Monday, May 02, 2005

The INGENEZA Hypothesis and the Canon of Beauty


Have you ever pondered the true nature of physical reality? Well, the following hypothesis, by Polish physicist, Tadeusz Teller, was the inspiration which led to my own search for answers, please read Awakening the Quantum Eye pts 1-3 for more details. The source of this hypothesis can be found here, where you will find pictures! YAY! I have posted his hypothesis here only because I fear that someday his site may no longer be up, and I wanted to preserve this intriguing hypothesis. Well, enough said, Enjoy.

The INGENEZA Hypothesis and the Canon of Beauty
by Tadeusz Teller

In this treatise a hypothesis concerning the cause of the harmonious development of the cosmos is presented. It arose as a consequence of the synthesis of knowledge obtained from different areas of science with the cooperation of scientists from a number of Universities.
In light of this work the Universe appears to be much more complete and beautiful than previously expected.
This author is the original proposer of the INGENEZA hypothesis. This hypothesis was published in 1994.
Non-material Ingeneza functions integrally with cosmic matter, creating its living organism.

INGENEZA is the primordial genetic information coded with configurations of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).


INGENEZA is the primordial genetic information contained in every atom.


INGENEZA is coded with specific sets of configurations of the elementary particles in atom's nucleus.


INGENEZA is the primordial genetic information coded in atoms, with specifically configured sets of elementary particles in atom's nucleus.


Atoms contain, carry and transform Ingeneza (information).

Chaos does not mean disorder - chaos is the "primordial order".

The essence of life is tied to quantum chromo - dynamics.

Ingeneza is a factor organizing arrangements of energy and matter in a purposeful manner. Due to Ingeneza, the universe develops as an integral organism. Due to Ingeneza our mind functions, so we can explore the Universe. If Einstein knew the internal construction of the atomic nucleus, and its quantum chromodynamics which encode Ingeneza, he would have been able to cross the barrier he encountered in his research, but this information was not available to him. If Ingeneza had been discovered earlier, we would not have walked into the dead end of Darwinism, which states that everything, including our mind, happened as an evolutionary accident.

1. Ingeneza is the imperative (universal controlling function) for the integral and harmonious development of the universal organism structure, including life on the Earth.

Ingeneza -> energy -> matter --> Life

(also, Ingeneza ^ energy ^ matter = Life)

2. Atoms are the carriers of Ingeneza. Intranuclear structure, like the structure of a seed, isn't accidental, but is a deliberate "apparatus" for encoding, storing, transforming, and transferring Ingeneza to realize its advancement of life.
Atoms can exchange Ingeneza. Messengers of Ingeneza are phonons and photons.

3. A logical "undetermined" movement of elementary particles in the nucleus of atoms (quarks and gluons) encodes Ingeneza. They create different configurations of mutual interplay, each lasting sub-billionth of a second. Each configuration of particles is at the same time (simultaneously) an information and an impulse implying the imperative for development. Up to this time, science recognized only the impulses and vectors of action, but not the agent, which purposely control these impulses.
I don't search why Ingeneza was created, because I don't want to touch religious aspect of the problem. Instead, I point to material proves of perpetual action of non-material Ingeneza.
Well known physicist and philosopher S. Hawking in his "Origin of the Universe" said: "These laws (Laws of Science - T.T.) may have been ordained by God, but it seems that He does not intervene in the universe, to break the laws."
I think, that if God created laws of science, such as fundamental low of Ingeneza, they are so perfect, that He has no needs to intervene to make sure the Universe keeps developing in harmony. The Universe is left on its own, and INGENEZA takes care for that development.

Farther in this document, I present proofs that the programs of Ingeneza continuously intervene in the Universe'' development.

