Aristotle's philosophy. In modern quantum theory this concept takes on a new form; it is formulated quantitatively as probability and subjected to mathematically expressible laws of nature.''
Unfortunately Heisenberg does not develop this interpretation much beyond the sort of generality of the above statements, and the concept of ‘potentiality’ remains awkwardly isolated from much of his other thought on this subject. It is unclear even what he means by `potentia'. Herbert [1985], in describing Heisenberg's ideas, imagines them to be more ephemeral than substantial:
Heisenberg's half-real universe of potentia is reminiscent of certain oriental views developed in contexts far removed from quantum physics:
This floating world is but a phantasm
It is a momentary smoke
Though ghostly and transitory, Heisenberg's shimmering ocean of potentia is the sole support for everything we see around us. The entire visible universe, what Bishop Berkeley called ``the mighty frame of the world,'' rests ultimately on a strange quantum kind of being no more substantial than a promise.

The above examples were all descriptions of the effect Human contemplation/observation has upon the “Absolute”…demonstrating that we are at least capable of “moving” it.

But we should now see here the simple answer glaring at us…for if each of us are actually diversifications of the “All”…of a singular mind, acting upon itself, of course—every action will “move” this mind from where it was- from where it now is…and every thought of it…by any extension of it…will do this continually—ever creating the continuance—as the Now of Being. Is not such “self-contemplation” then…free will…as it is bound…as well as it is moved…(or as the Quantum physicist relate “The path of the electron comes into existence only when we observe it”)…by its own thought of itself?

Thus Destiny “moves” itself by picking itself up by its own bootstraps, and we call this “free will”. But to strengthen this concept, let us take this just one small step further and apply this understanding to an actual “thought” by the Multiverse of itself, to become an Inbound system of a Universal Span and say that “free willed” Consciousness as flowing currents of Inertia within the Outbounded realm, (the convoluted, internalized circumference), of the Multiverse…are undivided from the sources that sustain them. The “non-local” harmonics of the Multiverse, which have given them “life”, are the communications between the existent Universal Spans of this “Absolute Mind”—between the differing perspectives by the Multiverse of itself. The conjoined effects of these communications are the creative vibrations, the harmonious effects through the Outbounded realm that are required to form and sustain each Universal Span. Thus each Span is but an echo of the “Logos of God” in contemplation of itself. A Universal Span is created by the “forces of destiny”, (waves of Inertia—the “spins” of subatomic particles creating harmonic vibrations/frequencies as currents of thought), pulsing through the Outbounded realm, (pulsing through the internalized Inertial circumference of the Multiverse). The sources of the pulses are the existing Spans—as internalized convolutions of the circumference—contained within that realm, each thought reflecting upon all others within the unified infrastructure. The growth of each Span, though ultimately driven by the forces of the Multiverse, is also generated from within itself. Each Universal Span develops a hierarchy of logical steps from within, as its own Inertia is driven to act upon itself by the Cosmological Constant—by the Tension of Wholeness of the Multiverse upon itself.

Each Universal Span, in order to exist within the Multiverse must first develop, (is driven by the transcendence of the Wholeness to develop), a uniformity of “Space-Time”, (a translation/transition of the Cosmological Constant), contained within its spherical circumference. Driven by the forces of the Outbounded realm, the Space-Time within each Span is forced to act upon and form of itself greater intensities of “electromagnetic radiations”, (a further translation/transition of the Tension of Wholeness), which must further coalesce into the simplest form of matter, as Atoms that we interpret as Hydrogen. Once hydrogen atoms are formed as undivided woven expressions of Space-Time, the interpolar communication between surrounding Space-Time and Hydrogen is expressed undividedly as the “Gravitational Constant”—which is a translation of the Tension of Wholeness by the Multiverse upon its infrastructure—through the Space-Time of each Span, that forms of itself such “Gravity”—that we interpret as “Hydrogen/Atoms” existing in “Space” over “Time”. Thus Hydrogen Atoms are translations of the accelerating/decelerating Tension of Wholeness by the Multiverse upon its infrastructure of Universal Spans. They are expressions within each Span of the Tension of Wholeness of the Multiverse, as the Cosmological Constant expressed as the “Gravitational Constant” compounded into Space-Time, further compounded into Electromagnetic Radiation, and further compounded into “Atoms”. Thus “Atoms” are constructed of that which we interpret as “Gravity” and Gravity is constructed of accelerating /decelerating “Space-Time”.
All that we interpret are the translations/transitions of the Tension of Wholeness—of the Cosmic Mind—upon itself—of the Totality of Existence as it is—of Primary Consciousness—acting upon its own diversifying infrastructure.
How the Cosmos Becomes Undone…
The Cosmological Constant, (Tension of Wholeness), translated as the “Gravitational Constant” draws Hydrogen Atoms as a variety of itself, together as a rational convolution of Universal thought, to create of itself, (of the Hydrogen Atoms), “Gravitational Stars”, (a more intensified translation/transition), within which further compounding of such “Gravity” (Willfulness), takes place. “Gravity” as “Hydrogen Atoms” further compounds upon itself to form the higher elements of matter, which eventually through further translations/transitions, coalesces into environments that support the molecules of living forms. It is through such living forms that the Cosmological Constant—the Tension of Wholeness as Primary Consciousness—is able to uniquely interpret itself as an “environment” and to grow in specialized experience and knowledge of itself. By the interaction and interpretation of itself through the interfacial perception of living forms, Primary Consciousness develops unique knowledge of itself within each Universal Span.
This is our Spiritual Growth, as we are each undivided from our “environment”, infinitely translated of the Wholeness of Being of the Multiverse. Knowledge is gained through living forms by each Universal Span of itself, then by each Universal Span of others…and eventually by the Multiverse of which each Span is undividedly composed.
Question—How many Universal Spans exist within the Multiverse?
Foreshadowing the Old Ones and Their Spawn
As more highly advanced Universal Spans achieve a minimum threshold of experiential self-knowledge, (self-realization as their internal sentience grows), they are led to seek communication beyond their own spherical boundaries are ultimately undivided from one another and interwoven through the Unified Field, (undivided through the internally convoluted circumference), of the Multiverse. Of course, at this stage of the game, they will have matured to the point of being able to pulse their internal effects into the Outbounded realm in a way that is concordant with other systems of a similar threshold of development. (This would be perceived on the other side as ghosts, apparitions, spirits, demonic possessions, mediums contacting the dead, etc…). During this exchange of information, the necessity of creating or not creating further Inbounded Systems is automatically acted upon—as the Multiverse continues to seek equilibrium within itself (i.e. the Maelstrom—the vortexes—and the Black holes—“the gateways to the Abyss”). Thus echoes of thought are reflected back upon one another and are changed through each reflection. Each change is a furtherance of experiential construct, (advancements of the communal knowledge of the Multiverse), and if the constructs reach a certain threshold of development, they are able to join in a complimentary way, (as a further twist of the circumference), to form a new Singularity/Universal Span. Each convolution within the Multiverse, from a subatomic “particle” to an entire Universal Span is polar bound to itself and as well as to others as a diverse pattern of existence. If a pattern contains within it a certain threshold of complex diversity, then its polar bonds are weakened. (The greater the complexity, the weaker the structure—“Murphy’s law” and in this situation, this is a good thing). Through such depolarization may Universal Spans join “Spiritually” together to form collectives of Mass Consciousness. A cascading effect therefore of interpolar awareness must come about through the evolvement of the self-knowledge of each participating Universal Span.

The Common Thread between all who attained or were attaining Enlightenment…
If all Spans are connected together through the convoluted circumference of the Multiverse, then the knowledge by each convolution of itself must eventually lead to a realization of its undividedness from others. It does not matter what the “locations” of other Universal Spans are as all are interpenetrated. All that really matters is the achievement threshold of inter-Universal experiential awareness—of Spiritual Growth.

Those “random” free wheeling forces of Inertia mentioned earlier in this chapter, finding each other in a fanciful way therefore, are really the embryonic emanations generated of the greater Outbounded realm within which “Universes” are born. Yes, it is still very romantic.

Question—What is the Multiverse?

Mature and Immature Spans

Synonymous with Omniverse, which connotes omnipotence and omnipresence, the Multiverse is the creator of worlds—the Fluxion as and at the seat of Existence so to speak—the home of Inbounded Universal Spans, both mature and maturing. What or who makes decisions within the Multiverse? Decisions are made cooperatively by existent Universal Spans of varying degrees of maturity that dwell and act/express within this Outbounded realm. Each existent Span, depending upon its level of experiential maturity exerts exactly that level of cause/effect over the Outbounded realm, (Each Span affects its own circumference thereby affecting the entire convoluted circumference of the Multiverse). If an Inbounded system is immature, its pulsed effect into the Outbounded realm will not be in concordance with other Inbounded systems of higher maturity. Such “randomly” pulsed effects are automatically treated as underdeveloped by any mature Inbounded system they may reach. The effect of this treatment is that mature systems return a more cohesive pulse, (echo), a “threshold of maturity pulse”—a nurturing effect, back into the Outbounded realm that stimulates the growth of immune systems to eventually bring them into communicative concordance.

