Saturday, May 07, 2005

Kirlian Imagery

"Images are visible to people, but the light within them is hidden in the image of the Father's light. He will be disclosed, but his image is hidden by his light." ~ The Gospel of Thomas Chapter 83

"When you see your likeness, you are happy. But when you see your images that came into being before you and that neither die nor become visible, how much you will have to bear!" ~The Gospel of Thomas Chapter 84

[Source: The Complete Gospels, Edited by Robert J. Miller]

In the third installment of the Matrix trilogy Matrix Revolutions Agent Smith enters the body of a Zion operative named Bane through a hardline, moving from the Matrix into the "real world". Later in the film, Neo looks past the flesh to reveal the true culprit behind Bane's sudden dementia--Agent Smith, Neo's nemesis! I was especially fond of this scene due to my profound interest in the electromagnetic properties of the human body. I could not resist making a correlation between this particular scene and various images i had observed obtained through what is called Kirlian photography. Kirlian what? No, not one of the three stooges, but Kirlian photography. According to one source:

"Kirlian pictures can show animal or plant tissues or even inanimate objects. The objects being photographed may be placed between two electrodes to which a high-frequency alternating voltage is applied; or it may be earthed and serve as one of the electrodes. The film is laid on a layer of insulating material covering the non-earthed electrode. The film is not exposed to light, nor is a lens used. Electrical discharges around the object directly cause patterns that are seen in the developed film."

Learn more and see Kirlian images by clicking here, or continue...

Now let us reflect on the passage from Chapter 83 of the gospel of Thomas once again.

"Images are visible to people, but the light within them is hidden in the image of the Father's light. He will be disclosed, but his image is hidden by his light."

This passage contains a piece of very profound knowledge about the nature of light and the limited ability of the human eye to perceive reality. Interestingly, according to Semyon Kirlian [a late 1930s Russian prof.], after a Kirlian photograph of a freshly cut leaf had been taken, a small part of the leaf was cut away, a second kirlian picture would show an image--a 'phantom' of the missing area! Some people believe that this 'phantom' image is evidence of an etheric body, a spiritual or psychic counterpart to the material body [See blog on The Egyptian Afterlife]

To be continued....

The Quantum Eye is the "Lamp of the Body"

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" Matthew 6:22-23


NASA To Study Man Who Survives On Liquids And Sunlight

Delhi - Jun 30, 2003 From:

An Indian man, who claims to have survived only on liquids and sunlight for eight years, has been invited by NASA to show them how he does it.Hira Ratan Manek - also known as Hirachand - a 64-year-old mechanical engineer who lives in the southern state of Kerala, apparently started disliking food in 1992, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported.In 1995, he went on a pilgrimage to the Himalayas and stopped eating completely on his return.His wife, Vimla, said: "Every evening he looks at the sun for one hour without batting an eyelid. It is his main food. Occasionally he takes coffee, tea or some other liquid."Last June, scientists from the US space agency verified that Manek spent 130 days surviving only on water, the report said.They even named this subsistence on water and solar energy after him: The HRM (Hira Ratan Manek) Phenomenon.Mr Manek is now in the US to show NASA's scientists how he survives without food. The US space agency hopes to use the technique to solve food storage and preservation problems on its expeditions, the report said.Mr Manek said he "eats through his eyes" in the evening, when the sun's ultraviolet rays are least harmful. He and his wife claim the technique is totally scientific. However, doctors warn that staring at the sun can make you blind. His wife said: "He has a special taste for sun energy. He believes only 5 per cent of human brain cells are used by most people. The other 95 per cent can be activated through solar energy.

Many more related news articles at Sun Gazing Process is explained at

The First Law of Thermodynamics ***

The First Law of Thermodynamics claims that matter or its energy equivalent can neither be created nor destroyed under natural circumstances. One of the logical outcomes of this law is that there is no new matter or energy manifesting anywhere in the universe, nor is there any matter being annihilated. All matter and energy in the universe is therefore conserved. Consequently, this law is often referred to as the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy. Although matter can neither be created nor destroyed, it can be converted from one state to another, i.e. from a liquid to a gas, liquid to solid, solid to gas. The overwhelming experience of experimental classical physics confirms this First Law to be a fact. As we shall see, this law has enormous implications regarding the nature of our universe.

Recommended Books

The Self-Aware Universe: how consciousness creates the material world
by Amit Goswami, Ph.D. with Richard E. Reed and Maggie Goswami (1993)

by R.W. Ditchburn

The Electric Nature of the Universe

..."When the Moon hits your [quantum] eye"....

The following is a passage from Amit Goswami's book The Self Aware Universe: how consciousness creates the material world. He is/was the professor of physics at the Institute of Theoretical Sciences at the University of Oregon.

"Perhaps the most important, and the most insidious, assumption that we absorb in our childhood is that of the material world of objects existing out there--independent of subjects, who are the observers. There is circumstantial evidence in favor of such an assumption. Whenever we look at the moon, for example, we find the moon where we expect it along its classically calculated trajectory. Naturally we project that the moon is always there in space-time, even when we are not looking. Quantum physics says no [emphasis added]. When we are not looking, the moon's possibility wave spreads, albeit by a miniscule amount. When we look, the wave collapses instantly; thus the wave could not be in space-time. It makes more sense to adapt the idealist metaphysic assumption: There is no object in space-time without a conscious subject looking at it. So quantum waves are like the Platonic archetypes (Please read Plato's Allegory of the Cave) in the transcedent domain of consciousness, and the particles that manifest upon our observation are the immanent shadows on the cave wall. Consciousness is the agency that collapses the wave of a quantum object, which exists in potentia making it an immanent particle in the world of manifestation..." ~Chapter Four p. 59-60

What is all of this talk of potentia, the transcendent domain of consciousness, and of the world of manifestation??? I welcome your thoughts.

Monday, May 02, 2005

The INGENEZA Hypothesis and the Canon of Beauty


Have you ever pondered the true nature of physical reality? Well, the following hypothesis, by Polish physicist, Tadeusz Teller, was the inspiration which led to my own search for answers, please read Awakening the Quantum Eye pts 1-3 for more details. The source of this hypothesis can be found here, where you will find pictures! YAY! I have posted his hypothesis here only because I fear that someday his site may no longer be up, and I wanted to preserve this intriguing hypothesis. Well, enough said, Enjoy.

The INGENEZA Hypothesis and the Canon of Beauty
by Tadeusz Teller

In this treatise a hypothesis concerning the cause of the harmonious development of the cosmos is presented. It arose as a consequence of the synthesis of knowledge obtained from different areas of science with the cooperation of scientists from a number of Universities.
In light of this work the Universe appears to be much more complete and beautiful than previously expected.
This author is the original proposer of the INGENEZA hypothesis. This hypothesis was published in 1994.
Non-material Ingeneza functions integrally with cosmic matter, creating its living organism.

INGENEZA is the primordial genetic information coded with configurations of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).


INGENEZA is the primordial genetic information contained in every atom.


INGENEZA is coded with specific sets of configurations of the elementary particles in atom's nucleus.


INGENEZA is the primordial genetic information coded in atoms, with specifically configured sets of elementary particles in atom's nucleus.


Atoms contain, carry and transform Ingeneza (information).

Chaos does not mean disorder - chaos is the "primordial order".

The essence of life is tied to quantum chromo - dynamics.

Ingeneza is a factor organizing arrangements of energy and matter in a purposeful manner. Due to Ingeneza, the universe develops as an integral organism. Due to Ingeneza our mind functions, so we can explore the Universe. If Einstein knew the internal construction of the atomic nucleus, and its quantum chromodynamics which encode Ingeneza, he would have been able to cross the barrier he encountered in his research, but this information was not available to him. If Ingeneza had been discovered earlier, we would not have walked into the dead end of Darwinism, which states that everything, including our mind, happened as an evolutionary accident.

1. Ingeneza is the imperative (universal controlling function) for the integral and harmonious development of the universal organism structure, including life on the Earth.

Ingeneza -> energy -> matter --> Life

(also, Ingeneza ^ energy ^ matter = Life)

2. Atoms are the carriers of Ingeneza. Intranuclear structure, like the structure of a seed, isn't accidental, but is a deliberate "apparatus" for encoding, storing, transforming, and transferring Ingeneza to realize its advancement of life.
Atoms can exchange Ingeneza. Messengers of Ingeneza are phonons and photons.

3. A logical "undetermined" movement of elementary particles in the nucleus of atoms (quarks and gluons) encodes Ingeneza. They create different configurations of mutual interplay, each lasting sub-billionth of a second. Each configuration of particles is at the same time (simultaneously) an information and an impulse implying the imperative for development. Up to this time, science recognized only the impulses and vectors of action, but not the agent, which purposely control these impulses.
I don't search why Ingeneza was created, because I don't want to touch religious aspect of the problem. Instead, I point to material proves of perpetual action of non-material Ingeneza.
Well known physicist and philosopher S. Hawking in his "Origin of the Universe" said: "These laws (Laws of Science - T.T.) may have been ordained by God, but it seems that He does not intervene in the universe, to break the laws."
I think, that if God created laws of science, such as fundamental low of Ingeneza, they are so perfect, that He has no needs to intervene to make sure the Universe keeps developing in harmony. The Universe is left on its own, and INGENEZA takes care for that development.

Farther in this document, I present proofs that the programs of Ingeneza continuously intervene in the Universe'' development.

4. Ingeneza programs are subject to the canon of beauty, and this is why universal elements on the microscopic and macroscopic scales are harmonized, interdependent and mutually useful in such a way that they create the universe's organisms. Thanks to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, we can say that at the quantum level acts the law of opportunity in choosing events, what makes that the Universe is not determined with mechanistic invariable (steady) algorithm. Its just opposite - Universe is a living organism controlled by Ingeneza from within atom development program of the Universe is open and reformable, and in the range of the canon of beauty can adopt various forms of life (i.e. protein life on earth, or organs like the brain, and others).
Thanks to the low of non-cloning at quantum level (W.K. Wootters, W.H. Zurek) progress in development is guaranteed (is a must). Mutations are also forms of development.

5. Ingeneza (information) is an immaterial agent. "Information is information, not matter or energy". This important concept was proposed by the American information theorist - N. Wiener in 1948. We can now elaborate - information is an immaterial agent transported by matter and energy. Transportation medium does not change information.
Proof: information written on paper (matter), read by voice (acoustic wave) and recorded on a magnetic tape is, after some time, replayed and transmitted at the speed of light as radio waves and once again reproduced as acoustic waves. These acoustic sounds are received by hearing organs and further transmitted to brain neurons - but the information is still the same information. This information cannot be identified within the mentioned material or energetic transmitters. Since information can be transmitted at the speed of light (i.e. radio wave) we can deduce that information carries no mass, therefore, it is an immaterial agent. That applies to DNA replication of genetic information while atoms pass information to other atoms. The end-effect is that we inhere ancestor's characteristics.
Genetic information, as the immaterial factor, is not bound by mathematical laws.
Proof: During conception a live sperm connects with live egg, and that adds as:
1 life + 1 life = 1 life, or 2 , 3, 4 lives (twins, triplets, etc.), depending how genetic information controls laws of physics. Mathematical approach is different: 1 set of atoms + 1 set of atoms = 2 sets of atoms, even if zygote dies and 1 life + 1 life = 0 lives. Conclusion is, that the tools for research of essence of life - Ingeneza - should be imagination and NOT laws of physics or mathematics.

6. Ingeneza utilizes the laws of physics to realize programs of development while it operates in the microscopic scale, what transforms to the macroscopic scale as well. Mankind in his actions, also, utilizes the laws of physics, however, the majority of these are utilized unconsciously, thanks to the activity of Ingeneza on the quantum level (i.e. purposeful metabolic processes in the brain).
Proof: Humans can program their movements - two steps forwards and then two steps right, and subconsciously utilizing the laws of physics they can realize these movements. They can also, using these same laws of physics, draw different figures i.e. flakes of snow asymmetrically combined from different snowflakes, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Fake snowflake.