4. Ingeneza programs are subject to the canon of beauty, and this is why universal elements on the microscopic and macroscopic scales are harmonized, interdependent and mutually useful in such a way that they create the universe's organisms. Thanks to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, we can say that at the quantum level acts the law of opportunity in choosing events, what makes that the Universe is not determined with mechanistic invariable (steady) algorithm. Its just opposite - Universe is a living organism controlled by Ingeneza from within atom development program of the Universe is open and reformable, and in the range of the canon of beauty can adopt various forms of life (i.e. protein life on earth, or organs like the brain, and others).
Thanks to the low of non-cloning at quantum level (W.K. Wootters, W.H. Zurek) progress in development is guaranteed (is a must). Mutations are also forms of development.

5. Ingeneza (information) is an immaterial agent. "Information is information, not matter or energy". This important concept was proposed by the American information theorist - N. Wiener in 1948. We can now elaborate - information is an immaterial agent transported by matter and energy. Transportation medium does not change information.
Proof: information written on paper (matter), read by voice (acoustic wave) and recorded on a magnetic tape is, after some time, replayed and transmitted at the speed of light as radio waves and once again reproduced as acoustic waves. These acoustic sounds are received by hearing organs and further transmitted to brain neurons - but the information is still the same information. This information cannot be identified within the mentioned material or energetic transmitters. Since information can be transmitted at the speed of light (i.e. radio wave) we can deduce that information carries no mass, therefore, it is an immaterial agent. That applies to DNA replication of genetic information while atoms pass information to other atoms. The end-effect is that we inhere ancestor's characteristics.
Genetic information, as the immaterial factor, is not bound by mathematical laws.
Proof: During conception a live sperm connects with live egg, and that adds as:
1 life + 1 life = 1 life, or 2 , 3, 4 lives (twins, triplets, etc.), depending how genetic information controls laws of physics. Mathematical approach is different: 1 set of atoms + 1 set of atoms = 2 sets of atoms, even if zygote dies and 1 life + 1 life = 0 lives. Conclusion is, that the tools for research of essence of life - Ingeneza - should be imagination and NOT laws of physics or mathematics.

6. Ingeneza utilizes the laws of physics to realize programs of development while it operates in the microscopic scale, what transforms to the macroscopic scale as well. Mankind in his actions, also, utilizes the laws of physics, however, the majority of these are utilized unconsciously, thanks to the activity of Ingeneza on the quantum level (i.e. purposeful metabolic processes in the brain).
Proof: Humans can program their movements - two steps forwards and then two steps right, and subconsciously utilizing the laws of physics they can realize these movements. They can also, using these same laws of physics, draw different figures i.e. flakes of snow asymmetrically combined from different snowflakes, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Fake snowflake.

In nature such compilations don't appear, since this infringes on the canon of beauty - all parts of a snow flake must be in a homogenous and harmonious configuration, as nature is bound down by the canon of beauty - see Figure 2.

Figure 2. Snowflakes, by W. A. Bentley

This fact provides the important proof that the shapes of snowflakes are not products of a chance, but each of them is programmed beforehand by Ingeneza and consequently formed utilizing the laws of physics operating on the quantum level, and higher. That law affects all nature:

non-material program --> material realization.

Ingeneza uses, as one of its tools, morphogenic electromagnetic field. Proof: Electric lightning, during storm, interfere with a weak electromagnetic field of a snowflake, and therefore hail falls, that is depraved of canon of beauty.
The act of drawing demands conversion of variety of information. The immaterial mind affects matter with the help of material brain structures and the nervous system. Brain structures are very complex, and they are difficult to analyze. There are simpler examples in the nature. Our egocentrism makes it difficult to analyze. Lets follow Copernicus, who abolished egocentric myth that the Earth is the center of the Universe. Also, a false theorem still exists, saying that information processing and coding is done only in atoms included in the brain ...

7. Very complex information processing not only happens in the brain but also in somatic cells of all organisms, even in primitive ones like the fungus Pilobolus Crystallinus.

Figure 3. Pilobolus Crystallinus, by Noll.