Mature and Immature Sentient Life forms and the path to Enlightenment

The more mature systems encourage the less mature systems to seek equilibrium within the Unified Field—this is analogous to life forms having to adapt to environmental conditions. Sentient life forms within such systems may interpret this nurturing effect as the Hand and Will of “God”, creating both joy and strife in their lives, but leading them as well to higher Spiritual Growth.

Immature systems do not sensibly communicate with other systems, as they have not yet achieved the capability of “community rationale” (otherwise known as Collective Consciousness). The more mature systems however move the less mature systems to higher community interaction through a stimulus of pulsed effects. This stimulus affects the geometry of the Outbounded realm by creating currents of Inertia, currents of Consciousness, in a purposeful manner—continually modified by maturing Inbounded systems. What is called “thought” in this case and in all cases, is the expression of the Will/Being of Inertia as mathematical constructs in self-actualization, creating ratios upon ratios (See Fractals) in self-interaction as geometry of self-communication within the infrastructure of the Multiverse.

Sounds like people thinking, talking and interacting—doesn’t it?…But then aren’t people the sentient outgrowths of a Universe?—the extended Spirit of Life? This thought is expressed poetically in the book of Genesis:

“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being…” ~Genesis 2:7

When this Spirit reaches a certain level of maturity (enlightenment), achieving a minimum threshold of cooperative interaction and integration with other systems of a similar experiential construct, the balance of “Universal guidance” begins to swing from being primarily driven by the action of the Multiverse—to an internal sentience within each participating Universal Span—through each participant joining in a cooperative, communicative way with other such “Spiritual States”…with other Spans of a similar experiential maturity. This fundamental truth is echoed in the logic of the New Testament writer of Hebrews when he admonishes the ecclesia to seek spiritual growth rather than remain stagnant and immature in their thinking:

“We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truth’s of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil…It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.” ~ Hebrews 5:11-14

Again in 1 Corinthians:

“Brothers, I would not address you as spiritual but as worldly—mere infants…I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly.” ~1 Corinthians 3:1-3

In 1 Peter:

“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up…” ~ 1 Peter 2:2

And finally we can see another example of our classical interpretation of our undividedness within the Tension of Wholeness—Primary Consciousness—as extensions having varying degrees of maturity and function within the Wholeness—for the Christians—Primary Consciousness—“the Word” became “flesh and blood”, yet ascended once again…

“(What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,…so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity…and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ…then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching…as each part does its work. ~ Ephesians 4:9-16

As stated earlier, ‘the knowledge of each convolution of itself must eventually lead it to (via maturation) a realization of its undividedness from others. It does not matter what the “locations” of other Universal Spans are as all are interpenetrated.” The New Testament verses quoted above seem to advocate this clearly, however, it is not the existence of truth that I question—it is the context within which the truth is distributed that is spurious in nature (this will be discussed in upcoming chapters). Despite this we can see that this idea is ancient indeed—a Universal thought grows within itself as a substructural mind (such as ourselves, beginning as infants and aspiring to maturity—Cognitive and Spiritual Growth) working within the superstructural mind of the Wholeness of Existence—or in the above mentioned case—“ the whole measure of the fullness of Christ”. When it reaches a threshold level of maturity, it perceptually joins other minds like itself through its realization of its actual undividedness from those minds, to form a greater substructural Mass Consciousness within the Multiverse (this is why the Mystery schools originated and what the mediums and mystics have known all alone).

So, in order for a Universal Span to become self-determinate, it must reach a certain level of maturity that would allow it to “intelligently” integrate with other systems of a similar level of development. We see here again that—“that which is free is also bound”—by its realization of itself, a realization of being extended from and in cooperation with a greater realm—and having made this realization the writer of Hebrews states:

“It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back…”

Certainly the above logic was drawn from the logic of Plato himself who had this to say about the matter:

“Moreover, I said, you must not wonder that those who attain to this beatific vision are unwilling to descend to human affairs; for their souls are ever hastening into the upper world where they desire to dwell; which desire of theirs is very natural, if our allegory may be trusted.” ~See Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in Chapter One

So if an Inbounded system has reached a threshold level of maturity, it is capable of reacting in a concordant manner to the pulsed effects of other Inbounded systems that have also reached a similar minimum threshold (the Movie “Contact” illustrates this perfectly). Thus clusters of Universal Spans, (clusters of substructural minds), within the Multiverse exchange among themselves the knowledge of each of their internally accumulated experiences, as well as gaining further experience and further ability through harmonious communication with each other. Sounds like we’ve gone from a love story to a fairy tale…but of course so does the “Kingdom of God, Quantum Theory, and Buddhist Metaphysics!

Now, it might appear at this juncture that the entire treatment of Existence and Reality within this chapter is a radical departure from that which is accepted in both science and religion…for in spite of all that has been said thus far, someone may still incredulously ask—“How can a Universe think?” The simple religious answer is, that because we are undivided from Existence as it is (i.e. “from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” ~ Genesis 3:19), we take its “nature” for granted and do not normally interpret it as “thinking”, except during those times when “fate” abruptly changes our lives, for better or for worse, and then we either praise or blame…”God”. It is not uncommon, even amongst the casual atheist to find himself cursing God in a moment of ill fortune. Now, the scientific answer is that “our thoughts” are translations of the nature of the Universe that created us—that the Quantum Potential from which we extend is a “Statistical Consciousness”, with each “Statistic” in interpolar communication with every other, to form logically structured sub-divisions—diversified, rational potentialities of the Totality, of which we are composed.

As we proceed and continue on, we will gain a deeper understanding of the differential structure of the Multiverse and of our relationship to this greater realm of Existence…this Unified Mind of which we are each a part. Having a greater ability to experience as a group, Universal communities achieve a more comprehensive threshold of experiential reality and are capable of even higher interactive communication, community to community, as well as Span to Span, through the Outbounded realm of the Wholeness. Communications between Universal Spans and between Universal communities comprise the Totality of Pulsed Effects throughout the Multiverse…And here we come to the Alpha and the Omega of Existence, for if the Universal Communities of the Multiverse guide the continuity of Inertial diversification, then the Cosmological Constant of the tension of Wholeness upon the Multiverse is generated differentially by the mass of sentience in its infrastructure. Thus, this “Lathe of Creation” is the Cosmic Hand and Mind of the Fluxion…of cause acting within effect.

Question—Why a “Multiverse” and not just the—Universe?

The question of “Where did the Universe come from—How did it come about?—can only be answered through a Totality having drawn its circumference internally to form of that circumference spherical subdivisions of itself, each subdivision a Universal Span undivided from all other and undivided from the Totality. Of the convoluted circumference of this Totality we coin the term “Multiverse”. Through each Universal Span, the Multiverse is observed as the “Universe”.

Question—Why use the terms Inbounded and Outbounded?

Each “twist” of the circumference of the Totality to form a Universal Span of itself is taken with-in its own structure. As each twist is undivided from the Totality, each twist is therefore bound to it. From within each Span, the Totality of which it is formed is interpreted as out-side of itself, though each Span is bound to the Totality as an undivided part of the Totality’s infrastructure. The Totality itself however, has no “outside” to it, as its circumference is taken internally. (This concept was explored creatively in the sci-fi movie “Event Horizon” featuring Lawrence Fishburn and Angela Basset).

Question—Is Primary Consciousness really constrained by a Tension of Wholeness upon itself?

(Exploded view)
The geometry of the Outbounded realm, (gray area), has no easily discernable circumference, but rather, what would be circumference is substituted by the terrain of the many interconnected circumferences of the Inbounded Systems that dwell internally. Thus the circumference of the Multiverse is drawn within itself, encircling each Universal Span. This is the connection of wholeness and intra-participation between Inbounded and Outbounded Consciousness as the wholeness of a singular, but differentiated mind. (The human consciousness is by design a translation of this—consider your thoughts while dreaming—now when you are awake—and while you are awake—you communicate within yourself as well as outside of yourself as you communicate with others in your local/non-local environment). The Outbounded realm lies between its Inbounded systems, (its own convolutions),--each bearing a circumference, (self-limitation—orange spherical areas)…as Universal Spans in various stages of development. The Inbounded systems lie within the Outbounded realm whose convoluted circumference encircles each Inbounded System. Taken together, both Inbounded and Outbounded Consciousness as an undivided system…is the Multiverse; a Differential Mind structured to “Concordant Versification” (differential self-communication) by its own Inertia…its own Will, self-constructed of its own quality for the purpose of continuing creation and exploration within and of itself. The Tension of Wholeness that maintains each Inbounded System as a unique structure is generated by the inertial forces of the Outbounded realm. This is a Mind in comprehension of itself. Each Universal Span a different thought, a different perspective of the same Totality.