In nature such compilations don't appear, since this infringes on the canon of beauty - all parts of a snow flake must be in a homogenous and harmonious configuration, as nature is bound down by the canon of beauty - see Figure 2.

Figure 2. Snowflakes, by W. A. Bentley

This fact provides the important proof that the shapes of snowflakes are not products of a chance, but each of them is programmed beforehand by Ingeneza and consequently formed utilizing the laws of physics operating on the quantum level, and higher. That law affects all nature:

non-material program --> material realization.

Ingeneza uses, as one of its tools, morphogenic electromagnetic field. Proof: Electric lightning, during storm, interfere with a weak electromagnetic field of a snowflake, and therefore hail falls, that is depraved of canon of beauty.
The act of drawing demands conversion of variety of information. The immaterial mind affects matter with the help of material brain structures and the nervous system. Brain structures are very complex, and they are difficult to analyze. There are simpler examples in the nature. Our egocentrism makes it difficult to analyze. Lets follow Copernicus, who abolished egocentric myth that the Earth is the center of the Universe. Also, a false theorem still exists, saying that information processing and coding is done only in atoms included in the brain ...

7. Very complex information processing not only happens in the brain but also in somatic cells of all organisms, even in primitive ones like the fungus Pilobolus Crystallinus.

Figure 3. Pilobolus Crystallinus, by Noll.

These organisms undertake the accurate and technically very difficult task of spore launching, what is the subject of an experiment. At the beginning one set of fungi is exposed to sunlight. All the fungi grow parallel to one another. Later, a cover with a small hole is placed over the fungi. All Pilobolus Crystallinus "units" start pointing towards the hole. The fungi convert visual information to "calculate" the ballistic trajectory (artillerymen know this is not easy), in such a way that the direction and the force of the blast lets the spore reach its objective. The results of the calculations must be transmitted by an enzyme, which carries energy and instruction to deliberately conform matter. Such conformation envelops the cooperation of a few billion proteins and many genes acting in the fungal cells. Analysis of this phenomenon is very difficult, however, even simpler phenomena can be analyzed.

Crystals can process complex information.
8. I state, that crystals can process complex information. This phenomenon can be analyzed by observing snowflakes. Each snowflake is different but each one is subject to the canon of beauty. Since 1885, when W. A. Bentley made the first snowflake photograph, different hobbyists have taken pictures of snowflakes trying to find two similar shapes ... without results. Unrecurring snowflakes shapes come from non-cloning of Ingeneza (more in section 23).
Author's insight research on snowflake shapes allowed to discover many nature's secrets, and prove that H20 molecules can process complex information. I recognized, that snowflakes can regenerate damaged branches, similarly like plants. Flakes are formed from water molecules, which occupy a preprogrammed place in the space. This requires a very quick conversion of information, which in a fraction of a second controls billions of water molecules to form a new unique snow flake. This task is especially difficult when the necessity of repair arises in a damaged snowflake caused by wind collisions. "Calculations" are needed to find how much and where to add water molecules to compensate for surface and mass loss. Those calculations are done in the nuclei of H20 atoms.
Compare flakes in Figure 4 and in Figure 5 (below). Their shapes differ decisively. Snowflake 1 has three axis, and snowflake 2 has six axis of symmetry. We see that snowflake 2 has asymmetrically developed opposite branches, in such a way that the narrower branch had to, in accordance with the program, yield to the more developed branch. Here we have proof that the shape of a snowflake is uniquely preprogrammed (at the start point).

Transposition of axis.

BC - transposition of axis.

Figure 4. Regenerated snowflake 1.

In the act of falling, snowflake 1 encountered an accident, which broke off one branch and the displaced its symmetry axis (probably due to a collision with another snowflake). This caused the displacement of it's center of mass and shift to its balance, endangering further collisions with other snowflakes. To prevent this, Ingeneza in the snowflake initiated a fixing program by an asymmetrical weighting of this branch. That action balanced the center of mass of the whole crystal. The snowflake could fall properly and fulfill its function.

Figure 5. Regenerated snowflake 2.
The distance AB and BC are different.

This regulation of mass is recognized in different crystals i.e. in the building of flake 2 (two branches shown enlarged). We can see the replacing development of branch fragments, which regenerate the accidental loss of other branches.

The scheme of snowflake regeneration is similar to a slow regeneration and the canon of beauty in broken tree branches, as shown in Figure 6 below.

Figure 6. Asymmetric branch added to fill-in gap.

Thus we have proof that the conversion of information not only takes place in the brain ... just a few atoms - here hydrogen and oxygen in a snowflake - with their quantum mechanisms are enough (more in sections 16 to 19).

One can conclude that:

Uncertainty allows electron to transmit primordial genetic information.
9. Information is coded and converted in molecules of H20 since they solely participate in the creation of shape and the decisions of repair. Creation of snowflakes happens in a split second when billions of water molecules are utilized. This shows that the programming of the shape and impulses of its action must happen in less than a picosecond (< 10-12). This short time is necessary to control each molecule purposefully to create a shape. Question arises, if an "apparatus", which converts information billion times faster than the human brain, exist? The answer is yes! This happens because the human brain in the tract of conversion of information uses phonons - waves of quasi particles dispersing at the speed of sound, also enzymes and RNA travel in neurons even slower, however the "apparatus" of a nucleus (atom's "brain") functions at the speed of light.
10. Discovery of Ingeneza in atoms.
In 1982, author made this important observation. It came about through analysis of results of an experiment related to the basis of transmission of information combined with the Principle of Uncertainty discovered by W. Heisenberg (Nobel prize 1936). It is known that to transmit information in an acoustic or electromagnetic wave one must introduce, depending on the content of the information, a logical parameters dispersion DP around the average value of these complex waves. All other media carrying information must have logically undetermined parameters, and that uncertainty is the essence of transmission of the content of information. Transmission of information with a carrier in the microscopic scale can't happen without a logical dispersion DP of its parameters. Heisenberg discovered that in the movement of atom's electrons there appears uncertainty in position and momentum, where Df and Dp are the measure of variation the value around its average value. This is an important prerequisite, which author uses to state that an electron transmits genetic information using this "undetermined" but logical movement. Further proofs (gathered later by author) from crystallography, molecular biology and quantum chromodynamics confirmed author's early assumption.

11. Ingeneza purposely controls the laws of physics - realizing the program which evolves the Universe. The second law of thermodynamics states that elements in a closed system tend to seek their most probable distribution. However, in contradiction to this, the Universe perpetually develops integrally. Similarly as a plant develops on soil so does our universe develop on the base of the non-baryon matter. Different forms of matter and energy are formed with harmonized arrangements. An example is protein life on the Earth.
Thus, we have proof that an agent exists, organizing energy and matter into their purposeful arrangement - it is Ingeneza. The life-giving role of Ingeneza is revealed at the moment of death of a plant, animal or man. When the program of Ingeneza stops (in humans an encephalographic display shows the disappearance of brain waves which control the body), the second law of thermodynamics is fulfilled. In matter, which took part in this phenomenon of life, begins the "chaos" of atoms and decomposition, and the features of the canon of beauty in an organism disappear
Chaos does not mean disorder - chaos is the "primordial order".
Conclusion: The arrangements of matter and energy in the universe and the development of earthly organisms is controlled by the immaterial agent - Ingeneza. Development and beauty of the Universe is a proof of purposeful action of Ingeneza in the whole Universe and in every atom.

12. Repetitiveness of development schemes is the proof of the workings of Ingeneza. Plants, flowers and seeds, similarly as galaxies, stars, and atoms are repeated. We have proof that in the whole universe there exist repeating schemes of development subject to Ingeneza program. Because in the beginning the hydrogen atoms existed, we can conclude that they contained primordial genetic information - the imperative of development. They were able to create attractive forces (attractors) around which developed fluctuations of symmetrical force fields which began the birth of protogalaxies.

13. Streams of photons carry Ingeneza on the macroscopic scale.
Analysis of photochemical and optical phenomenon and the research of the sense of sight permit the confirmation of the following thesis:
1. Atoms can send and receive Ingeneza with the help of photons.
2. Energy and the internal dynamics of photons serve to carry the interaction of Ingeneza.
3. Different atoms contain and process different logons * of Ingeneza.
4. Ingeneza is the imperative to development.
* logon is my call on the smallest set of Ingeneza information (similar to a bit in a computer).
Solar radiation carries photons. The photons - elementary particles - are carriers of electromagnetic interaction. They interact with earthly atoms causing development. Some of them are absorbed, and other ones can bounce back many times. Atoms interact with bouncing photons. In the action of bouncing a conjunction of Ingeneza happens - one carried by photons and other one contained in atoms. This commonly occurring phenomenon is utilized by the senses of sight and in the process of photography. Interaction of photons with a light sensitive emulsion creates a colorful picture. It is a fraction of information-ingeneza carried by reflected photons (a spectrometer can read additional information i.e. which elements emit photons reaching us, etc.). We can draw a conclusion, that photons of various atoms and various molecules code and transmit various logons of Ingeneza.

Figure 7. Light dispersion.

Light dispersion shows, that photons have structure and dynamics adapted to carry Ingeneza and quants of action forcing the Universe to develop. White light has uncertain wavelength and wave amplitude - it its a sum of multiple colors, that in turn, is able to carry infinite amount of information. Proofs of that (images) we have in our eyes on the retina, and on photography.

14. Photons don't interact with each other. Their task is the transmission of Ingeneza, and through inducing variety of reactions they realize the imperative of that development. An example is interaction of photons with photo-receptors on human skin. Interpretation of carried Ingeneza is performed by brain and the pineal gland, producing hormone melatonin. That hormone is the carrier of transposed Ingeneza, due to conjunction of Ingeneza carried by photons and inherent Ingeneza. That clearly points to a conclusion that photon structure and dynamics (same applies to atom) is not just an accident, but it is a very purposeful creation, acting as a carrier and deliverer of Ingeneza, and its imperative of development.

15. All levels in the organization of matter (starting with atoms) are subject to the canon of beauty.
Research in theoretical physics allows to think, that relationship of the canon of beauty, which all nature is obligated, has its roots in the Ingeneza program, and also in purposely shaped mechanics and electrodynamics of atoms.
A simple explanation can be shown with the comparison of atomic mechanics to the string of a musical instrument. A vibrating string propagates a train of integer half wave lengths without fractions. In the atom there also exist similarly (singularly) defined wavelengths with the defined energy of a particle. The state of an electron can have only certain defined energy levels. In an atom, like in a tuned instrument, are only allowed discrete levels of energy and wavelengths (de Broglie electron waves = 2L/n, where n = 1, 2, 3...- numbers) - according to the canon of beauty. This shows that the basic instruments (atoms) created to play the great symphony of life were perfectly harmonized. On these atomic instruments plays Ingeneza. To realize its goals, Ingeneza utilizes one of the laws of the canon of beauty - uncertainty guaranteeing the law of events, and direction of development. To explain further, we return to a music instrument. Singular sounds and chords can be used by man in an arbitrary sequence (arbitrary choice of events) to create a melody. Immaterial information comes from a mathematically indescribable but a logical series of sounds. A beautiful melody, by acoustic resonance, transmits the activation energy of psychic processes, and it can arouse or calm us. Similarly Ingeneza, using the rhythm of elementary particles and the logical melody of hyper sounds - phonons emitted by the electron reverberating in crystals formed from different atoms, controls energy to realize its program obligated by the canon of beauty. Another example is the snowflake model.
16. Research in crystallography permits to prove the following theory:
1. Ingeneza uses morphogenetic electromagnetic fields and quasi particle waves to deliberately shape matter and energy.
2. Crystals, similarly as plants, process complex information.
3. Ingeneza can be processed in a brain, and also in a particle of H20.
4. Ingeneza programs are obligated wit the canon of beauty.