These organisms undertake the accurate and technically very difficult task of spore launching, what is the subject of an experiment. At the beginning one set of fungi is exposed to sunlight. All the fungi grow parallel to one another. Later, a cover with a small hole is placed over the fungi. All Pilobolus Crystallinus "units" start pointing towards the hole. The fungi convert visual information to "calculate" the ballistic trajectory (artillerymen know this is not easy), in such a way that the direction and the force of the blast lets the spore reach its objective. The results of the calculations must be transmitted by an enzyme, which carries energy and instruction to deliberately conform matter. Such conformation envelops the cooperation of a few billion proteins and many genes acting in the fungal cells. Analysis of this phenomenon is very difficult, however, even simpler phenomena can be analyzed.

Crystals can process complex information.
8. I state, that crystals can process complex information. This phenomenon can be analyzed by observing snowflakes. Each snowflake is different but each one is subject to the canon of beauty. Since 1885, when W. A. Bentley made the first snowflake photograph, different hobbyists have taken pictures of snowflakes trying to find two similar shapes ... without results. Unrecurring snowflakes shapes come from non-cloning of Ingeneza (more in section 23).
Author's insight research on snowflake shapes allowed to discover many nature's secrets, and prove that H20 molecules can process complex information. I recognized, that snowflakes can regenerate damaged branches, similarly like plants. Flakes are formed from water molecules, which occupy a preprogrammed place in the space. This requires a very quick conversion of information, which in a fraction of a second controls billions of water molecules to form a new unique snow flake. This task is especially difficult when the necessity of repair arises in a damaged snowflake caused by wind collisions. "Calculations" are needed to find how much and where to add water molecules to compensate for surface and mass loss. Those calculations are done in the nuclei of H20 atoms.
Compare flakes in Figure 4 and in Figure 5 (below). Their shapes differ decisively. Snowflake 1 has three axis, and snowflake 2 has six axis of symmetry. We see that snowflake 2 has asymmetrically developed opposite branches, in such a way that the narrower branch had to, in accordance with the program, yield to the more developed branch. Here we have proof that the shape of a snowflake is uniquely preprogrammed (at the start point).

Transposition of axis.

BC - transposition of axis.

Figure 4. Regenerated snowflake 1.

In the act of falling, snowflake 1 encountered an accident, which broke off one branch and the displaced its symmetry axis (probably due to a collision with another snowflake). This caused the displacement of it's center of mass and shift to its balance, endangering further collisions with other snowflakes. To prevent this, Ingeneza in the snowflake initiated a fixing program by an asymmetrical weighting of this branch. That action balanced the center of mass of the whole crystal. The snowflake could fall properly and fulfill its function.

Figure 5. Regenerated snowflake 2.
The distance AB and BC are different.

This regulation of mass is recognized in different crystals i.e. in the building of flake 2 (two branches shown enlarged). We can see the replacing development of branch fragments, which regenerate the accidental loss of other branches.

The scheme of snowflake regeneration is similar to a slow regeneration and the canon of beauty in broken tree branches, as shown in Figure 6 below.

Figure 6. Asymmetric branch added to fill-in gap.

Thus we have proof that the conversion of information not only takes place in the brain ... just a few atoms - here hydrogen and oxygen in a snowflake - with their quantum mechanisms are enough (more in sections 16 to 19).

One can conclude that:

Uncertainty allows electron to transmit primordial genetic information.
9. Information is coded and converted in molecules of H20 since they solely participate in the creation of shape and the decisions of repair. Creation of snowflakes happens in a split second when billions of water molecules are utilized. This shows that the programming of the shape and impulses of its action must happen in less than a picosecond (< 10-12). This short time is necessary to control each molecule purposefully to create a shape. Question arises, if an "apparatus", which converts information billion times faster than the human brain, exist? The answer is yes! This happens because the human brain in the tract of conversion of information uses phonons - waves of quasi particles dispersing at the speed of sound, also enzymes and RNA travel in neurons even slower, however the "apparatus" of a nucleus (atom's "brain") functions at the speed of light.
10. Discovery of Ingeneza in atoms.
In 1982, author made this important observation. It came about through analysis of results of an experiment related to the basis of transmission of information combined with the Principle of Uncertainty discovered by W. Heisenberg (Nobel prize 1936). It is known that to transmit information in an acoustic or electromagnetic wave one must introduce, depending on the content of the information, a logical parameters dispersion DP around the average value of these complex waves. All other media carrying information must have logically undetermined parameters, and that uncertainty is the essence of transmission of the content of information. Transmission of information with a carrier in the microscopic scale can't happen without a logical dispersion DP of its parameters. Heisenberg discovered that in the movement of atom's electrons there appears uncertainty in position and momentum, where Df and Dp are the measure of variation the value around its average value. This is an important prerequisite, which author uses to state that an electron transmits genetic information using this "undetermined" but logical movement. Further proofs (gathered later by author) from crystallography, molecular biology and quantum chromodynamics confirmed author's early assumption.

