Saturday, May 07, 2005

..."When the Moon hits your [quantum] eye"....

The following is a passage from Amit Goswami's book The Self Aware Universe: how consciousness creates the material world. He is/was the professor of physics at the Institute of Theoretical Sciences at the University of Oregon.

"Perhaps the most important, and the most insidious, assumption that we absorb in our childhood is that of the material world of objects existing out there--independent of subjects, who are the observers. There is circumstantial evidence in favor of such an assumption. Whenever we look at the moon, for example, we find the moon where we expect it along its classically calculated trajectory. Naturally we project that the moon is always there in space-time, even when we are not looking. Quantum physics says no [emphasis added]. When we are not looking, the moon's possibility wave spreads, albeit by a miniscule amount. When we look, the wave collapses instantly; thus the wave could not be in space-time. It makes more sense to adapt the idealist metaphysic assumption: There is no object in space-time without a conscious subject looking at it. So quantum waves are like the Platonic archetypes (Please read Plato's Allegory of the Cave) in the transcedent domain of consciousness, and the particles that manifest upon our observation are the immanent shadows on the cave wall. Consciousness is the agency that collapses the wave of a quantum object, which exists in potentia making it an immanent particle in the world of manifestation..." ~Chapter Four p. 59-60

What is all of this talk of potentia, the transcendent domain of consciousness, and of the world of manifestation??? I welcome your thoughts.


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