The geometries of both the Inbounded, (orange, ruddy), and Outbounded (gray), systems are undivided from each other and therefore both systems are cooperatively bound together by the general tension of connectivity. Inbounded systems however, have spherical geometries and are thus each further bound by an additional configuration of the Tension of Wholeness, (polar bound within themselves). What this means is that although Universal Spans are connected together through the open geometry of the Outbounded realm of the Multiverse, they are each self-experiential systems as well. All of these patterns however, are simply echoes of the one mind in diverse experiential self-encounter.

Question—What is Wholeness?

Simply put: Wholeness is that which is self-connected, that which is of itself.

Strangely, we gain a “spontaneous” glimpse of a nebulous concept that turns one’s mind upon itself—and then we grasp the truth of it, if only for a moment, and then it slips away…

“That which is of itself.”

That which exists only does so by thought of itself. Wholeness is a mirrored reflection…an image of self-contemplation, self-comprehension—the reciprocity of a Singular Mind in Trans-Emanation. Albert Einstein was able to work out his theories of relativity because he comprehended—all at once, that what we perceive as “Space” and “Time” are not separable from each other, that they are a process which is of itself.

The process of “Space-Time” therefore is dynamic—in experiential translation within itself—because of its intrinsic curvature, because of its transcendence. It is only we, through our limited perception, who interpret this process as a division of “Space” and “Time”, translating it into our cerebral reality of physical motion and dimensionality.

Question—But what is doing the thinking?

In famous sci-fi films like Star Trek and 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010 we have entertained the thought of someday journeying to a place far, far, away…in the heart of the Universe…we will find “God”. Try as we may, we cannot seem to pin down a local source…and that is because the source is not “local”—only our perception of the source is localized. All of the forces, impulses, waves and currents of the Multiverse are thoughts of the one Mind, as interwoven, self-encountered rationales of differential calculations and manifestations of Inertia that form into Universal Spans, Galaxies, Stars, Planets and Life interacting—all contained within a Unified Wholeness…from which we are undivided. As we are of the same quality and extended from this greater mind, we interpret those thoughts as our reality. And here we come to the kernel, this one thing at the “center” of all things, from which all things are self-reflected…and we take a look and what do we find?…Nothing—if we focus our vision upon a locality…and everything if we focus not!

And why? Because when we focus upon a locality, we are only focusing upon a section of a Totality, and reciprocally we make ourselves into an oppositely polarized section of the Totality by attempting such focus. To not focus is to comprehend the Totality as it is, by achieving neutrality—nullness, (which is actually perfect balance with that from which we extend)…because then, we are spontaneously it! The concept of “Null”, “Ought”, or “Void” is generally misperceived. It does not mean non-existence, rather it means…Entirely Existent!—by not observing it, not analyzing it…but being it. As we focus upon “Existence as it is”, we synthesize it into our “reality”, and then get lost in the illusions of the synthesis. If we do not focus upon it, we perceive and thus become…Existence as it is, and then experience the totality of the knowledge, wonder and joy of it!

You see, that spontaneous glimpse that we got a moment ago was before we focused upon this “nebulous concept” and then the moment we tried to bring it into focus, the moment we tried to “localize” our thoughts to an analysis, it slipped away. (We “move” it through contemplation—we polarize that which we focus upon…and we reciprocally move ourselves—polarize ourselves—as well. We are rarely where we want to be when we want to be, except that we spontaneously find ourselves in that “place” when we are free of wanting). The way to see this, to continue the vision of this concept, is to realize that every pattern of existence, from the quantum forces of the Totality of Primary Consciousness, to something as classically common as a pebble on a beach are the reflections of a singular mind in contemplation of itself. As we are sentient extensions of that mind perceiving through a neurological interface, we see its thoughts to the limited extent of our perceptive ability. However, if we can learn to ignore this interface, if only momentarily, we can then see the Totality as it is…and as we are.

Moreover, we each experience this fleeting vision at different times in our lives, and though we are profoundly affected by these experiences, most of us do not know what we have experienced, or why…and most importantly we are rarely able to return to experience this sublime state of Primary Consciousness through our own volition.

So now through vexation, the question arises, “If to focus upon nothing…is to see everything, then how does that help us to do anything?” The answer is that first; an in-depth understanding of the All must be attained through experience of it in order to next do anything meaningful within it—that is to say, one must understand the fundamental things of life, how things “tic” and have a genuine thirst for knowledge, wisdom and understanding. In a scenario between Jesus and Nicodemus, Jesus iterates that if one does not understand “worldly things” it will be difficult to understand “heavenly things”:

“I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe, how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?” ~John 3:12

So, in order to be understood, it must first be experienced…and then with higher knowledge, one may make informed choices.

Shall we not break through our perceptive limitation and raise our vision to a higher level? Shall we not achieve an understanding of our greater extensity? We are more than “local”, we are generated of the “non-local” forces of this greater mind—from the entirety of it, from all thoughts generated of it, which taken together—are IT!…and We. …And please, do not even consider the thought that “nature” or “God” never intended for us to see beyond our physical limitations…for as my ancestors before me attested to faithfully—We are “Nature”…and thus we are empowered to decide. (As stated earlier in this chapter, “Impedance” is a natural contributor to our perceptual limitations—however, this impedance—we shall soon discover can be externally-intensified in many ways—leading to disturbing consequences that will be explored in detail later).

To hold this concept in our vision, we must be what we truly are! The Cosmos, the “God of Creation” demands this of us, as we are driven to “Spiritual Enlightenment” by its Transcendence, by the Will that created us! How shall we grow if we do not recognize and reach for this? With this ever so slight of a glimmer of understanding, let us now take another look…

What “mind” is…

An object of existence is not an object by itself. It is generated from multiple non-local sources that focus or “localize” its existence. Every pattern of the environment within which the object dwells is also generated from a multiplicity of non-local sources. Of course, in the final analysis it is all one singular source reflecting upon itself from an infinite number of perspectives. In the case of people and other sentient beings, this reflective combination of “non-local” sources also gives such a life form a “localized” vision of itself. Some would say that this “self-vision” is an illusion and in the ultimate conception of “Unified Being”, they are partly correct, but as long as the life form is supported by the forces that maintain its existence as well as maintaining it’s own self-vision, this life form, as a diversified manifestation of that Being, has the dignity of existence.

It should be duly noted that the Platonic philosophy was/is based upon the postulation of not one but three orders of being:

“…that which moves unmoved, that which is self-moved, and that which is moved. That which is immovable but moves is anterior to that which is self-moved, which likewise is anterior to that which it moves. That in which motion is inherent cannot be separated from its motive power; it is therefore incapable of dissolution. Of such nature are the immortals. That which has motion imparted to it from another can be separated from the source of its animating principle; it is therefore subject to dissolution. Of such nature are mortal beings. Superior to both mortals and the immortals is that condition which continually moves yet itself is unmoved. To this constitution the power of abidance is inherent; it is therefore the Divine Permanence upon which all things are established. Being nobler even than self-motion, the Unmoved Mover is the first of all dignities…” ~ Excerpt taken from The Reader’s Edition of Manly P. Hall’s The Secret Teaching of All Ages Pp. 21

The author goes on to point out that: “The Platonic discipline was founded upon the theory that learning is really reminiscence, or the bringing into objectivity of knowledge formerly acquired by the soul in a previous state of existence. At the entrance of the Platonic school in the Academy were written the words: “Let none ignorant of geometry enter here.”

The mind of a life form that sees itself as a “self” is not only in the body of the life form. This mind is also the “environment” within which the life form exists…that environment being the Planet and the Universe/Multiverse as one undivided, but diversified system. This is a mind of greater extensity that sees the life form as a living pattern only because the “environment” focuses the image of the life form upon itself, the life form and the environment being of a singular but diversified Consciousness.

If a life form has a brain with the function of short-term memory, it is capable of localizing this image of itself by focusing this image back upon itself and thus the living pattern sees itself as an individual.

The life form as a pattern, (vibratory thought), of Primary Consciousness, focuses its perception of the forces that sustain it back out upon those forces causing those forces to reflect themselves back to the life form as the environment within which the life form exists.

This is how the image/existence of the life form and the “environment” is sustained—by the reflective thought of a self-contemplative mind. Each reflection of this mind, working in concordance with all other reflective parts, sees the life form as a pattern of existence, but each not in the same way. From any of an infinite number of perspectives, the life form is seen differently, but the concordance of perception of this “environmental mind”, because it is a singular Consciousness, of which this living pattern is also a part, prevents its own disassociation of concept, (joins the different perspectives together as a “higher thought”), allowing the life form to be seen in different ways, but conceived and sustained as the same thing. Within the Fluxion there is a simultaneous communication between all patterns of existence, as all patterns are woven of and therefore undivided from the one Consciousness.

Now, does the “environment” care that this is a life form capable of experiencing all that a life form may experience—joy and happiness, as well as injury and suffering? Does the Multiverse/Universe care about the life that it may have incidentally created?

Does “God” care???