11. Ingeneza purposely controls the laws of physics - realizing the program which evolves the Universe. The second law of thermodynamics states that elements in a closed system tend to seek their most probable distribution. However, in contradiction to this, the Universe perpetually develops integrally. Similarly as a plant develops on soil so does our universe develop on the base of the non-baryon matter. Different forms of matter and energy are formed with harmonized arrangements. An example is protein life on the Earth.
Thus, we have proof that an agent exists, organizing energy and matter into their purposeful arrangement - it is Ingeneza. The life-giving role of Ingeneza is revealed at the moment of death of a plant, animal or man. When the program of Ingeneza stops (in humans an encephalographic display shows the disappearance of brain waves which control the body), the second law of thermodynamics is fulfilled. In matter, which took part in this phenomenon of life, begins the "chaos" of atoms and decomposition, and the features of the canon of beauty in an organism disappear
Chaos does not mean disorder - chaos is the "primordial order".
Conclusion: The arrangements of matter and energy in the universe and the development of earthly organisms is controlled by the immaterial agent - Ingeneza. Development and beauty of the Universe is a proof of purposeful action of Ingeneza in the whole Universe and in every atom.

12. Repetitiveness of development schemes is the proof of the workings of Ingeneza. Plants, flowers and seeds, similarly as galaxies, stars, and atoms are repeated. We have proof that in the whole universe there exist repeating schemes of development subject to Ingeneza program. Because in the beginning the hydrogen atoms existed, we can conclude that they contained primordial genetic information - the imperative of development. They were able to create attractive forces (attractors) around which developed fluctuations of symmetrical force fields which began the birth of protogalaxies.

13. Streams of photons carry Ingeneza on the macroscopic scale.
Analysis of photochemical and optical phenomenon and the research of the sense of sight permit the confirmation of the following thesis:
1. Atoms can send and receive Ingeneza with the help of photons.
2. Energy and the internal dynamics of photons serve to carry the interaction of Ingeneza.
3. Different atoms contain and process different logons * of Ingeneza.
4. Ingeneza is the imperative to development.
* logon is my call on the smallest set of Ingeneza information (similar to a bit in a computer).
Solar radiation carries photons. The photons - elementary particles - are carriers of electromagnetic interaction. They interact with earthly atoms causing development. Some of them are absorbed, and other ones can bounce back many times. Atoms interact with bouncing photons. In the action of bouncing a conjunction of Ingeneza happens - one carried by photons and other one contained in atoms. This commonly occurring phenomenon is utilized by the senses of sight and in the process of photography. Interaction of photons with a light sensitive emulsion creates a colorful picture. It is a fraction of information-ingeneza carried by reflected photons (a spectrometer can read additional information i.e. which elements emit photons reaching us, etc.). We can draw a conclusion, that photons of various atoms and various molecules code and transmit various logons of Ingeneza.

Figure 7. Light dispersion.

Light dispersion shows, that photons have structure and dynamics adapted to carry Ingeneza and quants of action forcing the Universe to develop. White light has uncertain wavelength and wave amplitude - it its a sum of multiple colors, that in turn, is able to carry infinite amount of information. Proofs of that (images) we have in our eyes on the retina, and on photography.