In crystals function phonons tied to atoms vibrations. The bigger the atomic weight - the smaller frequency. When a crystal is formed from various atoms and in its elemental cell is more than one atom, oscillations are generated with discrete harmonic frequencies. These are phonon quasiparticle waves - harmonic hyper sounds. A phonon is a quasiparticle of sound. They are able to transmit activation energy for metabolic processes, by harmonic acoustic resonance.
For the creation of spatial processes an electromagnetic interaction is necessary. These fields refer to the point of an attractor around which the process of organization starts. Such a field can be formed by the polarization of atomic spins. If a different field of higher energy interrupts this field, then the process of organization is disturbed. In a thunderstorm instead of snowflakes, hail is formed since the weak electromagnetic field of the snow flake is interrupted by a strong electromagnetic field. Strong magnetic fields can also interrupt the development of organisms controlled by DNA.

17. DNA is a crystalline substance, made of five elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and phosphorous, which gives a harmonic quintet of vibration. By means of these frequencies with a harmonic resonance, Ingeneza selectively transmits the activation energy of metabolic chemical processes. Participating in this are all (100 %) of the DNA's nucleotide atoms within the coded genome, and not only the approximate 10% which codes proteins - this is how a cell knows which protein it needs at a given time. The "inactive" sections of the DNA - introns (junk DNA), are the key to functioning of DNA. Those sections must exist, and might be one of the most significant in the functioning of DNA. Those sections are NOT inactive.

18. Snowflake structure points to pre-existence of a program, that builds the snowflake. One could draw the conclusion that such a development from a non-material program of Ingeneza to a material structures applies not only to the water crystals but also to all cosmic structures, including protein life, and protein memory tracks in a brain.

19. Molecular biology provides proofs that atoms are carriers of Ingeneza. Atoms can transmit ingeneza to different atoms, co-oped to the needs of DNA replication. Proofs are provided by the multiplying of the virus T2 with the use of marked atoms (isotopes), which went into its DNA. It was found that over 50% of these atoms were transferred to its "offspring" (Biology, C.A. Willee, Harvard University 1967). This signifies that the repeated process of replication of genetic information (great knowledge of building, and immaterial instincts of parasitic reproduction) happens with the use of hydrogen atoms creating bridges between old "educated" atoms and co-oped atoms not possessing this information.

20. Further proofs that atoms are carriers of Ingeneza come from the knowledge of structure and mechanics of protons as discovered by E. Nehera and B. Sakmana (Nobel prize 1991). This concerns the existence of ionic canals in cell membranes used to mutual transmittance of information between cells. They discovered, that cells communicate with the help of ionic streams of sodium and potassium, but they didn't state what kind of information this relates to (perhaps this relates to the building of an eye or a brain). They didn't explain how ions transmit instructions since at that time the internal structure of protons or Ingeneza was unknown.

21. Research of chaos phenomena shows Ingeneza at work. In reality, chaos does not indicate disorder. Seemingly chaotic turbulent movements of gases or liquids show features of order (organization) at the level possible for actualization (in fast movement). It was a surprise to discover (Taylor vortex) that molecules create continuous transformations mutually organized systems, despite fast flow. Those patterns have signs of an "elegance" and symmetry around an attractor. Infinite number of shapes, same as with snowflakes, can not be described with a mathematical equation.
These facts state that an agent exists, which determines an order on every level, even on the level of elementary particles. It is Ingeneza.

The essence of life is connected to quantum chromodynamics.
22. Atoms are carriers and doers (executors) of Ingeneza programs - as shown above. Further proof demonstrate this. We know that at the beginning there was hydrogen, from hydrogen stars were created which in turn synthesized other elements and the whole Universe, which proves that the imperative of development was coded in the hydrogen atoms. What does the nucleus of hydrogen contain? Internal research of the proton from the 60s and 70s with the use of high energy electrons passed through liquid hydrogen, was done in the USA and European labs (SLAC, CERN, DESY). The results of the program HERMES in 1995 showed a great harmony and quantum uncertainty of processes in nucleus interior.
Full quantum description of the QCD shows complicated "dance" of the quarks and anti-quarks (red contours), including strange-quarks (violet). The sample picture (to the left) of a single configuration is just an anticipation of all possible quantum uncertainties and dynamic fluctuations. A precise description, of how that dance creates proton spin, is still too difficult to calculate, and scientist slowly try to uncover it with experiments (by Klaus Rith and Shafer).

Figure 8. QCD of nucleus, program HERMES, by Klaus Rith and Shafer.
Naively, we would have concluded that this phenomenon is an act of chance, only because it surpasses the ability of human imagination to visualize the precision and speed of action of this internal structure. Analysis of these phenomena, in the view of Ingeneza, leads to a conclusion that atomic nuclei are processors which convert information and act as the tools of expression to actualize Ingeneza. Thanks to it, the life of organisms and the operation of their brains is possible.

23. The structure of an atom and its internal mechanics are able to create various mutual configurations of elementary particles. They cause quantum fluctuation of symmetrical interactions. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) gives this description - theory of strong interactions of these components of matter (stable and unstable), which were assigned quantum numbers called colors. In these reactions are involved quarks (three different colors) and connecting gluons (two colors). It is accepted, that there are eight agents of reaction (gluons of spin 1). Also, eight color charges exist (instead of one charge). Aside from the three valence quarks, pairs of quarks and anti quarks appear and disappear. These are mesons, connecting neutrons and protons inside atoms. Each configuration of particles and their reaction is the information and a quantum of action to actualize the imperative of development. The speed of reaction of these structures permits the control of billions of proteins inside a cell. The time of action to configure coding and impulses of action maybe as short as life of some mesons - about 10-24 of a second, when quarks, gluons and mesons move at nearly the speed of light.
The most important thing, for us to understand, is that these configurations are not determined with a stable algorithm, but have uncertainty, what indicates that they are controllable and they can realize the imperatives of Ingeneza. Ingeneza programs, in a microscopic scale, arbitrary modulate dynamics of quantum fluctuations. That is mirrored on a macroscopic scale. One of the proofs is in a variety of snowflake shapes. This purposeful action appears in all repeatable structures of the cosmos - from atoms to galaxies. Also, in the forming of live organisms with their proteins and their brains. Repeatable does not mean identical, as information making the program can not be cloned at the quantum level - as it was proven by Wojciech Zurek and John Wheeler in 1982. This theorem and the Uncertainty Principle are tools of Ingeneza . They perpetually force mutations, leading to abrupt developments in a microscopic scale.
24. All information appearing in nature (including human-like) is formed from logons of Ingeneza (primordial genetic information). It can be assumed that the workings of the brain is based on a system with the multi-level conversion of Ingeneza. Conversions work in both directions - synthesis and analysis. Upon information synthesis, the first level takes place inside the "processor" of the nuclei. That generates secondary logons, which are received by electrons. Ingeneza logons transmission, at that stage, is done with gluons, mesons and photons. All three carriers move with the speed of light. Further transmission is done by electron at much slower speed of mechanical (or acoustical) vibrations, using quasi-particles excited in crystalline protein, and para-crystalline brain fluids. At this point further conjunction happens between Ingeneza logons, carried by phonons from each atoms, particles and genes. Phonons, by means of harmonic resonance, deliver energy of chemical activation of metabolism. In that way proteins are synthesized and information is "written" in a brain - memory track is created.
The scheme described above is simplified and shortcut, and omits intermittent quantum interactions, which are not fully understood at the present time.

25. Discovery of Ingeneza shows, that the natural selection (the Darwin's theory) is only a tertiary factor in the process of development of flora and fauna. Those factors are:
1. Ingeneza - imperative of development is actualized by a mean of non-cloning of Ingeneza at the quantum level, and that forces perpetual mutations of the program.
2. Predisposition of atoms to build molecules, crystals, macroelements, etc. Variety of those configurations is possible due to uncertainty of quantum dynamics.
3. The natural selection. Darwin's theory can even influence human activity. Less attractive products, for example - certain cars, are eliminated by the market, but this is not the law of the natural selection which creates these cars, but the human mind does it. Human mind uses laws of physics and proper tools to make those products. Similarly, Ingeneza uses laws of physics at the quantum level, such a way, that perpetual harmonic development of the cosmos is possible, including flora and fauna on the Earth.

26. Ingeneza controls the metamorphosis and creation of species in an abrupt fashion. Caterpillar living in one ecological domain, abruptly converts to a butterfly living in totally different environment. Metamorphosis can be reversed in next generations, or un-reversed - stable. See Figure 8 for explanation.
Caterpillar -> chrysalis -> butterfly Tadpole -> frog

Reptile egg -> reptile -> irreversible metamorphosis first bird

new species were created during life cycle of a single generation

Figure 9. Metamorphosis examples

Similarly, abrupt metamorphosis has happened in the first crop of flying insects. In world museums can be found many insects drowned in sap, asphalt and ash. None of them have undeveloped wings, because by the first generation they have had developed full wings.

Abrupt metamorphosis created, in the past, new species in a life cycle of a single generation. Seeding (burst) of metamorphosis brought to life new species, for example, from a particular reptiles birds were "metamorphosed". The development, which happened in the Cambrian era and spanned several tens of millions of years, formed the majority of multicellular protein organisms.

27. Each mutation or metamorphosis of organisms precedes program changes in the DNA nucleotides. These changes are controlled by Ingeneza which modulates the position of elemental particles in the atoms included in DNA (similarly, a program change in the mind of a carpenter makes him create a new table or a chair with the same tools).
The process of re-programming new organs of an organism requires the translation of Ingeneza to provide, for example, an answer to the size of wings required to fly insect, weighting few grams.

28. The translation of Ingeneza is similar to the translation of information in trigonometry. If we know the first parameter - length of one side and another parameter - angle, then the third argument - the length of the other side becomes a function of the parameters in the argument. Similar search scheme uses Ingeneza to utilize the quantum mechanics of atoms. Proton is formed with three valence quarks and many quasi-quarks. Different quarks encodes different sets of logons-arguments of Ingeneza. Logons-arguments are the unified, co-dependent parameters of mass, energy, frequency, etc. They are encoded with sets of configurations of their mutual interaction. Lets name those sets X, Y and Z. Gluons carry logons of Ingeneza from the set X (function argument), and those values of logons are assigned to logons in the set Y. As an outcome of that conjunction the searched (calculated) logon of Ingeneza is created in the set Z.
For example, the set Z could be the answer to the question from section 27, how to build a new wing of an insect.

29. On the quantum level information is sent with a quant of energy - the tool of interaction on the surroundings (with the use of electrons, and further phonons and photons) in order to cause development. It is necessary to distinguish immaterial information from interactive energy (controlled with that information).

30. Time - work in progress.

These presented proofs shows that all nature on the Earth and in all the Universe is influenced by a non-material factor, which organizes purposely systems of energy and matter, as well organism of cosmos and protein life on the Earth. That factor is the INGENEZA - primordial genetic information coded in atoms.
Discovery of Ingeneza opens new options of philosophy of science, where so far, materialistic-mechanistic paradigm reigns. That philosophy says, the life on the Earth is an act of a chance. The Darwin's theory, as I explained earlier, is only tertiary factor of life development.
Humans using their minds, which work due to Ingeneza in atoms of the brain, change consciously environment. One should remember, that programs of Ingeneza cause continuos development of the Universe and creation of homo sapiens.
We are participating in a fascinating program of development, which, thanks to the uncertain movement of elementary particles in atomic nuclei, gives us the law of choice - we can choose directions of our personal development. This development should be in agreement with the canon of beauty to which all of nature is subjected.