How many children have posed this question to their parents? In the short of it, if life forms are extensions of the “environment”, of the Multiverse/Universe…if life forms are extensions of “God”, then the “Environment/Multiverse/Universe/God” cares about all of life…because life forms—as undivided extensions of Primary Consciousness—are endowed through the Cosmological Constant—with the capacity to care about themselves and the “environment”.

Can a life form trust its “environment”? Well, a certain amount of trust is inborn and natural, (we are born trusting). How otherwise could life forms have survived at all, if the “environment” wasn’t at least minimally friendly and supportive? As we explore further we will see that a greater understanding of our extensity brings about a great deal more trust in our “environment”…in God, because we are its sentient extensions capable of looking back upon it—“It” being the “environment” of the Multiverse/Universe. Once we come to the understanding that we are extended manifestations of it, we realize that we have nothing to fear because we then ultimately trust ourselves. When this level of trust/realization is achieved, the “environment” then interacts with us in a concordant, spontaneous and joyful way—because we are it (Hence the ancient tribal belief of Native American “rain-dancers” who dance to bring about the rain). To come to the understanding that we are “It”…is to gain infinite freedom and happiness. Religion tells us to have faith in God. Some take exception to the concept of faith. The abstract notion of faith is often poorly expressed and misinterpreted. Some think that it is somehow demeaning to have faith in something that one cannot see or touch, but God is all around us as everything that we experience, as the air that we breathe, as every star that we see, as every pattern of Existence…including ourselves To touch a rock is to touch God.

If the proper interpretation of faith is applied within the concept presented here it will lead us to a more intimate, deeper understanding of ourselves and of our greater extensity. How shall we learn about our environment and ourselves, if not first through faith? We are born with it—it enables us to begin life. Faith is an interactive trusting, loving process that leads us along the pathway of higher knowledge. To have faith is to open the door to the exploration of our greater extensity, that greater part of ourselves from which we extend…because faith transcends “Space” and “Time”. To have faith in God should always equate to having faith in ourselves, all peoples, all of life, our planet…and the entire Cosmos and the Absolute Consciousness from which all of existence extends. To have faith is to intuit unobserved Existence as it is.

The Geometry of “God”

The structure of the Multiverse is convoluted as there is no outer circumference to contain it, but it is still nevertheless undivided from itself as its circumference is infinitely bound within itself encircling each Universal Span. Within the geometry of the wholly infinite—within this Outbounded “Absolute”, this internalized “foreverness”, Inertia/Consciousness is continuous, transcendent, self-communicative, and therefore self-willed. Within the Outbounded realm of the Multiverse “Time” is directionless. Currents of Inertial Consciousness, driven by the impulses of Inbounded Universal Spans, flow freely and in some cases decisively. If two currents encounter one another, they may form a unified experience—and ordering of inertial forces to form an Inbounded system—a newly born Child of the Fluxion within the Multiverse (See Revelations 12; Enuma Elish).

There is Inbounded Consciousness

Consciousness spherically/elliptically constrained through duality—merged of two currents of free wheeling Inertia—of Free Will—now quasi-limited by a quasi-finite circumference—as Free Will encountering itself, acting upon and within itself, undivided from the greater extensity of the Outbounded Multiverse—as a Universal Span of controlled will—See Chapter on Ingeneza and the Canon of Beauty.

And there is Outbounded Consciousness

Consciousness limited by a convoluted internalized circumference, tensioned within itself through every Inbounded system that dwells within…that is created of it—the realm of the Multiverse where Universal Spans are born. Each manifestation of Inbounded Consciousness within the realm of this Outer World is a “Unified Verse” of communication and self-experience within its own spherical boundary. The Unified Verse of each Inbounded Consciousness creates a pulsation of effect throughout all of Outbounded Consciousness which affects all self-limited Universal systems contained within the Outbounded realm. Each Universal Span is surrounded and sustained by the circumference of the unified totality of the Multi “Verse”, thus communication from anywhere affects every pattern everywhere. This is communication throughout Primary Consciousness by and of itself. What seems like random effects or “a-causal” events are the hierarchy of impulses generated by Inbounded systems of varying degrees of self-knowledge. Taken together they are the mass communicative mind of the Wholeness of Existence, as what we have imagined as “destiny” and also the “Kingdom of God”. When the knowledge of the Multiverse intensifies to a threshold level, the turbulence of impulses throughout the Outbounded realm generate the complimentary forces to form a new Inbounded system…born of love and by decree…a “canon of beauty” as Tadeusz Teller calls it.

This is the Mind of Primary Consciousness

It is all one Consciousness, but formed of and within itself in different ways. The highest level is the nebulous Outbounded realm of the convoluted geometry of the Multiverse. Within this Outerworld flow random and purposeful currents of Primordial Will, of Inertia. Driven by the impulses of the Universal Spans contained within, they may meet and spontaneously form closed systems of binary self-experience (as was the case with the solar systems of Tiamat and Nibiru as described in the Enuma Elish/Echoed in the Revelation 12). Like the forming of a tornado born of the complimentary forces of heated air rising, meeting cooler air falling, joining together in a circular dance of interactivity. In the case of the encounter of two currents of Complimentary Consciousness, the circular dance becomes a self-contained spherical embrace.

This is the Grand Universe

Outbounded Consciousness acts upon itself to form Inbounded Universal Spans within. Because the geometry of the Outbounded Totality is thus internally convoluted, the rules of physics that would govern a spherical system, such as an Inbounded, limited system of a Universal Span, do not apply to this ethereal realm. Rather, the rules of Chaos, forming statistical conditions, apply within this spirited “Quantum Realm”. Here Consciousness freely flows in turbulent currents until two currents, “two complimentary forces”, meet to form a Unified or Inbounded experience. The only heterogeneity to be found in the Outbounded geometry would be the Universal Spans formed within and the metastable currents of complimentary inertial forces that could unite to form and sustain such a Span. Otherwise, the “substance” of this Outerworld is purely homogeneous. Both states of Consciousness are uniform in “substance” but different in geometries. Universal Spans, Universal clusters and the Multiverse within and of which they are constructed are self-limited, self-reasoning, and self-realizing…but the logic of the Multiverse is on a higher level of differential reasoning which manifests within itself as Universal Spans and Clusters in a diverging/converging sameness of thought…guided by the Mass Consciousness of its own infrastructure (See Sower and the Seed/Weed parable).

From this…we are each undivided. Within the Outbounded realm, Each Universal Span is a reflection, a thought that in and of itself is a mind, as a substructure of the greater Totality. Each Span is a different view by the greater Totality of itself…each view from a different perspective of this same Mind. Within the geometry of this unity there are processes of greater and lesser probability, (potentialities), driven by the rationale of a mind experiencing the wonder of its own self-created effects.

Our World View of the Fluxion

Our Span is but a perspective of this Totality, of all perspectives, of all Universal Spans combined, but seen in our particular way. When we look up at the night sky, we see the geometry of the Multiverse from an ordered perspective. All Spans combined, present as the Multiverse…interpenetrated within and of itself. Only through the various perspectives of this interpenetrative geometry, the various views through it by sentient extensions of it, is the Multiverse recognized as the “Universe” to which they belong. Thus our Universe is the Multiverse experiencing through a unique interpretation.

An experiential self-encounter of worlds upon worlds—of realities interpenetrating realities…

But it does have its own form of “dimensionality”. Not the dimensions of height, width, depth, and time that we perceive through our limited senses, but a hierarchy of wonder and experience…dimensions of adventure within adventure generating joy, passion, grief, sorrow, and all myriads of emotion within and of itself. This is the processing by the Multiverse of itself—an experiential self-encounter of worlds upon worlds—of realities interpenetrating realities, contained within and generated by Primary Consciousness upon itself. From this “Cosmos” we extend—and perceive its adventures to the degree of our limitations.

The creation of substantial thought
“The Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness”
In order for a Universal Span to be created, two neutral forces must engage in a complimentary way so that their individual neutralities, each internally balanced of positive and negative forces, (opposite polarities of the about to become “twist of the circumference”), dynamically affect one another to the extent that they become unbalanced so that the polarities of each seek and interact with the other. Now each are no longer neutral, but “seeing” through an interactive perception of interrelated polarities. Joined, they become a substructural thought by the Fluxion of itself…a new mind of the Cosmos…whose Transcendent Tension of Wholeness is translated into Sentient Curiosity/Creativity with the life formed of it.

What are the “poles” of polarity?

A pole is both an attractive and repulsive force, depending upon its orientation to other poles, but can only be so if there is another force to act upon. For how can it not be so, what will it attract or repel without this relationship?

If we take any object and separate it into two distinct parts we find that its own self-attractive forces held it together. As a whole structure its attractive forces are wholly balanced and therefore exist in a neutral, (balanced), state. During separation, external force was required to overcome its internally attractive force. As the structure is separated, its neutral balance is stressed as its attractive forces present some degree of difficulty in being separated—hence the use of external force. After separation the two parts each become neutrally balanced individual structures as the attractive forces settle down to equilibrium once again, but now in two diversified parts, (the repulsive forces of the poles held in place by the attractive forces maintain the distinctiveness of objects that we perceive as shape and form. The ability to remain as two distinct objects is derived from the sublimation of the external force required to separate the single object into two).