14. Photons don't interact with each other. Their task is the transmission of Ingeneza, and through inducing variety of reactions they realize the imperative of that development. An example is interaction of photons with photo-receptors on human skin. Interpretation of carried Ingeneza is performed by brain and the pineal gland, producing hormone melatonin. That hormone is the carrier of transposed Ingeneza, due to conjunction of Ingeneza carried by photons and inherent Ingeneza. That clearly points to a conclusion that photon structure and dynamics (same applies to atom) is not just an accident, but it is a very purposeful creation, acting as a carrier and deliverer of Ingeneza, and its imperative of development.

15. All levels in the organization of matter (starting with atoms) are subject to the canon of beauty.
Research in theoretical physics allows to think, that relationship of the canon of beauty, which all nature is obligated, has its roots in the Ingeneza program, and also in purposely shaped mechanics and electrodynamics of atoms.
A simple explanation can be shown with the comparison of atomic mechanics to the string of a musical instrument. A vibrating string propagates a train of integer half wave lengths without fractions. In the atom there also exist similarly (singularly) defined wavelengths with the defined energy of a particle. The state of an electron can have only certain defined energy levels. In an atom, like in a tuned instrument, are only allowed discrete levels of energy and wavelengths (de Broglie electron waves = 2L/n, where n = 1, 2, 3...- numbers) - according to the canon of beauty. This shows that the basic instruments (atoms) created to play the great symphony of life were perfectly harmonized. On these atomic instruments plays Ingeneza. To realize its goals, Ingeneza utilizes one of the laws of the canon of beauty - uncertainty guaranteeing the law of events, and direction of development. To explain further, we return to a music instrument. Singular sounds and chords can be used by man in an arbitrary sequence (arbitrary choice of events) to create a melody. Immaterial information comes from a mathematically indescribable but a logical series of sounds. A beautiful melody, by acoustic resonance, transmits the activation energy of psychic processes, and it can arouse or calm us. Similarly Ingeneza, using the rhythm of elementary particles and the logical melody of hyper sounds - phonons emitted by the electron reverberating in crystals formed from different atoms, controls energy to realize its program obligated by the canon of beauty. Another example is the snowflake model.
16. Research in crystallography permits to prove the following theory:
1. Ingeneza uses morphogenetic electromagnetic fields and quasi particle waves to deliberately shape matter and energy.
2. Crystals, similarly as plants, process complex information.
3. Ingeneza can be processed in a brain, and also in a particle of H20.
4. Ingeneza programs are obligated wit the canon of beauty.

In crystals function phonons tied to atoms vibrations. The bigger the atomic weight - the smaller frequency. When a crystal is formed from various atoms and in its elemental cell is more than one atom, oscillations are generated with discrete harmonic frequencies. These are phonon quasiparticle waves - harmonic hyper sounds. A phonon is a quasiparticle of sound. They are able to transmit activation energy for metabolic processes, by harmonic acoustic resonance.
For the creation of spatial processes an electromagnetic interaction is necessary. These fields refer to the point of an attractor around which the process of organization starts. Such a field can be formed by the polarization of atomic spins. If a different field of higher energy interrupts this field, then the process of organization is disturbed. In a thunderstorm instead of snowflakes, hail is formed since the weak electromagnetic field of the snow flake is interrupted by a strong electromagnetic field. Strong magnetic fields can also interrupt the development of organisms controlled by DNA.

17. DNA is a crystalline substance, made of five elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and phosphorous, which gives a harmonic quintet of vibration. By means of these frequencies with a harmonic resonance, Ingeneza selectively transmits the activation energy of metabolic chemical processes. Participating in this are all (100 %) of the DNA's nucleotide atoms within the coded genome, and not only the approximate 10% which codes proteins - this is how a cell knows which protein it needs at a given time. The "inactive" sections of the DNA - introns (junk DNA), are the key to functioning of DNA. Those sections must exist, and might be one of the most significant in the functioning of DNA. Those sections are NOT inactive.