In this treatise, I just touched an immense implications that arise from the discovery of Ingeneza.
Because of lack of funding for my further studies, the following thesis have not been elaborated and published yet:
"Role of crystallite in creation of electromagnetic morphogenic field in plants.", DNA functions due to Ingeneza at the quantum level", and also, "Works of brain starts at the quantum level" - and more very important implications of the discovery of Ingeneza.

I would like to thank to scientists, who cooperated on my research, from the University of Wroclaw, the Medical Academy of Wroclaw and the Polytechnic of Wroclaw, also the Jagiellonski University in Krakow. Consultations and critical analysis were done free of charge by scientists from the those institutions.
Financial help, in issuing my book, was provided by the University of Wroclaw and by Hutmen in Wroclaw.
The hypothesis was created in 1993 and published in 1994 by the University of Wroclaw ("Czlowiek, Kosmos i Kanon Piekna", ISBN-83-229-1106-8, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1994).
Work on Ingeneza took a significant part of my life time. I would like to thank those who gratuitously helped me to reach my goals. Particularly, I would like to thank to my family, which patiently suffered my spiritual absence in their daily life. My family helped me on the merits of the research, and also financially.

Economic down-turn and recession in my country prevents me from finding sponsors to continue my work. However, I am optimistic, that one day sponsors allow me to propagate this controversial thesis across the whole World.
My works show that whole human race is bound to laws of Ingeneza and the canon of beauty. Thus, we have possibility, rights and duty to choose events, such a way to guarantee peace and perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to Ingeneza.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

A Unified Field Theory and some Experimental Evidence

The following is accredited to David W. Allan, Ranae Lee and Jeff Lorbeck December, 1999 (Early Final Edition, not final, and not public). Enjoy and share your thoughts.

1 Introduction
1.1 Basic Concepts
The new unified field theory presented herein offers a different way of modeling the gravitational field. This new theory shows how the known force fields work together. We have studied numerous past experimental validations and propose a variety of additional experiments that could be performed that would validate this new theory. If the theory is valid, it has very far reaching implications as well as application opportunities that could provide significant benefit to society.
The applications cover a large number of disciplines, and there will not be space in this paper to develop how all of these tie in to this new theory. Additional information, for those interested, is available on the web site []. To date we have 32 such experiments or novel explanations, which have already been done, or they are observables of past experience. In addition, we list 13 additional potential experiments -- some with potentially important areas of application. Our hope is that this new theory will be investigated by experts in each of the listed areas, and that they will participate in the pioneering of this new theory as these experimental suggestions are researched. Toward this end, for those colleagues desiring to join in the research, we are publishing the basic ideas and thought processes to understand the theory before it is fully developed. Also, we are not experts in many of the disciplines where opportunities lie. Experts in each area could perhaps better test the theory and come up with additional opportunities for research or application. We see the potential for thousands of theses. It will take the efforts of many as truth validation and application are pursued in cooperation. The following, beginning, list includes past, in process, and future activities, which validate or would validate this new unified field theory.
This is a List of Validations and/or Applications. Those items with a leading "[o]" are marked to indicate future experiments.
1. Provides a basic unified field theory equation and the mechanism of how the known force fields (gravitational, electromagnetic, and the strong and weak nuclear) interact and work together
2. Explanation of why a nuclear (or very large) explosion has associated with it a column (stem of the mushroom cloud)
3. Explanation of why the stem of a mushroom cloud extends beyond the mushroom into space to inordinate heights if the explosion is extremely large -- like the thermonuclear fusion hydrogen bomb explosions (called Mike and Bravo) set off in the Pacific of 10.5 and 15 Megatons of TNT equivalent, respectively
4. Explanation of why on some occasions the stem of the mushroom cloud shrinks inward -- emitting photons as it does so
5. Predicts that immediately after the time of a nuclear explosion, radiation will be emitted to the core of the earth, where much of it is reflected, and onto the opposite side of the earth (Fortunately for humans, most of the test sites have been opposite large bodies of water, though some unreported repercussions may have occurred with ocean life on the opposite side.)
6. Explains and predicts significant earth core heating resulting from the accumulated effect of nuclear explosions with spin off characteristics of ocean warming and ozone thinning
7. Explains the mechanism of core heating of the earth
8. Provides a mechanism for why the earth has a magnetic field and how and why it can change
9. Explains the mechanism for the colors in the Aurora Borealis and why it occurs
10. Explains why Aurora Borealis is more active, in general, than Aurora Australis.
11. [o] Provides a simple laboratory experiment using liquid nitrogen to simulate the Aurora Borealis at the North Pole
12. Explains why Tesla's radio-frequency experiment using the earth as a resonator worked as it did
13. Explains how whales communicate over very long distances using ULF frequencies
14. Explains how fireflies remain in synchronism over significant distances -- out of sight of each other
15. Provides additional explanation for the nature of lightning
16. Explains much of the phenomena that occurs above intense lightning storms known as "elfs," "blue jets" and "red sprites," only documented within this decade
17. Provides a mechanism for the coupling between the angular momentum of the Earth's atmosphere and the rotation rate of the earth, which have been observed to be correlated with near zero lag time
18. Explains why, in part, the static-friction coefficient is typically greater than the dynamic-friction coefficient
19. Models and predicts the intensity of the sun spot cycles and when the maxima and minima will be
20. Shows the importance of planetary alignments with the sun, electron flow from the sun, and the dynamics of the magnetic fields of the sun and of the planets as they tie directly to sunspot activity
21. [o] The astronomy community predicts no significant effects from the planetary alignment during the first part of May 2000. Others predict disastrous effects. This new theory predicts some effects, which includes the possibility of increased radio and electromagnetic transmission interference, the possibility of increased whether activity, the possibility of increased volcanic and earthquake activity, the Aurora Borealis should be large as also for Jupiter and Saturn (except that they will be on the opposite side of the sun from the earth at that time, and will be difficult to observe). Actually, Jupiter and Saturn line up with the sun around 13 June 2000, which is more significant according to this new theory than the general alignment talked about in May. Jupiter and Saturn are both slightly inclined in their orbits to the earth's ecliptic plane, and at that time they will be 2.5 degrees apart due to their different inclinations.
22. Explains why magnetic pole reversals occur in the Sun about every 11 years, and why they occur in the planets as well -- including the earth
23. Provides a fundamental insight into how and why gravitational fields can be modified, focused and defocused
24. [o] Provides a mechanism for constructing an anti-gravity device
25. [o] Provides a means of using laser beams to study the profile of the moon
26. [o] Provides a unique mechanism, along the lines of Tesla's work, for sending laser signals through the earth and determining the mass center to a very high accuracy.
27. Provides additional explanation as to why people derive health benefits from jumping on a rebounder (mini-trampoline)
28. Explains why an egg can be stood on end and remain stable with perturbations present -- even against a perfectly smooth hard surface and with the egg being smooth as well
29. [o] Provides a simple mechanism for testing an aspect of this new theory by measuring the RF field of an egg when erect and when on its side as electrons move up and down along the vertical diallel gravitational field lines (see explaination of diallel in section 2.2.1)
30. Provides additional explanation of the behavior of plant growth
31. [o] Provides a simple experiment for aligning seeds along a vertical axis as a validation of this new theory
32. Explains why after jumping on a trampoline there is the strong tendency for a person's hair to stand out
33. Provides an explanation of why the images observed in Kirlian photography are thus
34. [o] Opens the opportunity for the construction of an "electron-wheel" device which will be very important in measuring the behavior of the gravitational field on the earth or in space
35. Opens up additional perspectives in the explanation of and behavior of "Black-holes"
36. Explains why -- on those occasions when the stem of a nuclear explosion mushroom cloud collapses inward -- it turns black. This is a miniature example of a process that occurs in a black-hole
37. [o] Opens the opportunity for validation experiments using electrons, protons and photons
38. Gives additional importance to the role of neutrons in the balance of nature's forces
39. Explains the dark bands going out from the sun as observed, for example, during the 11 August 1999 eclipse
40. Explains the spokes going out radially from Saturn -- observed during the Voyager I encounter -- as the diallel gravitational field lines emanating from that planet being traversed by electrons (as explained below), which were interacting with particles in band-B of Saturn's rings
41. Explains why satellites, reported by NASA JPL, appear to be heavier than current gravitational theory would account for
42. [o] Provides a simple experiment to explain why satellites may appear heavier at times
43. [o] Provides an experiment to observe distortions in the local vertical and effects on the period of a pendulum in the immediate proximity of a power transformer station
44. [o] Provides an experiment which will give a direct measurement of the relationship between energy of a system and the gravitational attraction, which will also provide an improved value of the Universal Gravitational constant, "G"
45. Explains why significant variations exist in the estimation of the masses of the planets and of the sun -- depending on how and when the measurements were made
46. [o] Suggests an experiment which will find a correlation of the orbit periods of the moons of planets with the energy-density of same
47. Opens the possibility for a fifth and most important force field -- resulting in an extremely important harmonization of the other force fields
As can be seen from the above list, one of the most encouraging aspects of this new theory is that it provides explanations for many phenomena in nature, which heretofore were not well explained. Because of space, we will only give a few examples in the text. Additional information is obtainable from the web-site []. Even more encouraging are the application opportunities and what they can mean to society.
Having the correct model is key to understanding. We have the famous historical story of how difficult a time the astronomers had in modeling the position of the planets until the work of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton. The previous model assumed that the earth was the center of the universe. Given this model, the Greek name for the planets (meaning wanderers) was well deserved -- as no one could predict well their future positions.
Based on the accurate observations of Tycho Brahe, Kepler deduced his three laws of planetary motion, and they were like a fresh breath of air for the modeling and the predicting of planetary motion. To this day, these laws are very useful.
The technological advancement and the scientific understanding gained since Kepler's era have provided society with the countless blessings of modern technology, but with significant challenges coming from by-products of these inventions and their applications. This new theory opens up significant hope for reducing or eliminating many of the pollutants that currently plague the world community.
1.2 Combining the Force Fields
The four known force fields in nature are gravitational, electromagnetic, and the strong and week nuclear forces. This new unified field theory combines these forces into a harmonious working set of relationships. This was one of the main goals of Einstein before he died, and many have worked on this since. Here, we only introduce this new theory without a full set of working equations. These yet need to be developed by the theoreticians.
Understanding how these four force fields tie together provides significant physical insight and opens up opportunities for extremely important applications for the benefit of society. This better allows one to work with nature so that by-products of these technological developments will minimize potentially harmful effects.
This new unified field theory illustrates the harmony of the fundamental force fields and most of the commonly accepted laws of nature. We present herein a new model, which opens up new perspectives because it provides a different way of viewing the laws of nature. It also opens the way to a fifth force field, which is consistent with recent findings, and which is the governing force field in a harmonious, well-ordered universe.