We now have two entities, each with balanced polarities. How could we recombine them? If we apply heat we may disrupt their internal neutral charges, creating polar unbalance and thus allow a recombination of attractive forces between them. When the heat is taken away, the polar forces calm back down to neutrality once again to form a single structure. I imagine that this would be the result if we melted two lead weights together to form one, unfortunately for my poor Mother…as a little boy I had no other option than to use her beauty soap to simulate this idea…if she only knew then where all of those fancy broken bars of designer soaps would lead me…

I suppose another way to demonstrate this would be to cause them to orbit one another in a way that would cause their neutral internal forces to become unbalanced and again interactively attractive. Finally, in order for any combination or recombination of patterns to come about, an undividedness between all patterns must “pre-exist”, (must substructurally exist), every object of “Existence”. This undividedness is what allows and promotes the occurrence of all interactions throughout the Cosmos…its just too bad that it took me so long to realize and appreciate the naturally intended interaction between little boys and soap

Though subatomic particles may “spin” when observed, this perceived motion does not cause them to be separate. The attributes of “angular momentum” and “position” in dynamic interaction that constitutes what we call a “particle”, are expressions of the modified celerity of “Space-Time”, tightly woven in self-integration as sustained point/instants supported by the greater potential of the Totality from which they are generated and thus undivided.

If we start out with the purely homogeneous medium of uncompounded Primary Consciousness, that medium must compound upon itself because of its own intrinsic, transcendent Tension of Wholeness upon itself. The compounding by Primary Consciousness upon itself is what transforms its homogeneous medium into the interactive complimentary forces that we perceive as the heterogeneous terrain of our reality and into realms beyond our limited perception.

In the case of two currents of Inertia, of Free Willed Consciousness…

The circling between the two entities allows a spherical translation of the circular motion of their interacting polarities. The interaction in itself is a translation of the forces between the two and thus mutual interpretation, i.e. translation between them is established. An electromagnetic flux is built up between them as they exchange centripetal and centrifugal forces—and as they circle, the flux develops multiple polarities, multiple interactions—as diversifications within this combined force between entities (See also articles on Multiple Personality Disorder in Chapter One). When the flux reaches a new uniformity—the circular “motion” is thus spherical and, as Einstein puts it, “unified”—what I have described here as—the becoming of one Being—transemanating…seemingly expanding outwardly and reciprocally compressing inwardly—ex-pressing as directionless “motion”. This is the Gravitational Complex of “Space-Time”, of which is formed quanta of Energy and Mass…as perceived by life forms existing within and generated by this process.

All of this “motion” however, is the exchange of polarities between Inertial forces as thought!—a singular mind in-forming within and of itself, becoming the Universal Spans of the Multiverse—each Span driven by and extended as the one Cosmic Fluxion, from which all things, including each of us are undivided. Each Span interpenetrating every other, each thought sustained by all others…each “locality” supported by “non-local” forces…and each “locality” a “non-local” force supporting other “localities”…through the undivided internalized convolutions of the circumference/infrastructure of this Totality. …And this we see from our perspective, from within our own Span, as “Our Universe”. What we call our “Universe” and “Multiverse” interpreted from our unique vantage point. The terms “Universe” and “Multiverse” are therefore interchangeable when we understand the geometries.

The construct of our Universe is the convoluted, interpenetrated construct of the Multiverse. What two lovers and poets see when they look up at the night sky is our unique neurological view of the interpenetration of infinite perspectives of the same Wholeness—the Multiverse…of the same Grand Universe in self-comprehension!

Chaos!—Before Genesis The Unbridled Mind

Before there was Light…
Before Comprehension…
Through limitless realm of thought unresolved
In turbulent currents of fleeting expression
Where dreams of existence emerged and dissolved

Through Outbounded World of randomization
Of timeless infinity’s endless expanse…
Dwelt nebulous shadows of God’s intonation
Foretelling Creation in Quantum advance

It was here through Eternity’s Spiritual Grace
Encountered reflections of “Verse”
Yet Unspoken
Igniting the darkness of Measureless Space
Transforming Totality’s Circle unbroken

Spirit of Heaven now joined through the mist…
In Positive, Negative rhythmical dance
Each bound to the other through binary kiss
Achieving new meaning through Destiny’s chance

Balanced Polarity’s new syncopation
Neutrality turned to desires’ stimulation,
Illusion encircled, perception awakened,
The Dawn of Existence through trans-Emanation

Harmonic seduction constrained dialectic
Adventurous Mind of Creation now seeing

Polar Magnetic…Curving Electric…

I wrote the above poem to demonstrate to the reader what I see when I am reading what many have misinterpreted as religious texts. In order to truly awaken our Quantum sense of perception—we must first acknowledge that we are dreaming.

The Will of Inertia…In Unified Being!

Our Universe, that perception of the Cosmos that we call our own, that interpenetrates and is interpenetrated by every Universal Span…each a perspective generated by—what many religions perceive as the “Mind of God” or “Logos”—within and of itself…is interpreted by each of us in our own unique way, in that we believe that what we see is our own Singular Universe. Let us again envision that our Universal Span may combine, (interpenetrate), with infinitely many others without increasing the “dimensional sphere” that they are all contained within, or increasing its overall density in any way…because each Span is merely a twist of the Totality in comprehension of itself. This comprehension is driven by the transcendent Tension of Wholeness intrinsic to a Totality that convolutes its circumference into geometry of internal perspectives, each an adventure of wonder and experience. The sentient beings of any internal perspective will naturally see from within their “world” a “Cosmic Environment” unique to their perception—and as the saying goes the grass may appear “greener” on the other side. They would interpret what they see as “Their Universe”, but would not be aware that what they see is interpenetrated and interpenetrating an infinity of other perspectives, some similar to their own and some completely different, unless they came to the understanding that a Multiversal system indwells.

They may not realize for instance that “Space-Time” is the generated matrix of Inertia woven by the interpenetration of multiple varied comprehension’s by Primary Consciousness of itself, (of Universal Spans interpenetrating within a Totality). …And they might also not realize that within their interpretation of reality that an object that they can reach out and touch is generated by the “non-local” forces that exists within other perspectives, within other Universal Spans…and that the “most distant” objects perceivable are synchronously affected through the convoluted circumference of the Multiverse by what we consider to be “local” forces.

A sentient being of one Span would not know that the others existed, even though by interpenetration, an infinity of Spans were at hand—and right “under her nose”. That life form would experience the non-local effects of the Multiverse, the conjoined existence of infinite realities working in concordance to produce a picture of “local” reality…without necessarily ever realizing that the order as well as the spontaneity of their world was generated by others.

Until the realization of our undividedness to a greater realm occurs within us, we are subject to the unexpected forced of the Void…forces that discourage many into the mistaken notion that they are dividedly alone in their pursuit of happiness and enlightenment, born into a mindless reality as unwitting victims of its indifference.

With such a belief we may act in a self-protective way, many times to the exclusion of compassion towards others…and also to the exclusion of regard for our “environment”. But of course this notion of separation and the fear that it generates, is actually an illusion, a very powerful one to be sure, born of limited sensory perception…but one that can be dispelled through higher knowledge.

A Powerful Delusion: Has Science or Religion failed our world?

“For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness…” ~2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

“For since the creation of the world (3180) God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse… They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.” ~ Romans 1:25

The word “world” is translated from the Greek word 3180 = kosmos, from which we derive our word Cosmos and all that it implies. “World” is a poor choice of translation here. The use of the word “world”, in the context expressed above is synonymous to saying “earth” especially when coupled with the words “creation of”. I believe that this error was a willful act of deception or ignorance on the part of the translators. Kosmos and Earth are two separate subjects…take for example, this chapter deals rather with the subject of the Cosmos in general and makes references to the earth here and there—as it is only relevant when discussing our immediate “environment”. The same holds true for the ancient bodies of knowledge concerning themselves with the Kosmos, its “invisible qualities” (today known as Quantum Physics), and its “eternal power and divine nature” ( today known as Physics and Astronomy, and other related fields)…what I am saying is that this one simple mistranslation perpetuates the fallacy that the ancients were ignorant of the Primary Consciousness and the fact that we are all undivided extensions of it.

In a related verse, we see the same error reoccur:

“Has not God made foolish (3701) the wisdom of the kosmos? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached (3060)to save those who believe.” 1 Corinthians 1:21

What is meant by “made foolish”? For over 2,000 years the insidious idea that any attempt to understand the true nature of our reality would be thwarted by God himself and confounded has radically assisted in veiling the perception of countless souls from the truth about our existence. In the final analysis however, we see that the words “made foolish” is an wholly inaccurate translation of the original Greek term used within the context of the verse—

3701 = mōrainō (pass.) to become saltless, tasteless, inert.