18. Snowflake structure points to pre-existence of a program, that builds the snowflake. One could draw the conclusion that such a development from a non-material program of Ingeneza to a material structures applies not only to the water crystals but also to all cosmic structures, including protein life, and protein memory tracks in a brain.

19. Molecular biology provides proofs that atoms are carriers of Ingeneza. Atoms can transmit ingeneza to different atoms, co-oped to the needs of DNA replication. Proofs are provided by the multiplying of the virus T2 with the use of marked atoms (isotopes), which went into its DNA. It was found that over 50% of these atoms were transferred to its "offspring" (Biology, C.A. Willee, Harvard University 1967). This signifies that the repeated process of replication of genetic information (great knowledge of building, and immaterial instincts of parasitic reproduction) happens with the use of hydrogen atoms creating bridges between old "educated" atoms and co-oped atoms not possessing this information.

20. Further proofs that atoms are carriers of Ingeneza come from the knowledge of structure and mechanics of protons as discovered by E. Nehera and B. Sakmana (Nobel prize 1991). This concerns the existence of ionic canals in cell membranes used to mutual transmittance of information between cells. They discovered, that cells communicate with the help of ionic streams of sodium and potassium, but they didn't state what kind of information this relates to (perhaps this relates to the building of an eye or a brain). They didn't explain how ions transmit instructions since at that time the internal structure of protons or Ingeneza was unknown.

21. Research of chaos phenomena shows Ingeneza at work. In reality, chaos does not indicate disorder. Seemingly chaotic turbulent movements of gases or liquids show features of order (organization) at the level possible for actualization (in fast movement). It was a surprise to discover (Taylor vortex) that molecules create continuous transformations mutually organized systems, despite fast flow. Those patterns have signs of an "elegance" and symmetry around an attractor. Infinite number of shapes, same as with snowflakes, can not be described with a mathematical equation.
These facts state that an agent exists, which determines an order on every level, even on the level of elementary particles. It is Ingeneza.

The essence of life is connected to quantum chromodynamics.
22. Atoms are carriers and doers (executors) of Ingeneza programs - as shown above. Further proof demonstrate this. We know that at the beginning there was hydrogen, from hydrogen stars were created which in turn synthesized other elements and the whole Universe, which proves that the imperative of development was coded in the hydrogen atoms. What does the nucleus of hydrogen contain? Internal research of the proton from the 60s and 70s with the use of high energy electrons passed through liquid hydrogen, was done in the USA and European labs (SLAC, CERN, DESY). The results of the program HERMES in 1995 showed a great harmony and quantum uncertainty of processes in nucleus interior.
Full quantum description of the QCD shows complicated "dance" of the quarks and anti-quarks (red contours), including strange-quarks (violet). The sample picture (to the left) of a single configuration is just an anticipation of all possible quantum uncertainties and dynamic fluctuations. A precise description, of how that dance creates proton spin, is still too difficult to calculate, and scientist slowly try to uncover it with experiments (by Klaus Rith and Shafer).

Figure 8. QCD of nucleus, program HERMES, by Klaus Rith and Shafer.
Naively, we would have concluded that this phenomenon is an act of chance, only because it surpasses the ability of human imagination to visualize the precision and speed of action of this internal structure. Analysis of these phenomena, in the view of Ingeneza, leads to a conclusion that atomic nuclei are processors which convert information and act as the tools of expression to actualize Ingeneza. Thanks to it, the life of organisms and the operation of their brains is possible.