The Current and New Model for the Force Fields
2.1 The Current Model for the Force Fields
Here, we give only a brief and synoptic review. This is for two reasons: 1) to show how many of the current theories of physics tie nicely into the new theory, and 2) so that maximum space in the paper can be given to the rational, and important, experimental validations of the new theory. There will only be space in this paper for a few important validations, and some application opportunities will also be shared.
The general model now being used to describe the gravitational field is that the waves are transverse to the direction of propagation of the gravitational energy. As predicted by Einstein, the energy travels at the velocity of light. No experiments have been able to directly measure gravitational waves, but from the interaction of gravitational waves between a binary pulsar pair, Professor Joseph Taylor (Princeton U.) was able to confirm Einstein's prediction that gravitational energy travels at the velocity of light.
From the effective mass of a photon, m = hv/c2 (h is Planck's constant, v is the frequency of the electromagnetic energy of the photon, and c is the velocity of light), Einstein predicted a very slight interaction of photons with gravitational fields, and this was first measured as light photons were observed being bent as they passed by the gravitational field of the sun. Many additional experiments followed supporting this interaction between electromagnetic radiation and gravitational fields.
As we know, electromagnetic energy is heart and core to both our society's existence as well as to most of the technological progress we have made. These waves, traveling at the speed of light, are transverse. They have been measured in a plethora of ways, and through Maxwell's equations describe much of what we see and feel -- all the way from the energy radiated from the sun to the light bulb in our house and the signal propagated down our telephone line and throughout the power grids of the world. All of telecommunications, navigation, and the computer industry are prime examples of how electromagnetic energy is utilized to benefit society.
The weak and strong force fields of nuclear reactions have been studied extensively since the discovery of the atomic bomb. It is, of course, well known that large amounts of high energy electromagnetic radiation and particles come forth from these reactions -- giving important relationships between these last two force fields and the emitted electromagnetic photons. Here, Einstein's famous equation E = mc2 is key to our understanding, where "E" is the energy inherent within the mass "m."
The energy associated with a photon is "E = hv". Hence, we have the very important and powerful relationship in the conversion of electromagnetic energy into mass or vis-a-versa: mc = hv. The very high frequency x- rays and gamma rays emitted from nuclear reactions are a direct result of these mass conversions into photons during fission or fusion reactions.
2.2 The New Model for Force Fields
The new equations below will be explained for this new model -- along with fundamental particle and photon interactions consistent with this new model. Then, to illustrate, sundry experiments will be outlined which demonstrate the interactions and relationships between the known fields. Many of these experiments have already been done or are a part of past observations. The new theory gives explanations which were heretofore either not understood or were rather ambiguous in the models used to attempt their descriptions.
2.2.1 The new model for the gravitational field
For example, for a sphere the gravitational field lines are along radii and would appear, if they could be seen visually, somewhat like the spins on a spiney urchin as they emanate out from the center of the sphere. More descriptively, they would have the shape of a "diatom" with the field lines appearing to fan out like the shape of a ball bat. These lines -- fanning out from the mass center -- are called diallel, gravitational-field lines or diallel lines. All of the force fields interact with these diallel lines, and they provide a conduit for particles, photons, gravitational energy. As the DNA is to living organisms -- carrying and retaining information, so are these diallel lines for any mass object, such as the earth, for example.
Though electromagnetic signals (photons) and atomic particles traverse across these diallel gravitational field lines with the well known patterns of behavior, in this new theory there is also a force to cause them to flow along these diallel lines. These diallel lines are fundamental to this new unified field theory. A classic example is when a nuclear explosion takes place. Large amounts of electromagnetic energy and high velocity particles are emitted from the reactions and follow along these diallel lines. The well known stem of the mushroom cloud dramatically illustrates this effect.
3 The Fundamental Field Equation
The following equation is fundamental in understanding how the four force fields interact and come together for this new unified field theory:

where D is the relativistic density, E is the energy of the unified field, c is the velocity of light, G is the universal gravitational constant, and the last part of the equation, / A2*, will be explained below. D and E are tensors with eigenvalues and quantum states associated therewith.
*"A2" should read "capital Pi, sub-2"
3.1 Density Dependence, D
The density is the dependent variable; changes in the energy (energy flow in and out of a region) cause changes in the density. For example, the energy flow to and/or away from any space-time continuum along the gravitational diallel lines determines the corresponding change in the density in that space-time continuum. Appreciating the energy field at the particle as well as in a region is central to the understanding of this theory. The energy can come from any of the force fields. For example, both equations apply: E = mc2, where m is the relativistic mass and E = hv, where "h" is Planck's constant "v" is the electromagnetic frequency of the photon.
Energy can come from the other force fields as well. Later we will see some spectacular and very important examples of this interplay of the force fields.
3.2 Parallel Component (A2)
A dimensional analysis of the above equation reveals that A2 has dimensions of length, time and mass as the four known fields interact. The forward slash "/" denotes being parallel in the unified field theory's mass-space-time continuum. The "sub-2" on the "A" denotes that part parallel for the receiver in the space-time continuum with respect to the energy emitted by the transmitter along diallel lines in its environment or region.
Combining the energy with this term we have E/Pi2. Hence, we see that this denotes the energy per mass, per length and per time taken in the parallel direction of the local diallel lines. The quantity in the denominator of equation(1), cG, is the normalizing factor, so that the dependent variable, D, is the density factor taken in the parallel direction of the diallel lines. It is the density that is the final determining factor for the force fields -- the four known fields plus a fifth.
The subscript "sub-2" denotes the receiver of the energy field. Since the change in the source of the energy field is implied to be the initiator of the density change, it is implied as being "sub-1." Thus, the reason for no subscript on the energy, E, and the resulting density, D.

4 Characteristics of Equation (1)
4.1 Density and Energy relationship
The dependent variable "D" can also be taken as density of matter in the usual sense: mass per unit volume. But in general, "D" is a tensor description as the dependant variable resulting from that part of the energy tensor, "E," given by the parallel part A2, as will be described later.
This equation has application at both the particle level as well as the macroscopic level. For example, we may conceptualize a particle placed in a quantized energy field, which field can come from any of the force fields. A particle interacts with this combined field to determine its density (quantum state, for example). One may think of it as an energy pressure: the greater the energy the greater the density.
The constant of proportionality is 1/cG. The speed of light, c, is also the speed of gravitational waves. The velocity of light squared, c2, is also the proportionality constant in the conversion of mass into energy, since E = mc2. Of course, 1/c2 is the proportional constant in the opposite conversion of energy into mass, since m = E/c2.
The universal gravitational constant, G, logically is needed to tie the gravitational field to the other energy fields. We see that the density, D, has great significance in this new theory.
4.2 Behavior of Particles in the Unified Field Theory
4.2.1 Behavior of Electrons
A free electron, with no other outside forces, naturally spirals downward along a diallel gravitational field line toward the mass center -- reminiscent of the appearance of the DNA structure. It spirals clockwise as one looks down along this diallel line, and while so traveling it can exist in one of several quantum states. It will emit or absorb photons as it changes from one quantum state to another similar to what naturally happens within atoms and molecules. One has direct evidence of this in the Aurora-Borealis with complementary spin directions of the electrons in the diallel lines and in the magnetic field of the earth, and some of the quantum states are evidenced by the multiple colors of photons emitted during this phenomenon.
In this simple model for the electron, one observes that there are two forces: 1) gravitational -- pulling the electron, as it spirals along this diallel gravitational field line, toward the mass center, and 2)the attraction keeping it in its quantum state with respect to a particular diallel line. Its quantized-spiral energy state is determined by the energy field in which it finds itself. This will become evident in some experimental examples -- given later.
From this new theory, we learn that when an electron reaches the mass origin (such as the center of the earth, for example), its energy typically contributes to core heating in different ways. At the center of the earth, a controlled fission process is on going. These entering electrons can contribute to a variety of nuclear reactions. If a high energy electron combines with an available proton -- creating a neutron -- then a large quantum of photon energy is necessary to make up the mass deficit; this process is part of the cooling stabilization necessary for core equilibrium. There is a change in momentum as it reverses its direction of spiraling and starts up a diallel line. Significant heating takes place at the center of the earth, for example, as a result of this reversal because of the enormous net number of electrons that flow through the center of the earth -- maintaining the earth's magnetic field.
Since free electrons are in much greater abundance than most any other atomic particles, their behavior is of primary interest. They are the principal "food" from the sun for the earth. Since they carry a negative charge, and they are extremely light, they become a very useful tool for experimentation and verification of the theory. We will see this in the experimental section.
Because electrons repel other electrons, the earth has a significant shell of high electron density at the surface of the earth. This is like the surface tension for water; this shell creates a barrier, but is penetrable. After an electron enters the earth along a diallel line with a sufficient velocity to penetrate the electrostatic force at the shell, it will continue along a diallel line to the center of the earth and out on the opposite side with no net effect from the electron shell, if it does not interact with the fission process at the core, or if it is not reflected by the core.
For a homogeneous sphere, these diallel lines are along diameters and are straight in a non-rotating frame of reference. In a rotating frame, they will appear curved as do light beams. This must be accounted for in experiments using the rotating earth as the platform.
4.2.2 Behavior of Protons
Since protons are usually bound in atoms and/or molecules, their abundance is much less than that of electrons. In nuclear reactions, free protons are emitted, as they are from the sun, in great abundance. Since they are about 2,000 times more massive than an electron and they have a positive charge, their behavior is significantly different, but similar in important details.
A free proton interacting with a diallel gravitational field line will also naturally spiral downward toward the mass origin of the diallel line. It, however, will spiral counter-clock-wise and also in a quantized state. Similar to the electron, it will interact with the particles at the origin -- providing energy and affecting their density -- also according to equation 1. The proton will also reverse its spiral direction at the mass center. Given its much larger cross section, its probability of arriving at the center of the earth is greatly reduced. If protons are emitted from the core, they continue to spiral in the opposite direction of that of the electrons (counter-clockwise as viewed from above).
For the earth, the penetration depth of a proton is negligibly small, because basically all it sees is electrons -- to which it is immediately attracted -- making hydrogen, which then joins with another hydrogen atom to make a hydrogen molecule or implodes with oxygen to make water. The fact that we don't see a large amount of this activity indicates that the number of free protons at the surface of the earth is small. Because of these reasons, protons do not typically continue with significant probability to the center of the earth. They are, however, very important in nuclear reactions and in the effects on our atmosphere as they are projected from the sun along diallel lines.
4.2.3 Behavior of Neutrons
Neutrons travel down the center of the diallel gravitational field lines -- somewhat like they reside at the nucleus of an atom. They exist in quantum states and their velocities are a function of local density parallel to their movement per equation (1). Remember, this density can come from any of the force fields and includes the local mass. Neutrons don't spiral like electrons and protons, but due to their mass, they contribute to the local density and move along a diallel line toward the mass origin of the gravitational field. They change quantum states as they interact with local conditions.
Even though there are a very small percentage of neutrons penetrating the crust of the earth as compared with electrons, they still play a very important role at the core of the earth. They can also be generated at the core, which provides important core cooling -- stabilizing the core heating from the balanced continuous fission process on going there, and which is fed by the very large number of electrons, which arrive at the core from the sun.
Generally, in this unified field theory, the neutron is a key player because it helps to maintain balance. The neutron could be called the converter as it converts energy from one form into another as it is either created or as it splits. It, of course, can be split in a nuclear reaction into an electron and a proton with also the emission of a high energy photon.
In a typical atomic bomb explosion, large amounts of electrons, protons, neutrons and high energy photons are emitted -- along with other atomic particles. The amount of each depends on the kind of nuclear reaction. Neutron bombs have been designed to emit large amounts of neutrons. These are much harder to shield against because the neutron has no charge, and the neutrons are high energy. The principle designed attribute of the neutron bomb is that it will penetrate structures without destroying them, and reach and kill people from the intensity of the radiation.
4.2.4 Behavior of Photons
Like a light-pipe, when emitted along a diallel path, photons will transmit their energy at the speed of light along that path until reaching a reflecting or refracting boundary or absorbing material. Photons also contribute to core heating of the earth and the sun. They also contribute energy in the above equation causing increased density as they travel along diallel lines.
It is well known how photons bend at some boundary according to the change in the index of refraction at that boundary. The path taken can be exactly calculated according to Fermat's principle (the principle of least action). In other words, nature likes to be most efficient. This is very analogous in this new unified field theory. The bending of the diallel gravitational field lines is a function of the density (like the index of refraction) as driven by the energy flow parallel to the diallel lines. Hence, like light, diallel gravitational field lines can be refracted (focused or defocused), reflected or absorbed. A black hole is an example of absorption. In the experimental section, we will see examples of refraction.
Under certain conditions, photon energy can continue through the earth and be reflected as in Tesla's experiment. He was able to bounce a radio signal off of the other side of the earth and build up the energy density. His experiment was a very good example of the diallel gravitational field lines working for him as conduits of the RF energy generated. This is discussed more in the experimental section.
There are some very important experiments to be done in this regard. It is of particular interest that whales can communicate using ULF frequencies over very large distances utilizing the resonance frequencies of the earth. A frequency of 23.56 Hz has a wave length of one earth diameter.
4.3 Quantum-mechanical Concepts and Diallel Gravitational Field Lines
Although we have not obtained an analytic expression for the new force field on an electron or proton traveling along a diallel gravitational field line, the particle will exist in a quantum state that may be described as a density distribution in a manner analogous to that arising in atomic and molecular physics and leading to so-called electron orbitals. It may be helpful in envisioning the diallel quantum states to consider other physical systems with cylindrical symmetry and having eigenfunction solutions. One such example is the set of modes defining the electromagnetic fields propagating along a circular-cylindrical waveguide. Of special interest are the modal distributions in the case of highly-overmoded waveguides, a situation that may occur when the free-space wavelength of the electromagnetic field is much less than the diameter of the waveguide. Solving the electromagnetic wave equation subject to the appropriate boundary conditions and assuming a waveguide of infinite length yields field expressions given in terms of Bessel functions of the first kind. These functions provide an orthogonal set with which to describe the waveguide modes. The eigenvalues are related to the zeroes of the Bessel functions. The particle density distributions in a diallel-quantum state would be described in terms of a similar set of orthogonal functions. Although a great many electrons could propagate along a diallel line by occupying a multiplicity of quantum states, Fermi-Dirac statistics would limit the number of electrons in each state to two electrons. In addition, just as the electromagnetic field can be circularly polarized (the macroscopic manifestation of the spin quantum number of the associated photons) leading to a spiraling of the field vectors in the circular waveguide, the density distribution of a particle in a diallel-quantum state may also be described as spiraling.
In addition, the force field equations need to be developed for neutrons, photons as well as the other fundamental particles. Clearly, there is a great amount of work and insight yet to be gained as we press forward in these areas. Here, we hope our colleagues will bring forth their insights, wisdom and expertise.
5 Experimental Verification of the Theory
5.1 Atomic Bomb Reaction
As generated by man, the development of the atomic bomb gave the first experimental occasion for the four known force fields to be present in one reaction. These four fields are the gravitational, the electromagnetic and the two nuclear (the weak and the strong as they are called).
A classic illustration of equation (1) is with an atomic bomb explosion. (as illustrated) The singularity of the rapidly high rising column -- like a mushroom stem -- is very unique. According to classical theory the blast should go out in all directions. Instead, it keeps a columnar shape to very high altitudes. Outside this new unified field theory, none of the current theories give a clear explanation of why this column exists as it does.
Nuclear Explosions Follow Diallel Lines