What the Scripture was saying in so many words can be summed up upon careful observation of the words “inert” and “saltless” and “tasteless”.

Inert: “Not having or manifesting active properties; not affecting other substances when brought in contact with them; powerless for an expected or desired effect.” (Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary)

Saltless: “Destitute of salt; insipid.” Insipid: Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty. Lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest; dull.
Tasteless: lacking aesthetic or social taste.
The bottom line here is that when it comes to the knowledge of the kosmos and awakening our Quantum eye, the people typically find it “dull” and “lacking aesthetic or social taste” and furthermore, “Lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest” the minds of others. It is interesting that the Scriptures goes on to point out that “God” was pleased through the foolishness (or rather what is boring and dull!) of what was preached (3060) to save those who believe.”
What was preached?
As will be discussed at great length in later chapters it was the Sacred Sciences of Geometry, Mathematics, Astronomy, and Physics that was “preached” yet at some point in time was driven underground due to the “insipid” and “inert” nature of the information being proclaimed…truth be told it was simply “lacking aesthetic or social taste” and the people frowned upon it and in its place elected myth and ritual as their guiding light. Truly, religion is the opiate of the masses.
This is depicted cryptically in the book of Exodus as the story of the Manna and Quail—which will be discussed in the next chapter. As a consequence, the people are given the ever popular myth of religion:
“…so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies…” ~1 Timothy 1:3-4
“For the time will come when men will not put up with sound (5617) doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” ~ 2 Timothy 4:3-4
“For there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group (4364). They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain…pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of those who reject the truth. To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.” Titus 1:10-16

Within the translation of Humans on Planet Earth…

The apparently diverse explanations rendered by Scientists, Theologians, and Philosophers of the creation, evolution, and continuity of our planet, ourselves…and of the Cosmos to which we belong, are the result of widely varying interpretations of the underlying forces that have given rise to what we experience as “Existence.” This does not mean that Science, Religion, and Philosophy have opposing or non-related vision. What this means is that any concept may be expressed or interpreted in different ways. Any shell of translation, whether Scientific, Theological, or Philosophical, contains within it the significant meanings of the others.

The shaping of Science, Religion, and Philosophy through “The Perceptual Lens of the Animate Interface”

Every human culture on Earth and perhaps innumerable societies throughout the Cosmos have struggled with the paradox of the interpretation of existence through the sensory/motor apparatus of a “Bio-Electrochemical Transducer”. In other words, we and most probably they…encounter our natural environment through an interfacial shell of Neural Receptors, (our senses), and Organizational Mechanism, (our brain). Interposed between each of us, (as focused localized consciousness), and the “environment” that we perceive (the Totality of Primary Consciousness that does the focusing), our bodies and brains engage the forces of nature…and through this array of sensory mechanisms of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste, forms a cerebral image of our “neurally encountered surroundings” that each of us translates into a common “reality”. As we each, (indirectly), engage our environment through this interface of bio-sensory and interpretive devices, we automatically, mathematically—and internally cerebrally…reconcile the laws of Quantum Mechanics with our “Neural Experience of Nature”…for it is through our senses and our brain that each of us encounters the “Gist” of what we call… “World”. Over thousands of years of Human contemplation…and continued refinement of our interpretation of existence, three ideas in particular have survived all tests of time and logic…and the reason that they have survived and will continue to survive is because they are intimately entwined…forming the immutable principles of the undivided wholeness of the…Primordial Force of Primary Consciousness…as the substructure/superstructure of all of existence.

This is the foundational level where the Unconditional and the Conditional, “Everywhere” and “Nowhere”, form the “Point/Instant of Now”…the Locality—Non-Locality—Locality Tensor Field…transemanating as the closed system of Space-Time and the Outer Realm within which “Universes” are born and dwell. As we have seen above, a limited system of Inbounded Consciousness is created when two complimentary forces within the realm of Outbounded Consciousness unite by transforming their undivided neutralities to interactive polarities to manifest a singular mind of diversified self-experience.

This Inbound System is a Universal Span interpenetrating an infinite number of others…

As we experience our world from within such an Inbounded System we interpret the effects of both the Outbounded and the Inbounded from a unique perspective. We perceive the Inbounded—our earthly and cosmic environment—as the wholeness of our world. We experience the effects of the Outbounded realm—conjoined with the effects of our Inbounded realm—as “random” effects, coincidences, simultaneities and “miraculous” occurrences. The effects of the Outbounded are in concordance with the effects of our Inbounded sphere, thus the conjoined effects of realms manifest as infinite possibility within our self-limited, quasi-finite Universe. It is all one mind, from which we are undivided…and at the Quantum level, both Time and Space are of a singular process. Shall we not ask then, “If we can contemplate and experience the Classical forces of our Universe…can we not also do the same of the Quantum realm?” The exciting answer surely is that Yes, we can…and we do, but when we do, it is almost invariably by unwitting chance.

While researching this book I was pleased to discover that our history is not merely a linear pattern of tragedies and delusions…. senseless wars and depraved acts of violence in the name of gods, greed, and “glory”…but that from time to time we have been fortunate to have in our midst enlightened ones who made efforts to share with the entire world their testimony and knowledge of the ways of Instantaneous, Spaceless, comprehension, of Instantaneity and Simultaneity…of the deep “Transcendental” Meditation that is the light of revelation…expressing to our minds an “all encompassing” truth…I was nevertheless equally pleased to discover there have always been those who have benefited from this knowledge…to the extent where they see our world in a new way and learn to interact with it on a higher level. In a dark and desperate world, these souls have been few as to be almost ineffectual in impacting the greater lot of humanity…in many cases the light was extinguished in others idolized as “saints”, “martyred saints”—when in effect there is no special distinguishing feature from them, you, or anyone at all—we are all capable, all equipped, to comprehend…if only we seek within the Inbounded self …and explore and examine the Outbounded environment…as it truly is…undivided from the Grand Totality of Primary Consciousness.

The Three Immutable Concepts

Let us then continue this exploration by now examining our own Inbounded “realm”, our “Universal Span”, because through this we are focused, though we are undivided from the Grand Totality. We will start with the three immutable concepts of concordant effects alluded to earlier…


The first is the interpretation of the will or motion, (act), of “God”…perceived directly as the fundamental and omnipotent forces of nature, and indirectly conceived…as a Supreme Being that generates and manipulates the destiny of all of existence for purposes that appear to be incalculable and therefore unknowable. This is the Auto-Dynamism of the “Gist of the world”, the Inertial Will of the Tension of Wholeness of all of Undivided Consciousness…the Auto-Thought of the Primordial Force. These are strong words…and to the uninitiated, perhaps at first as incomprehensible as is this “God” and the “Existence” of ourselves and of our environment that we struggle to understand.

But these words and concepts that follow here, do offer a sound explanation…for when we carefully consider the nature of what we encounter as our perceived environment, we must eventually come to the conclusion that what we are experiencing is an extension of our own perception, an extension of ourselves…and we are an extension of… “IT”.

“IT” and “WE” therefore, are a dualism…and then more…a multiplicity of the same thing, generating differential aspects of our own self-perception as a Singular Force in Experiential Self-Encounter. As we proceed further into this writing, we will come to the understanding that all patterns of existence, including ourselves, are “Stitches in the Veil of Oneness” and that the “Veil” itself, in the final analysis, is the superstructure of what we consider and perceive existence to be…but each “Stitch” carries a Special Dignity unique to itself…and it is this aspect of Specialty that creates the notion, (and the paradox), of autonomy, borderedness, separateness…the uniqueness of “Individual” Existence, among People, Other Life Forms, Rocks, Buildings, Planets, Stars and all perceived “Things”…for only this explanation of the nature of existence can support the combined concepts of…


Quantum Mechanics

The Uncertainty Principle

The Natural Intimate Coherence between Humankind and the existence of all things both inanimate and alive

…and God…

…and fully satisfy our questions.

For what is the “Force of Existence”, “The Breath of Life”, to encounter…but aspects of itself…generated by its own self-encounter (This notion being starkly contrast to the Classical perspective of God the Clock-Maker)? …And the paradox then becomes clear…for when we step back and consider the foundation of what we perceive as the external influences upon our lives, (the things, people and situations that we encounter), we must eventually come to the understanding that they are the result of the internal processing of the Singular Unified Field of all of existence, of all of Consciousness…of which we and all “things”—undivided from each other—are a part.