23. The structure of an atom and its internal mechanics are able to create various mutual configurations of elementary particles. They cause quantum fluctuation of symmetrical interactions. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) gives this description - theory of strong interactions of these components of matter (stable and unstable), which were assigned quantum numbers called colors. In these reactions are involved quarks (three different colors) and connecting gluons (two colors). It is accepted, that there are eight agents of reaction (gluons of spin 1). Also, eight color charges exist (instead of one charge). Aside from the three valence quarks, pairs of quarks and anti quarks appear and disappear. These are mesons, connecting neutrons and protons inside atoms. Each configuration of particles and their reaction is the information and a quantum of action to actualize the imperative of development. The speed of reaction of these structures permits the control of billions of proteins inside a cell. The time of action to configure coding and impulses of action maybe as short as life of some mesons - about 10-24 of a second, when quarks, gluons and mesons move at nearly the speed of light.
The most important thing, for us to understand, is that these configurations are not determined with a stable algorithm, but have uncertainty, what indicates that they are controllable and they can realize the imperatives of Ingeneza. Ingeneza programs, in a microscopic scale, arbitrary modulate dynamics of quantum fluctuations. That is mirrored on a macroscopic scale. One of the proofs is in a variety of snowflake shapes. This purposeful action appears in all repeatable structures of the cosmos - from atoms to galaxies. Also, in the forming of live organisms with their proteins and their brains. Repeatable does not mean identical, as information making the program can not be cloned at the quantum level - as it was proven by Wojciech Zurek and John Wheeler in 1982. This theorem and the Uncertainty Principle are tools of Ingeneza . They perpetually force mutations, leading to abrupt developments in a microscopic scale.
24. All information appearing in nature (including human-like) is formed from logons of Ingeneza (primordial genetic information). It can be assumed that the workings of the brain is based on a system with the multi-level conversion of Ingeneza. Conversions work in both directions - synthesis and analysis. Upon information synthesis, the first level takes place inside the "processor" of the nuclei. That generates secondary logons, which are received by electrons. Ingeneza logons transmission, at that stage, is done with gluons, mesons and photons. All three carriers move with the speed of light. Further transmission is done by electron at much slower speed of mechanical (or acoustical) vibrations, using quasi-particles excited in crystalline protein, and para-crystalline brain fluids. At this point further conjunction happens between Ingeneza logons, carried by phonons from each atoms, particles and genes. Phonons, by means of harmonic resonance, deliver energy of chemical activation of metabolism. In that way proteins are synthesized and information is "written" in a brain - memory track is created.
The scheme described above is simplified and shortcut, and omits intermittent quantum interactions, which are not fully understood at the present time.

25. Discovery of Ingeneza shows, that the natural selection (the Darwin's theory) is only a tertiary factor in the process of development of flora and fauna. Those factors are:
1. Ingeneza - imperative of development is actualized by a mean of non-cloning of Ingeneza at the quantum level, and that forces perpetual mutations of the program.
2. Predisposition of atoms to build molecules, crystals, macroelements, etc. Variety of those configurations is possible due to uncertainty of quantum dynamics.
3. The natural selection. Darwin's theory can even influence human activity. Less attractive products, for example - certain cars, are eliminated by the market, but this is not the law of the natural selection which creates these cars, but the human mind does it. Human mind uses laws of physics and proper tools to make those products. Similarly, Ingeneza uses laws of physics at the quantum level, such a way, that perpetual harmonic development of the cosmos is possible, including flora and fauna on the Earth.

26. Ingeneza controls the metamorphosis and creation of species in an abrupt fashion. Caterpillar living in one ecological domain, abruptly converts to a butterfly living in totally different environment. Metamorphosis can be reversed in next generations, or un-reversed - stable. See Figure 8 for explanation.
Caterpillar -> chrysalis -> butterfly Tadpole -> frog

Reptile egg -> reptile -> irreversible metamorphosis first bird

new species were created during life cycle of a single generation

Figure 9. Metamorphosis examples

Similarly, abrupt metamorphosis has happened in the first crop of flying insects. In world museums can be found many insects drowned in sap, asphalt and ash. None of them have undeveloped wings, because by the first generation they have had developed full wings.

Abrupt metamorphosis created, in the past, new species in a life cycle of a single generation. Seeding (burst) of metamorphosis brought to life new species, for example, from a particular reptiles birds were "metamorphosed". The development, which happened in the Cambrian era and spanned several tens of millions of years, formed the majority of multicellular protein organisms.