Fission or Fusion



This new unified field theory provides a mechanism for a very large number of diallel gravitational-field lines going up from the immediate proximity of the explosion to form the one column. In the main reaction, the explosion carries matter and charged particles up these diallel lines within this column. Pushing against the resistance of the atmosphere it mushrooms out in the well known fashion. This is like pushing a chewed on tooth pick against a wall -- making it flare out and fold back on itself. The main column remains tight in contrast to a non-nuclear (TNT type bomb, for example) where the energy density is not high enough to bring about a focus of the energy along a column; so it dissipates in all directions. In a TNT blast with sufficient energy this columnar focusing occurs also.
What is not well known, and is predicted by the above theory, is that if the right energy density conditions exist, a quantum transition takes place. This has been observed in some explosions, that after the column has achieved a certain height, the column collapses inward -- the density increasing as a result of the increased energy. This behavior is predicted according to this new unified field theory. Heretofore, this phenomena has been unexplained.
As this macroscopic quantum transition takes place with the increased density, a large amount of electromagnetic energy is emitted. One can notice the crown of the mushroom cloud light more intensely immediately after this collapse of the column.
At the moment of the explosion, a nearly equal amount of energy is emitted downward along the diallel gravitational field lines going to the center of the earth. Some of the energy will pass through, but a significant portion will be reflected off of the core and return within about one sixtieth of a second to augment the energy in the explosion itself. Some of the energy is absorbed -- adding to core heating of the earth.
As the energy builds up in the column, one may often observe at the time the column collapses, with the increased energy-density, that the column will turn black. This is like a black hole -- with the energy density being so great that light is trapped. This causes, to a degree, diallel-line absorption. At the mushroom crown we have a degree of reflection. Later on, we will see an example of diallel-line refraction. Often, at the moment of this collapse, one will see light emitted out the top of the column in the mushroom cloud -- which are photons from these quantum transitions occurring during the collapse.
5.2 A Simple Kitchen Experiment -- the magic of an egg
There are many who believe that an unusual feature at the time of an equinox is that one can stand an egg on end and have it remain standing. This is believed by many people in many lands. The traditional astronomer believes that there is nothing unique at the periods of the two equinoxes (vernal or autumnal) as to whether an egg has a greater or lesser probability of being stood on its end. The traditional explanation is the rough surface may act like a miniature tripod. This new theory explains why one can stand an egg on its end at any time of the year.
Because of the 23o tilt of the earth's spin axis, we have the significant event that occurs at the period of the equinoxes. At this period the earth's spin axis is exactly at right angles with the direction to the sun from the earth. At this point the diallel gravitational field lines have a nice symmetry for the earth, and there will be minimal distortion from the vertical for these lines at this period. This means that free electrons in an egg can travel along these vertical diallel field lines and be used in the following way -- perhaps with maximum stability during the equinox period. But the theory predicts that an egg can be stood upright on any day of the year if there are enough free electrons present and the local diallel gravitational field lines are not perturbed from the vertical.
If one takes an egg and stands it on end on a flat surface, if carefully placed, it will remain standing maintained by the free electrons traveling up and down the diallel lines -- most of them reflecting off of the shell of the egg. With very careful sensing equipment, this electron flow could be measured, which keeps the egg upright.
There is a slight complication in this experiment because an egg is not exactly symmetric about its axis. The yoke is typically set off to one side, and with different densities between the yoke and the white, or clear portion, this will typically lead to some natural imbalance. Also, an egg as it ages will have the white pull away from the wall at the end of the egg. You may have seen this in a boiled egg. A fresh egg will be fully filled.
The reason the egg is stabilized in the vertical is from the principle of least action (Fermat's Principle). The electrons flow freely up and down the diallel lines in the egg -- reflecting off of the walls of the egg as a natural boundary. The longest direction for the diallel lines, and hence the lowest frequency (lowest energy condition), for the electrons' oscillations up and down these diallel lines is when the egg is vertical. (See the figure)