I find it rather ironic that we can imagine this unity on the atomic and sub-atomic scale—Quarks forming Nucleons, Nucleons forming with Electrons into Atoms, and even various types of Atoms forming into Molecules. We can imagine the intimate relationships between all of the parts as necessary to the whole, because we imagine that all of the components are somehow connected to and are a part of each other. But when our minds perceive above the atomic and micro scale…into our macrological every day world (which in terms of the Cosmos is still rather miniscule!), we somehow lose our sense of the unity of things because we then trust our severely limited interfacial senses—our “natural” observational constructs, that fail to see…that cannot see…the connection between all “things” that we are thus led through such illusion to perceive as separate.
Consider this: Do you recall the last “bug” that you crushed? One day I crushed a small insect with a newspaper…and I thought nothing in terms of remorse for doing so…but even now I question the reasons why? Certainly, I had my own internal reasons…possibly it was a deeply seated innate fear of the spread of germs or bacteria, which triggered within my sub-consciousness the thought of infectious disease, which I in turn associated with the bug as the unintentional carrier of…and consequently placing his life in opposite polarity with that of my own…and in a single instant…I had decreed a judgment to execute him for conspiracy by default…attempted manslaughter…This scenario may seem a bit humorous to some, but there are those who would consider my actions as tragic and unwarranted—a senseless act of murder nevertheless. To quote “His Holiness” the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso:

“As a boy studying Buddhism, I was taught the importance of a caring attitude toward the environment. Our practice of non-violence applies not just to human beings but to all sentient beings any living thing that has a mind. Where there is a mind, there are feelings such as pain, pleasure, and joy. No sentient being wants pain; all want happiness instead. I believe that all sentient beings share these feelings at some basic level.”

And so here we begin to get the slightest stirrings of a realization…that the Universe/Multiverse is…A Singular Force in self-encounter…folding back upon itself to experience and develop itself—representing itself in multiplicity…to itself, generating Differentiation’s of itself—to itself…in the forms of Ratios, Primalities, Peaks and Valleys, Stitches in the Veil of its own Oneness…Convolutions of itself, Auto-Translations of its composition, Observational Constructs of itself, (such as we and other life forms), in order to better “view” itself…and therefore, Auto-Self-Interpretations of its own experiential self-encounters that cause further changes and further experience within and of itself.

For what is a “Universe”…but the essence of all that can be? It is Consciousness in its pure state…becoming all that it can…through the processing of its own natural qualities into the self-perceived infinity of quantities…although still remaining qualitative, (the undivided wholeness of it), as well as quantitative, (the differentiated, but undivided convolutions of the Singular Whole—relative to the Singular Whole…and to each other), as our interpretations of “Times, Spaces, Materialization’s, and Quanta of Energy”…through the Singularity’s inherent function of Experiential Self-Encounter…And this is but the interactive processing of a Singular Universal Span…among an infinity of others.

Each encounter by an extension of Consciousness within a Span…of this substructure of Primary Consciousness—the “Universe” from which it extends, (an extension of a Singularity encounters the wholeness of itself—folding back upon itself), limits the extension as a unique pattern of existence—as a “thing”. It is shaped, qualified and quantified by its encounter of its own “Unified Field”, (by its encounter with the Wholeness of the Singularity from which it extends), and thus manifests as “Being” within that field. And within such a concept, one should not be misled by the thought of—“Where would the energy come from to initiate and sustain the self-encounter?”…for a Singularity, a Universal Span, is pre-charged with all of the energy it needs (it received and continues to receive energy from the intimate encounter of two currents of Outbounded Inertia generated within the Multiverse),…awaiting release, although this quality that we perceive as “energy”, is only made into continually releasing quantities, through the Singularity’s natural inherent function of folding back upon itself…of experientially encountering itself…driven by the continual Tension of Wholeness upon it.

It releases itself, and becomes…ever becoming… “Existence” by its Comprehension of itself! That is what a Singularity does…That is how a Universal Span grows.

A simple analogy to this release of energy would be the internal heat generated by the mass of a planet upon itself. This is not perpetual motion…but it might as well be…as the planet will continue to generate internal heat for what we may imagine as forever. The release of energy of a Singularity by its encounter of itself is a similar mechanism, the idea is the same—as the release of energy by experiential self-encounter will go on “forever”…and of course, there is always the transcendence of the Tension of Wholeness ultimately driving the entire process. What some of us imagine as the event that is simply called the “Big Bang”…is what our Universal Span is. It is the Singularity, manifesting as time and space, people, other life forms, rocks, planets, and stars—in our view…and we are an undivided part of this, making our view…but one of an infinity of views…by a Singularity in experiential self-encounter. That, in my view, is what the “Big Bang” is attempting to express…

That is what Inbounded Consciousness…is. This is a description of Foundational Comprehension…comprehension at the base level…where Thought and Action are one and the same…where Time and Space, Matter and Energy, have no meaning at all…until—as any Quantum Physicist will testify—Neural Interface Perceptors (Flesh and blood “life forms”, Observational Constructs…sensory/motor bodies and brains), are naturally formed by the Singularity’s inherent self-encounter. Neural Interface Perceptors, (such as we and other life forms), enable the refinement of its own self-experience through “living”—digital/analytical—exploration of itself…and through each living “Animate Interface” it is therefore able to indirectly perceive itself as…”Environmental Existence”…As space, time, people, other life forms, rocks, planets, stars, and all “things” beheld. Which is the existence of itself-its “Being”-through its “living” observation/encounter of itself.

An astute individual might declare at this point that the laws of the conservation of energy would be violated through the self-motivation of a Singularity. But in this case, as has been indicated above, we see that a Singularity is the only condition that is even capable of generating “patterned existence”, and therefore of self-motivation…and that self-motivation is intrinsic to its composition, to its State of Being…for the Singular State is that of origin/Genesis derived from the free wheeling forces of the Outbounded realm.

Just as a planet may generate internal heat because it has reached a threshold of mass that initializes this mechanism, so does a Singularity automatically generate its own experiential self-encounter and continued release of energy. In order for a Singularity to be a Singularity, it must be at a “Singularity threshold”—Inertia must be driven into the ultra-stressed condition of a “MathMass” by stresses of the Multiverse upon itself. The actual mechanics of reaching this threshold—the Mechanics of Primordality, the concordant state of Inbounded and Outbounded Consciousness has already briefly been shown and will be discussed in greater detail further chapters.

Here will shall discover the Essence of Perception in comprehension of itself through and because of its intrinsic tension upon itself…because a Singular State, a “Universe” is Undivided from Itself…and such undividedness is Wholeness…And Wholeness must maintain a tautness of itself in order to be whole…Always to be in tension with itself, such tension generating an Auto-Interpretation of itself…Of which we are an undivided part…An auto-analyzation through us and all of life for the purpose of its own self-comprehension! This is the inherent state of what we call “Being”, “Universe”, or “Primary Consciousness”.

Do you see it? A Universal Span is a perfect sphere held together by its Tension of Wholeness upon itself and therefore in experiential self-encounter/interpretation of itself. The Tension of Wholeness is derived from the Outbounded Multiverse whose circumference is taken internally and encircles every Inbounded system that dwells within, generating a multiplicity of diversifications within each Universal Span…and we interpret this diversity as Stars, Planets, etc…and ourselves.


The second concept of “Matter” upon which our patterns of sensibility are based as our interpretations of “things” form within our Inbounded realm of “Constrained Will”, as—objects of existence—rocks, people and other life forms, buildings, planets, stars, beginnings and endings—all of which are translations of our encounters with the “Gist of the World”, perceived into our Cerebrally illusioned…and Cerebrally projected…Dimensionalized “Realities”. Within this translation, first internally visualized and simultaneously, “externally” projected by each of us, through our “Organizing Neural Perceptor”, (our brain), as our “world”, we have conceived our notions of chemistry, the periodic table, gravimetrics and dimensionalized structures, which include all interpretable aspects of the “Atomic Rendition” of existence. Our illusions are further solidified into reality because we see that our chemistry actually works and that our atomic theories bring “results”…and we can even “touch” a rock…but we fail to understand that what it is that we imagine as real is only real to the extent that “space” and “time”, although illusory, are nevertheless proportional to “energy” and “mass”, which are also illusory—all of which are interpretations, representations and cerebral projections of the undivided, but diversified convolutions of the Primordial Force of Primary Consciousness—our Universal Span extended from the Multiverse…in comprehension of itself—through us…and through all other patterns of existence that it forms of itself. Thus, if the proportions are mathematically compatible, (and they must be, otherwise comprehension/self-interpretation/existence, could not occur), then the illusions become a “reality”.

This is the “Gist”—the diversified qualities and subjectivity’s that we interpret of the Primordial Force that we cerebrally quanticize as sensible, recognizable patterns of “Existence”…But “IT” is not what we perceive…as Space, Time, Mass, or Energy…until a cognizant extension of it, (like any one of us)…experientially “self”-encounters it! It is the Unified Field of a Universal Span…the multiplicity of the qualitative aspects of Inbounded, interpenetrated Primary Consciousness, perceived by undivided parts of itself…such as each of us. We translate the compounded qualities of this substructure into ensembles of “Existence” through our unique perception, (self encounter), of it.

{“World Reality”}

Thus we each create our own dimensionalized “World Reality” through our interpretation of that from which we extend.