27. Each mutation or metamorphosis of organisms precedes program changes in the DNA nucleotides. These changes are controlled by Ingeneza which modulates the position of elemental particles in the atoms included in DNA (similarly, a program change in the mind of a carpenter makes him create a new table or a chair with the same tools).
The process of re-programming new organs of an organism requires the translation of Ingeneza to provide, for example, an answer to the size of wings required to fly insect, weighting few grams.

28. The translation of Ingeneza is similar to the translation of information in trigonometry. If we know the first parameter - length of one side and another parameter - angle, then the third argument - the length of the other side becomes a function of the parameters in the argument. Similar search scheme uses Ingeneza to utilize the quantum mechanics of atoms. Proton is formed with three valence quarks and many quasi-quarks. Different quarks encodes different sets of logons-arguments of Ingeneza. Logons-arguments are the unified, co-dependent parameters of mass, energy, frequency, etc. They are encoded with sets of configurations of their mutual interaction. Lets name those sets X, Y and Z. Gluons carry logons of Ingeneza from the set X (function argument), and those values of logons are assigned to logons in the set Y. As an outcome of that conjunction the searched (calculated) logon of Ingeneza is created in the set Z.
For example, the set Z could be the answer to the question from section 27, how to build a new wing of an insect.

29. On the quantum level information is sent with a quant of energy - the tool of interaction on the surroundings (with the use of electrons, and further phonons and photons) in order to cause development. It is necessary to distinguish immaterial information from interactive energy (controlled with that information).

30. Time - work in progress.

These presented proofs shows that all nature on the Earth and in all the Universe is influenced by a non-material factor, which organizes purposely systems of energy and matter, as well organism of cosmos and protein life on the Earth. That factor is the INGENEZA - primordial genetic information coded in atoms.
Discovery of Ingeneza opens new options of philosophy of science, where so far, materialistic-mechanistic paradigm reigns. That philosophy says, the life on the Earth is an act of a chance. The Darwin's theory, as I explained earlier, is only tertiary factor of life development.
Humans using their minds, which work due to Ingeneza in atoms of the brain, change consciously environment. One should remember, that programs of Ingeneza cause continuos development of the Universe and creation of homo sapiens.
We are participating in a fascinating program of development, which, thanks to the uncertain movement of elementary particles in atomic nuclei, gives us the law of choice - we can choose directions of our personal development. This development should be in agreement with the canon of beauty to which all of nature is subjected.

In this treatise, I just touched an immense implications that arise from the discovery of Ingeneza.
Because of lack of funding for my further studies, the following thesis have not been elaborated and published yet:
"Role of crystallite in creation of electromagnetic morphogenic field in plants.", DNA functions due to Ingeneza at the quantum level", and also, "Works of brain starts at the quantum level" - and more very important implications of the discovery of Ingeneza.

I would like to thank to scientists, who cooperated on my research, from the University of Wroclaw, the Medical Academy of Wroclaw and the Polytechnic of Wroclaw, also the Jagiellonski University in Krakow. Consultations and critical analysis were done free of charge by scientists from the those institutions.
Financial help, in issuing my book, was provided by the University of Wroclaw and by Hutmen in Wroclaw.
The hypothesis was created in 1993 and published in 1994 by the University of Wroclaw ("Czlowiek, Kosmos i Kanon Piekna", ISBN-83-229-1106-8, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1994).
Work on Ingeneza took a significant part of my life time. I would like to thank those who gratuitously helped me to reach my goals. Particularly, I would like to thank to my family, which patiently suffered my spiritual absence in their daily life. My family helped me on the merits of the research, and also financially.

Economic down-turn and recession in my country prevents me from finding sponsors to continue my work. However, I am optimistic, that one day sponsors allow me to propagate this controversial thesis across the whole World.
My works show that whole human race is bound to laws of Ingeneza and the canon of beauty. Thus, we have possibility, rights and duty to choose events, such a way to guarantee peace and perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to Ingeneza.


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