There will be a very weak RF field emitted by the egg as a result of this oscillation. This frequency will increase when it is laying on its side -- the length to the width dimension of an egg being roughly 5:4. Such a measurement would provide a direct test of the model for this new theory and of the presence of these gravitational diallel field lines.
The first author, working out of his home, made a significant effort to conduct this experiment scientifically -- using a large variety of chicken eggs: fresh, not fresh, cooked, not cooked, fertilized and unfertilized. With fine emery paper the ends of some of them were polished to be as round as they reasonably could. A perturbing environment was selected so that the active servo to keep the egg standing could be studied. A variety of times both day and night were used to consider all phases of the sun and the moon. The experiment was started 23 September 1999 in conjunction with the vernal equinox with the intent to carry the experiment through a full quarter -- to the winter solstice. An extensive set of notes are available on the web site [] around these experiences. The following is a summary of the major findings.
The perturbation study was fascinating. A section of kitchen counter over a dishwasher was chosen because of its vibration during the wash cycle and because of the dishwasher door being opened and closed along with a fair amount of bumping of the counter as people used the kitchen sink adjacent to the dishwasher. Also, significant Fall breezes came through the kitchen and across the standing eggs from time to time.
Some of any of the above listed categories of eggs could be made to stand. Fertilized, fresh eggs seemed to be somewhat easier both to get standing and to remain so. Smoothly rounding the end on which the egg stood had little significance. If the egg were rough on the end, this could work against you or for you. The greatest variation was from egg to egg. If an egg wee easy to stand on end -- like within seconds -- then it would tend to be that way over a long period of time. If an egg were difficult to stand, it would continue to be so, and would tend to topple more easily due to perturbations. Some eggs that could not be made to stand at times could be made to at other times and then sometimes easily. Others could never be made to stand.
It was not uncommon to see an egg go through a small set of damped oscillations as it would find its point of maximum stability. Most of the time the eggs would have a slight lean to them due to the imbalanced yoke situation mentioned above. It was often the case that an egg could be made to stand more readily in a particular orientation. Once that orientation was found and marked, should the egg be tipped over, it could be made to stand up quite quickly in its preferred orientation.
Often, breezes would come through the kitchen and not topple the eggs. On one occasion, a strong breeze tipped over two of four. On another occasion, with two standing, a very strong breeze came through -- blowing the paper towel up in the air that had been placed close by to keep the eggs from rolling on the floor should they tip over. The one nearest the sink blew over in the direction of the wind. About a second later, the other fell over into the wind as if it had developed a torque to compensate for the wind and then the wind let up. Apparently, the response in its internal servo did not have sufficient bandwidth to accommodate this quick change.
Eggs could never be made to stand on top of a piano. All different kinds were tried as well as a variety of phases of the moon and sun. Apparently, the "PIANO WIRES" both interact with and perturb the local diallel gravitational field lines. The wires will conduct electrons from end to end -- much like an egg -- and set up tiny RF fields which could either attract or repel that of the egg.
Some eggs could not be made to stand at certain times, while some hours later they could quite easily be made to stand. There seemed to be preferred times of the day and night when it was easier to stand the eggs. It seemed to correlate with the phase of the moon and sun -- alignments typically giving the best probability.
Usually, once an egg is made to stand, it will remain for a long time. One fertilized egg(brown with a large tilt to it) remained standing for more than five weeks until it was hit by a falling cup. There was some indication that the servo stability improved with time, but if so, only so slightly. One egg, which stood readily, came to a point where it could not be made to stand at all.
5.3 Core Heating of the Earth
When a nuclear explosion occurs, large amounts of energy (both particle and electromagnetic) are emitted up and down along the diallel gravitational field lines. We observe the upward energy in the stem of the mushroom cloud, which is formed. A significant portion of the energy going down is reflected off of the core of the earth, and within a fraction of a second it augments the energy already in the diallel gravitational field line column -- helping to form the stem of the mushroom cloud. This could well augment the energy density increase causing the stem to collapse inward on itself -- like a black hole. At this point in the process, the stem often turns black -- emitting no light as it is trapped like in a black hole.
In principle, special sensors configured underneath an explosion, could sense this enormous energy and particle fields emitted downward, but probably nothing could be built, in practice, to withstand the intensity. Since some of the energy follows the diallel field lines to the other side of the earth, sensing equipment could pick these up, but it still would be quite intense.
The columns emitted upward in the Pacific Ocean for the two thermo-nuclear explosions (nuclear fusion) named Mike and Bravo had some very important features worthy of noting in support of the current theory. (See the figure) These were set off in 1952 and 1954 respectively, and they were the largest explosions ever set off by the USA -- 10.4 Megatons and 15 Megatons, respectively, equivalent of TNT. Either of these explosions were greater than the accumulated size of all previous nuclear explosions and including all the bombs exploded in all the wars in the history of the earth.
The island in the Atolls where Mike was set off no longer exists and 14 pentagon buildings could be placed in the crater it created. In both cases, the head of the mushroom cloud -- pushing against the atmosphere -- dispersed outward basically at the high altitude limit for the atmosphere to carry the particulates associated with this gigantic explosion. Then, the columns penetrated the mushroom clouds, which were at altitudes of about 55,000 feet (17 km), and continued on out into space tightly coupled along the diallel gravitational field lines. The distance observed for continuation of the column on Bravo was to 130,000 feet (40 km) -- extending far into the stratosphere. One will note that the column extends to a height above the bottom of the cloud greater than this distance from the earth up to the cloud.
At the same time, a nearly equivalent amount of energy was fed downward to the core of the earth. This, along with all of the other atomic bomb testing by the USA as well as by all other nations across the earth, has caused a significant amount of core heating and may be the primary reason for the rising of earth temperatures and ocean heating -- having thrown it out of ecological balance. It is as if the earth has a slight fever.
In 1960, the former Soviet Union set off a 50 Mega-ton hydrogen bomb blast above the atmosphere -- causing no fall out, but an enormous energy impact. This bomb, alone, produced more energy than the accumulated effect of all other bombs ever set off before that date.
There is a mechanism within this new theory which would also explain why the ozone layer could be thinning as a result of this imbalance and the increased energy flow out of the poles of the earth.
5.4 Anti-gravity
As there are anti-particles, so also are there anti-diallel gravitational field lines. Creating these would counter the effects of gravity. Hence, in principle, one could build a machine with zero gravitational field in proximity.
As we learn how to focus, generate and control these diallel gravitational field lines, then great utilization can be made of this knowledge. Later, we will give an example of how diallel gravitational field lines are focused. This will be given in the discussion of "blue jets and red sprites." Earlier, we discussed how these diallel lines can be absorbed and reflected to a degree.
5.5 Tesla's Earth Pumping Radio-Frequency Experiment
Tesla had the idea to use the round trip time of a radio frequency, RF wave, pumped into the earth. He apparently understood that this RF wave would follow along a diameter of the earth, and that he could use the earth's shell (along the diameter at which he was located) as a resonator. This RF wave would reflect off of the other side of the earth and come back to the region of transmission, at which point, he would pump the signal with an additional burst of RF. Like a child on a swing -- pumping up -- every 1/30 of a second (the round trip time for his RF signal back and forth through the earth) he would pulse the earth again to build up the energy level.
He built a big radio tower for this purpose, and soon almost everything in the town of Colorado Springs was electrified. He still holds the record for the longest man made lightning bolt of 135 feet. He kept pulsing the earth until the generator at the power station caught on fire. This shut him down and turned off the lights for the residents of Colorado Springs!
From classical physics, one may ask, "If the earth is a conducting sphere, why don't the radio waves disperse in all directions according to the multimode conditions of a conducting sphere? Why do the signals move inside the earth preferentially along a diameter?" In the new theory the photons, like electrons, tend to follow diallel lines -- hence, the efficiency of Tesla's RF pumping scheme. This is nicely consistent with this new unified field theory.
5.6 Jumping on a Trampoline
As the body goes up and down, the free electrons tend toward the body's extremities (head and feet), as they interact with the vertical diallel gravitational field lines. As a result, the electron charge build-up causes the hair to stand on end -- due to electrostatic repulsion.
There are those in the health-improvement community that believe the body's lymphatic system is significantly enhanced in dealing with the body's poisons, by jumping on a rebounder. The current theory may give some additional reasons for this as the electrons in the lymphatic system may be energized by up and down movement of the body along the diallel lines.
In the body, ionized hydrogen atoms, the quantity of which determine the pH level, play a major role in molecular physiology, such as in determining the healthy replication of DNA molecules. There is now significant evidence that the healthy (non-carcinogenic) reproduction of DNA molecules has a dependence on the pH level. Simplistically, this kind of exercise, along with a plant- based diet, helps move the pH basic and can reduce the probability of cancer by 80\%.
At the membrane level, these protons are principal in the healthy function of the body's electrical system. Because health enhancement has been appreciated by those regularly jumping on rebounders, the current theory may give some explanations as to why this is so. Certainly, much more study is needed in this area to understand the mechanisms for the benefits observed.
As with the earth, so with people, balance is very important and too many electrons and high levels of electrical interference can create health problems. It seems that too much of anything is never the best solution. The earth needs to be in balance as do we in body, mind and spirit.
5.7 An Electron Wheel to measure Diallel Field Lines
For illustrative purposes, imagine two semicircles with the diameters together and with the current circulating in opposite directions in each of the two. Thus, the current would flow in the same direction along the conducting diameter. If the electrons could be made to bind to the diallel lines, then they would be spaced in bundles associated with each line along the diameter - - the diameter being at right angles to these lines. Bound by the quantum forces, these bundles of electrons would move with the diallel lines. The return current in each of the semicircles would be moving rapidly across the diallel lines if, for example, the diameter is crossing the diallel lines as in a satellite.
If an oscillator could be designed to both sense these pulses and to balance their movement in order to overcome the resistance in the semicircle loops, then this oscillator's frequency would be locked to the frequency of passage of the diallel lines. This would be like a space odometer. If this oscillator could be locked with no slips, this could, in principle, precisely map the number of the diallel lines.
Against a good reference-frequency standard, this could yield very precise information about the mass density of the earth as the density of these lines changes with the mass density from which they originate. This could allow fine detailed measurements of changes in these diallel lines due to sub-earth surface activities -- volcanic, and otherwise. This may also allow a greatly improved estimate of the higher-order moments of the earth's gravitational field. Mapping super-earth changes in diallel lines could result from energy- density changes due to weather storm systems or other man-made activities.
On the surface of the earth, a highly precise diallel odometer could be compared with an accurate distance device -- noting changes on an arc along the face of the earth. Studies along an earthquake fault may allow the monitoring of stress build up and earth quake prediction. The latter is not able to be done with any level of confidence at this time.
If the diameters in this electron wheel were a plate, orthogonal to the diallel lines, with sensors for counting the pulses at the edge of the plate, this would increase the efficiency and the information. The counter-rotating loops are necessary to add to zero the EMF contributed by local DC magnetic fields, and these fields need to be nominally homogeneous for adequate cancellation of their force effects on the electrons. These loops should probably be made as small as possible to minimize their cross-sectional area. In a sophisticated system, the local magnetic fields could be sensed, and the two loops adjusted to obtain complete cancellation of magnetic field forces on the electrons.
At GPS orbits, the estimated frequency of the local oscillator would be about 200 MHz. This seems to be a very do-able experiment. It could be done in the space shuttle.
Since the diallel field line spacing can be influenced by the energy fields coming from any of all the sources, this instrument would be very sensitive to those changes. This proposed instrument would be very useful in designing an anti-gravity machine -- providing a measurement of one's ability to control and utilize the diallel gravitational field lines.
In the above, we have assumed that the spacing of the diallel field lines at the surface of the earth is about 10 micrometers. The first author's experience with standing numerous eggs is consistent with this value as one observes the locking range of the egg's built-in servo for causing it to stand on end.
5.8 Aurora Borealis and the Earth's Magnetic Field
Quoting from the book Solar System Astrophysics by Brandt and Hodge (p406), "The displays of Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis have excited the imagination of men for many years. Considerable observational and theoretical effort has been devoted to the solution of the auroral problem, but essential understanding is yet to come." Though this book is copyright 1964, and much has been learned since then, still this field of research has many mysteries and unexplained phenomena.
The Aurora Borealis is a good example of atmospheric conditions being in the correct alignment to see radiation in the visible from the high-energy electrons following diallel lines and causing atmospheric molecules to move to an excited energy state -- after which they emit in the visible, which we see.
The center of the velocity distribution of electrons from the sun is about 1.2 Mm/s (2.7 million MPH or about 0.4 percent of the velocity of light). Capturing this much energy in the form of an excited electron decaying and radiating a photon yields a photon with a frequency of about 1 X 1015 Hz. This is in the near ultraviolet region of the spectrum. The width of the velocity distribution would produce transitions both in the optical and further into the ultraviolet.
This new unified field theory would predict a congruent set of spectral lines in the ultra violet corresponding to each of the lines in the visible because of the allowed quantum states of these spiraling electrons. This congruency occurs symmetrically on either side of approximately the above UV frequency for the following reasons. As the electrons come into the North Pole of the earth, the spiraling direction caused by the magnetic field and the diallel gravitational field lines are both clockwise with, of course, the gravitational force vector being downward. This moves the electrons into a higher set of quantum states than after the electron is reflected back up. As the electron is slowed down in the converging magnetic field lines it radiates in a set of lines in the UV region of the spectrum. When these electrons are reflected -- going away from the earth -- this moves the electrons into a lower set of quantum states, which causes the electrons as they undergo transitions with their acceleration in the magnetic field to radiate in the visible, which is what we see. These UV photons could be measured with special spectral analysis equipment and have been observed on Saturn with a UV camera on the Hubble telescope.
This new theory also explains why the aurora are much stronger in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern. Since the spin direction of an electron coming into the North magnetic pole along a magnetic field line is clockwise and is complemented by the spin direction due to the diallel gravitational field lines, there is an augmentation in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth for those higher-energy electrons reaching the earth and being conducted through the center. On the other hand, there is some cancellation in the Southern Hemisphere. That is, the electron's spin is counter-clockwise coming into the south magnetic pole, while they want to spin clockwise due to the diallel gravitational field lines. This then results in a resistance at the south magnetic pole. The net is a flow of electrons from the North to the South Poles of the earth. This then sustains the magnetic field of the earth. Since most of the interaction of the diallel lines and the magnetic field lines occur near the poles, this has negligible effect on humanity.
5.9 Liquid Nitrogen simulation of Aurora Borealis
One can simulate the Aurora Borealis by simulating the North Pole with a magnetic field -- divergent in nature as at the North Pole -- going through a container of liquid nitrogen and the vapor that forms above it. This vapor acts like the atmosphere for the northern lights to reflect off of as we see the visible variable lines as they play across the sky.

Aurora Borealis Simulation
for the Earth
Emitting electrons from above the container at the right velocity downward toward the liquid nitrogen, which will then follow diallel gravitational field lines' as well as the convergent magnetic field lines, will bring about the simulation. These electrons will spiral clockwise as they interact with the magnetic field and with the diallel gravitational field quantum states.
As the electrons lose momentum -- being decelerated by the convergent magnetic field -- they will undergo quantum transitions in the UV region of the spectrum. As they are reflected back up the magnetic field lines, they will undergo transitions in a congruent set of quantum states in the visible region of the spectrum -- giving rise to the radiated colors observed in Aurora Borealis.
The right velocity for the electron emission will be dependent on the convergence and the strength of the magnetic field chosen for the experiment. Since such a simulation will be a microscopic simulation of the North Magnetic Pole, some calculations will help to determine a proper range for this electron emission velocity.
5.10 Blue Jets, Red Sprites and Elfs
This relatively new area of research provides a fascinating confirmation and model for this new unified field theory. Blue jets, red sprites and Elfs are prone to occur above high-intensity thunder storms. (see the 1994 artist's drawing)