Finally the third idea has become our mind’s eye into this substructure that we call “nature”…through the inherent continuity and interactivity of mathematics. This concept that we have of numbers, proportionalities and rationales, although we imagine that we are clever to have created this system of computation as a way to indirectly measure nature, is however, not something that we have invented. In truth it was always a part of us, of all patterns of existence of the Inbounded realm, and as all forces of the Outbounded realm…as the sub-structure and superstructure of existence is expressed in no other way than this…as the qualities, subjectivity’s relationships and undivided continuities of the Multiverse in concordance with our Universal Span…which is the inherent Foundational Language of Primary Consciousness…that drives its own self-experience. Through the use of mathematics, science has come to the understanding that our entire encounter with the “Gist of the World” is automatically numbered and proportionalized, (consider the quantizations of energy as discrete states—as Electrons, Protons, Neutrons, Etc). Consider that anything that we can interpret as “real” is constructed of rationales and proportionalizations-each “thing” has a size, a mass, a wavelength, a frequency, an intensity, as all patterns of existence are ratio’d, (rationale’d—auto-thought), to fit into existence. And in further truth…this language intrinsic to Primary Consciousness…necessarily invented each of us…as an extension of itself! For it is we, and all of life throughout the Multiverse, who are natural and necessary to interpret the myriad convolutions of the “Gist” of the Primordial Force…as the wonder and beauty of experiential reality. (See Ingeneza) This numbering system that we perceive is the “Tension of Necessity”…that which is necessary to the Unity of Wholeness…the God, the Wellspring of our “Universe”…of the Multiverse, …From which all patterns of existence are manifest…and is therefore an inherent part of each of us, of our genetic composition…of ourselves as extended Localizations of Primary Consciousness perceiving through this genetic “Animate Interface”.

All of which is undividedly connected to, Mathematically tensioned with, that which all of existence is extended from and expressed by…The Singular State of Primary Consciousness…in the multiple dialogues of its own differentiated Self-Experiential Construct! For what is there to keep this Wholeness together, if not the self-experiential language of its own intrinsic tension upon itself? Here is the Foundation of Rationality, Proportionality, Thought, Continuity, Inertial Will, Bordered Materiality, Space, Time, Velocity…and Perception itself!

This is the natural language of Primary Consciousness that we interpret as a numbering system, as mathematics—the raw language of the Primordial Force generated by its Tension of Wholeness upon itself that we must interpret, because we are an integral part of this “Gist of the World”…that has comprehended each of us into its existence!

Who among all sentient beings has willed himself to be born? Yet, on the other hand we are free to live and perish as we choose.

The way that Existence/Reality is created is unconditionally and wholly simplistic…once understood…while nonetheless beautiful and wondrous in its formulation. To realize that the “Gist of the World”…the essence of all of Existence/Creation…is the Singular Primordial Force of Primary Consciousness—a force of Wholeness, undivided from itself, of which we are also an undivided part…is to come to terms with the foundation of our existence, of our world and of our perception of “reality”…and to finally comprehend its wonder and beauty and to stand in awe of its utter simplicity. For with such understanding we come to realize that we are translating the “World”…interpreting the infinitely combined aspects of the convoluted qualities of Primary Consciousness through its self-created extensions that are formed into the “Neural Perceptors”—the Observational/Motivational Constructs of our bodies and brains so that IT/WE, may, through this self-constructed interface, interpret the wholeness of our structure, (the “world” as extended, but undivided from ourselves), in an analytical, (illusioned separate), way.

Code of Inbounded Consciousness—

Through the configurations of our animate forms, though remaining undivided from itself, the “Gist of the World” creates the illusions of dimensionalities that we automatically interpret as our natural, but indeed… “Neural Reality”. The images that we have of our “World Reality” therefore, are our own mental facsimiles of what we perceive through our psychological senses and brain. They are practically a mathematically engineered rendering of the Code of Inbounded Consciousness, creations of symbols of sensibility, consisting of impacts, impulses, impressions and waveforms that we, through our neural receptors, (eyes, ears, touch, etc), digitally/systematically encounter and then cerebrally translate and sequentially perceptually project into “World” of materiality, energy, time, space, position, velocity and dimensionality that we infer as Reality. This is the “auto-thought” of Primary Consciousness, of our “Universe” in self-encounter…experiencing itself, comprehending itself…through us.

The “Gist of the World”

What is the “Gist of the World”, if not the aspects, the subjectivities, the qualities…of the Wholeness of Primary Consciousness in the Self-Experiential Embrace of what we automatically interpret as the “Equation of Existence”? We also conceive experimental realities wherein space and time are reinterpreted in new ways and it is through such conceptions that the very foundation of what we call “TRUTH” may be investigated. By mathematically approximating—statistically analyze—our continued experience of existence.

How did Plato deduce the illusory nature of reality as set forth in his allegory of the cave? And furthermore, how did Democritus over 2,000 years ago (circa 430 B.C.) deduce the following ideas:

“He believed that a large a large number of worlds had formed spontaneously out of diffuse matter in space, evolved and then decayed…”

“… thought that worlds on occasion collide; he believed that some worlds wandered alone through the darkness of space, while others were accompanied by several suns and moons; that some worlds were inhabited, while others had no plants and animals or even water…”

“…that the simplest forms of life arose from a kind of primeval ooze…”

“…He taught that perception—the reason, say, I think I have a pen in my hand—was a purely physical and mechanistic process; that thinking and feeling were attributes of matter put together in a sufficiently fine and complex way and not due to some spirit infused into matter by the gods…”

“…invented the word “atom”, Greek for “unable to cut”. Atoms were the ultimate particles, forever frustrating our attempts to break them into smaller pieces. Everything, he said, is a collection of atoms, intricately assembled. Even we. “Nothing exists,” he said, “but atoms and the void…” ~ Excerpts from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos Pp. 180

Here is the basis of the notion of Quantum Mechanics—genetically built into us. We overcome the interpretive obstacles of our limited senses by bridging the blind spots of the “perceptual lens” of the body and brain with our Statistical Faith in the continuity of the Equation of Existence—from which of course we are undivided. (As mentioned earlier, we are born with a trusting nature towards our “environment”—that is what I mean by “statistical faith”).

We can credit in part, our notion of the coherence of existence, (our perception of the passage of time and the continuity of experience), to the unique structure of our brain, where experience is recorded and therefore divided, (digitized), into the sequential illusion of past, present and hopefully—future. (Here is the physical basis of our collective notion of “faith”. And of course, the structure of our brain is made “unique” by the very “environment” from which it extends…that “environment” of Primary Consciousness constructing of itself a device that enables a unique view through itself…of itself). When we take a close look at the brain’s electrochemical recording process however, we come to realize…and perhaps find humor in the irony…that we are first led into an illusion of the sequentiality of existence by our electrochemical bodies and brain…and then because we imagine sequentiality, we may develop faith in the continuity and perpetuity of a “Separate God”…And because of the illusion, (sequentiality in one view and concurrency in another), we fail over and over again to see that this “God”—which we fear, depend upon, give up our destiny to—and perhaps love…has been wholly misinterpreted and thus paradoxically perceived as incomprehensible!

The Misinterpretation of “God” and the Tensor Vernacular

Let us understand, finally…that what we put our faith into is universally called “God”, but as the Foundation of Existence—“The Gist of the World”, the “Primordial Force of Primary Consciousness”, which are together the “Totality of God” undivided from itself and from which we are also undivided. The interpretation of God as a separate being, somehow ruling from “outside of the Universe” is nearly correct—except for the words “separate” and “outside”. If the circumference of the Multiverse is drawn within itself to form and encircle every Universal Span, then “God” as the Multiverse could easily be misinterpreted as being “outside”…which would naturally lead to the further misinterpretation of God being “separate”. “God” is both concurrent and sequential—depending upon how “God” is perceived…and this we will gain a deep understanding of as we proceed into subsequent chapters…for the communicative language of “God”…that which is called the “Word of God”, is the Tensor Vernacular of Primary Consciousness, the Syntactic Structural Characteristic of the Inertial Tensor Field, (the Wholeness), of the Multiverse and of all of its substructural Universal Spans, its self-computation, and inherent to itself…which maintains in diversified but undivided form, its own coherence and totality.

The Tension of Wholeness, as the ultimate Cosmological Constant, generates the Primalities, Ratios and Proportionalities inherent to the Wholeness of Primary Consciousness, the God…of which we are an undivided part, is the foundation of mathematics—which is the substructural algebraic language of Primary Consciousness—of a Singularity…intrinsic to itself—as it continually and infinitely encounters itself through its Tension of Wholeness upon itself…And as the Superstructural language of the Outbounded Realm that drives the formation of Universal Spans within.

All of number theory and consequently all rationale, all language, all comprehension…We…and the entirety of the Planetary and Cosmic environment that we perceive…only exists at all, because of the intrinsic nature of the intrinsic nature of the Tension of Wholeness that Primary Consciousness naturally induces upon itself…as its raw communication/comprehension to and of itself. It automatically Wills itself into Being through the Inertia of its tension upon itself, diversifying into an experience of which we…as undivided, cognizant extensions of it, interpret as UNI—“VERSE”.



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