click here for enlargement

Courtesy of

A burst of electrons is emitted from a high-energy field in a thunderstorm and spews off into space following definite lines. It achieves heights approaching 80 km in less than a second. Velocities of Mach 300 have been measured. The blue jets occur first above the clouds and are not always observed. Above the blue jets, toward the top of the burst, the red sprites, as they have come to be called, are formed. The elfs are doughnut rings of electromagnetic radiation going out horizontally, but above the storm system, at the time of the burst.
From the new theory, we understand that the energy-density field in the highly energetic storm system acts a little bit like a lens for the diallel gravitational field lines. This is like a ray of light hitting a lens; the light is refracted and bent according to the principle of least action. This principle, as has been demonstrated for standing eggs, works for diallel lines as well causing them to be bent at boundaries where there are changes in the energy-density field.
The attached image shows a spectacular and classic example of this lensing effect as the blue jets focus electrons along the diallel gravitational field lines of this cone-shaped burst of energy -- mimicking an optical lens to some degree. There is a very high energy build-up in the thundercloud storm system where these blue jets originate. As these electrons burst off into space along diallel lines which have been focused by this energy-density field lens, electromagnetic energy is emitted at right angels (called elfs) -- forming an outward going doughnut. These photons will likely be polarized as they come from a quantum emission from this energy-density lens. These elfs are somewhat like the lateral energy release at the time of a nuclear explosion. In fact, the elfs, blue jets and red sprites are like a miniature nuclear explosion, but in a different part of the spectrum as to emissions and colors -- different set of quantum states for the diallel field lines as a result of the much lower energy density.
The velocity and focused energy of the electrons is such that they emit in the blue. As this blue photon energy is bled off of this cone, when the cone gets small enough the system transitions to a lower quantum state -- setting up a new energy-density lens at the top of the blue cone. This in turn brings about a focusing of other free electrons which have also been emitted from this thunder-storm cloud's energy release. All of these then combine to form a new red cone emitting in the red part of the spectrum at a lower energy level. The new theory predicts the possibility of another transition at the top of the "Red Sprite," which cause the electrons to emit photons in the infrared, which haven't been photographed to date -- not anticipating this phenomena.
5.11 Sunspot Activity, Magnetic Fields and Planetary Positions
According to equation (1) above the flow of electrons from the sun to the planets will be a function of energy density presented by the planets to the sun. The sun is the source, the planets the sink for this electron flow. When in balance, this electron flow is like food to the earth -- bringing about the balance of nature most desirable for life.
At the core of the sun is a sustained nuclear fusion process, which is influenced by the electron flow. As the electron flow increases, the energy released in thermo-nuclear fusion increases, and some of this energy propagates readily along the diallel gravitational field lines of the sun to its surface -- triggering the sunspot activity where nuclear fission and numerous other molecular and chemical processes take place. These processes also contribute directly to electron emission from the sun. The ionosphere of the earth, for example, is impacted directly by the solar activity at the surface of the sun.
The conductance to electrons presented by the planets mainly draws electrons from the sun along its magnetic spin axis, but also accepts electron emitted by the sun's surface. This is because the flow is a direct function of the energy-density per equation (1), and hence where there is the highest concentration of diallel field lines for this conductance.
Both the magnetic field of a planet as well as its energy density at the core will be key contributors to the conductance presented. Since the direction of spiraling for the electrons is the same for the diallel gravitational field lines as for the north magnetic field lines, the presentation of the north magnetic pole causes a greater attraction of electrons than the presentation of the south magnetic pole to the sun. Hence, the seasons of the planets are important to this electron flow, as are the spin tilt axes, as well as their position in their inclined orbital plane. A highly non-linear situation exists here because the flow of electrons directly affects the magnetic field while the magnetic field affects the attraction of electrons from the sun. In addition, the electron flow through a planet affects the fission process at the center for those that have this process taking place.
The solar magnetic field has reversed direction about every 11 years -- nominally synchronous with the sunspot cycle. So the north magnetic pole of the sun has repeated about every 22 years -- at least in the recent recorded past. The period of 22 years is by no means precise, and solar maxima have not been well predicted to much better than about a year out of the 11 year half cycle (a solar maximum occurs once per half cycle). Barnes, in fact, has shown that the solar activity can be well modeled as narrow-band filtered noise, which is completely consistent with this new unified field theory. [ref Dr. James A. Barnes] In other words, the peaks and valleys of the solar cycle vary greatly in magnitude and duration from cycle to cycle as they depend on the position and tilt of each planet and its conductance presented for this electron flow.
Given the significant amount of variability, this new theory provides a plausible driving mechanism for the reversal of the magnetic poles of the sun as well as for the magnitude and duration of the solar activity level. Furthermore, it can lead to much better predictability of not only the solar maxima, but also of their duration and magnitude. In addition, this theory gives rise for a mechanism for the magnetic field of the planets to change and reverse.
The explanation is as follows: the position of the planets in the solar system with respect to each other and with respect to the sun determine the flow of electrons along the diallel lines. It is like having paths of conductivity and resistivity for the solar emissions as the planets move with respect to the spin axis of the sun. Here, we have to account for both the tilt angle of the planets as well as their orbital planes as we look at conductivity and resistivity for emission electron paths. The sun is the source, the planets are the sinks and their parallel augmentation directly affects the effective conductivity -- hence the flow (quantity) of electrons.
As an illustrative example, the periods of the planets and their harmonic relationship to the period of the solar sunspot cycle are shown in the following table.
Planets' Periods and Ratio to Solar Magnetic Cycle
Planet Period Ratio
Neptune 88 days
224.7 days
1.0 year
1.88 years
11.86 years
29.46 years
84.01 years
164.8 years 3:274
Harmonic Relationship between Planets' Periods
and Solar Magnetic Cycle
In general terms, we see these integer harmonic relationships between the main planet periods and the solar magnetic period of 22 years. The inference is that 22 years is in a harmonic relationship with the periods of the planets. According to our new unified field theory the electron flow in the solar system along diallel gravitational field lines will be impacted directly by these harmonic relationships as the planets increase and decrease their susceptibility to electrons from the sun -- since it is the source. This will then cause a repeat in the direction of electron flow through the center of the sun with a 22 year period. The planets being nominally out of phase on the 11 year half cycle will induce a reversal of the magnetic field.
All of the gas-giant planets plus the earth have significant magnetic fields. Aurora have been observed on Jupiter and Saturn. These magnetic fields increase the electron receptivity of these planets, and they are principal in their harmonic relationships with the solar magnetic cycle. Here the A2 term in equation (1) becomes very important as we consider energy flow (electrons especially) along parallel diallel gravitational-field lines as a pair of planets with significant magnetic fields comes into alignment with the sun.
Using the software developed by William Riley for characterizing the performance of the clocks used in the Global Positioning System (GPS), all of the recorded sunspot activity data were analyzed to look for planetary resonances (see the "FREQUENCY STABILITY" of "totalssn.txt" figure). As one looks at the plot, one sees peaks and valleys for sigma -- the frequency stability. Sigma minimum values (valleys) can occur when J (tau) is equal to the period (1/frequency) of a periodic phenomena that is present in the data. The first major minimum corresponds to 10 times the orbit period of the Earth, 5 times the orbit period of Mars, and to the orbit period of Jupiter. The second minimum corresponds to the 22 year period of the sunspot cycle. The third minimum corresponds to the orbit period of Saturn. The J values are not long enough to detect the orbit periods of Uranus and Neptune. If one studies the stability data in detail, very slight minima occur at the orbit period J values for the Earth and Mercury.
Since the periods, Ji, of the planets are well known, one can form the following equation as a model for the magnetic field conductance for the ith planet:
Ci = Ai cos(2Bt/Ti + Bi) *
*" B" should read "pi"
All the planets except Mercury, Venus and Pluto seemed to have significant magnetic coefficients. According to equation (1) the value of Bi should correspond with north-magnetic pole solstice for a planet, in other words, when the north-magnetic pole is facing the sun to the greatest extent. This was tested for the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn and the average agreed to about 1 percent of a cycle with a standard deviation of 15 percent. Like the sun, the data give evidence that the magnetic poles of Jupiter and Saturn are also changing. It appears that Saturn's field has changed this century and Jupiter's is changing slowly. Currently, the magnetic field direction for Jupiter and Saturn are opposite that of the Earth, and Jupiter's is slowly increasing.
Because of the highly non-linear nature of the conductance causing the electron flow from the sun, frequency differences are also present in the data. It seems that the principle term in the sunspot cycle is due to the difference (or beat) frequency between the changing magnetic field of Jupiter and Jupiter's orbit frequency.
Again according to equation(1), the parallel portion given by the equation shows itself in a fundamental way as a pair of planets line up with the sun. This occurs frequently and adds significantly to the electron flow from the sun and hence in the model for the sunspot activity. For example, the big sunspot peak around 1960 corresponds almost exactly with the alignment of Jupiter and Neptune. Since Jupiter's magnetic field appears to be increasing, which is consistent with the two sets of Voyager data, the magnetic field of Neptune must be decreasing -- to explain the sunspot data observed.
A model was developed using the planetary data as an estimate of the driving mechanism for the sunspot data. The actual and the model of the sunspot data are shown in the figure for this century. The model is projected through the year 2,000. (See the figure)
5.12 Alignment of the Planets, 5 May 2000
There has been a lot of discussion about the coming nominal alignment of the planets, which reaches its best alignment about 3 May 2000. The last time such an alignment occurred is estimated to have been 6,000 years ago. This is misleading and not correct. Classical gravitational theory predicts a small and relatively insignificant impact on earth tides and weather patterns from this alignment. The figure shows the relative position of the planets during this early May 2000 alignment.
From this new unified field theory, the principal issue is the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, which actually occurs about 13 June 2000. Numerous similar alignments have taken place during this century. That Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are in somewhat close alignment is not of great significance, because equation(1) requires them to much closer than they will be at this time. The parallel part of equation(1) tells us that the closer the alignment the more significant is the effect on the energy-density.
However, as one can see from the general model, this new theory does predict the sunspot activity to continue increasing throughout the year 2000. The resulting excess electron flow along with the extra core heating of the Earth due to the accumulated effects of all the nuclear bomb testing activity integrated since the 1940s and onward give rise to excess earth-core heating and with some thinning of the earth's crust -- causing an increase in the probability of earth quakes, and increased weather activity. During this time the Aurora Borealis for the earth could become very large. This could also be true for Jupiter and Saturn.
Fortunately, the Earth will be on the opposite side of the sun from the other aligned planets. The principle conductivity path will then be away from us and toward the planets on the other side of the sun. If the earth were in that path, it would be party to this heavy electron flow. Then things could be much more intense. But being on the opposite side gives to us the secondary effect of a maximum build up of the sunspot activity. This will also significantly impact our ionosphere, which secondarily could affect communications and space probes.
5.13 Solution to a Space Mystery
John Anderson and colleagues of NASA JPL, experts in the determination of space-craft position, have published discrepancies observed in the locations of Pioneer I, Pioneer II and of the Ulysses solar probe. To date the discrepancies in the data cannot be fully explained. They have raised the question as to whether there is a fundamental problem in our understanding of gravity or time. The space vehicles exhibit a pull toward the sun greater than current theory would predict.
Equation (1) explains why additional "tug" toward the sun occurs. Each of the vehicles has an RTG plutonium-powered nuclear reactor for the generation of local power. This increases significantly the energy-density for the vehicle and causes a focusing of gravitational diallel field lines from the sun -- resulting in an extra gravitational pull. The effect is small, but measurable.
An experiment could be conducted on the earth to validate this hypothesis. One of these RTGs could be placed on a sensitive balance scale. According to this new theory, its weight will be slightly greater when turned on than when off. Perhaps an even simpler experiment could be conducted by taking a high energy transformer and placing it on a sensitive balance with an appropriate load to pull the energy through the transformer. When the transformer is fed power, it should weigh slightly more than when off.
One could also see this effect in proximity of electric-power stations. The diallel gravitational field lines will again be distorted slightly because of the high energy density in the very large transformers associated with these stations. If one could place a plumb-bob at various positions over the top of one of these power stations, perturbations in local verticals would be observed.
An additional experiment would be to place a pendulum over one of these stations. Its period could be measured with a laser and a corner reflector on the bob. The pendulum would tend to speed up slightly in the presence of the increased density of the diallel field lines immediately over the transformer substation. It would also tend to swing asymmetrically when located away from the center of the substation and far enough away to not be disturbed by it.